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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1936)
PAGE TWO k~ FRIDAY, VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON --- -.... .. . -===--- i -~ t -= s = s - i . , ■ ==== J SOCIETY NEWS - CLUBS ■ FRATERNAL = i convention in the Dalles and Community Bids outlined the coming year’s work Teachers Welcome both for county and local units. A luncheon was an enjoyable oc A delightful occasion of last casion of the noon hour. Friday evening was the commun-I Mrs. Malmsten visited Mrs. J. ity reception for the teachers of• B. Wilkerson, former Vernonia the public schools of Vernonia | resident, during the late after and surrounding districts held in noon, Mrs. Wilkerson is a county the Washington school auditor- officer of the W.C.T.U., but was ium. unable to attend the sessions of Addresses of greetings were , the day because she was recover- made by Rev. W. O. Livingstone |jng from an attack of influenza. in behalf of the Christian church, | _______*_______ by Rev. H. R. Shtuerman for! ARMISTICE DAY PLANS the Evangelical church, and by TO BE AUXILIARY TOPIC Sam Hearing, president of the Plans for the observance of Chamber of Commerce in behalf Armistice Day will occupy most of that organization. Harold McEntire, principal of j of the business session at the the Vernonia high school, respon I next meeting of Vernonia Unit ded and introduced the faculty I of the American Legion Auxiliary members of his school. Ivan I which will be held in the Legion McCollom. superintendent of the ! hall at 8:00 p. m. on Tuesday Vernonia grade schools also re j evening, November 3rd. sponded and introduced mem j All members are urged to be bers of the teaching staffe of 1 present and those eligible to the Washington and Lincoln membership are also invited to attend, states Mrs. E. S. Thom schools. E. L. Sehorn, principal of the pson, president of the group. Pleasant Hill school spoke in COOTIE CLUB MEETS behalf of the teachers from the ¡AT MRS. GEO. COBAT’S nearby school districts. The evening’s program inclu-' The Cootie Club met at the ded several selections by the new 1 home of Mrs. George Cobat orchestra recently organized by Thursday, October 22. A de E. J. Douglass and C. R. Watts. lightful luncheon was served and Mrs. Enoch Dumas playd Percy the afternoon was spent playing Grainger’s “Country Garden” as Cootie. High score was won by a piano solo. Garland Monger Mrs. Roberta Mauer and conso- lation sang “Bells of the Sea. », A vocal ' ______ prize was given to Mrs. trio composed of Mrs. M. W- ! Bebe Greenia. Members present Mumbach and Mr. and Mrs. J. were Mrs. Grace Bundy, Mrs. F. Rose sang “Whispering Hope. »» 1 Roberta Mauer, Mrs. Gill, Mrs. Mrs. Ervin Ackley sang a solo, Sigvard, Mrs. Oneda Cobat, Mrs. "Fallen Leaves.” The orchestra Lavonne Halverson, Mrs. Babe and Mrs. i. Dumas - furnished music Qreenia Mrs. Rose Cobat and hour. j the h hostess. , during the refreshment . ... ........... -.................. Mrs. E. E. Garner presided. Ice cream, wafers and coffee MRS. SAUER E*NTERTAINS were served by a group of ladies MARTHA CIRCLE of the community. Autumn leaves The Martha circle was enter and late garden flowers formed tained by Mrs. A. W. Sauer Tues the decorations. , The general committee com day with 12 members present. prised of representatives from the Visitors included Mrs. Al Cai- Chamber of Commerce and from sen, Mrs. W. B. Howell and Mrs. the Christian and Evangelical Emma Weed. ______ *_______ churches, in charge of the ar- rangements, included J. W. Nich- I STUDY CLUB TOPIC IS ols, Rev. II. R. Sheuerman, How- GEO. SANTAYANA. ard Reeher, Mrs. W. O. Living- The life and writing of Geo. stone, Mrs. Jack Heenan, Zoe Santayana comprised the theme Miller and Mrs. E. E. Garner, ' for the Vernonia Study club’s A number of sub-committees I program presentel Thursday af- assisted. iternoon of last week at the home I iI MRS. O. ROBERTS IS HOSTESS Miss Ollie Roberts was hastess to the Pollyanna circle at her home Wednesday afternoon of last week. __________*__________ MRS. MALMSTEN ATTENDS COUNTY W.C.T.U. MEET Mrs. Sidney Malmsten. vice- president of the local unit of the W.C.T.U. attended a meeting of county and unit officers of the organization in St. Helens Wed nesday of last week. Mrs. Netia Buck, state president, of Portland was the principal speaker. She gave a report of the recent state --- ¿=~----- of Mrs. L. H. Roberson. Mrs. H. M. Bigelow gave a sketch of the writer’s life and work, Mrs. Judd Greenman re- viewed “The Last Puritan.” Mrs. A. J. Hughes will enter- tain the cluib at its next meet ing in November. LOYAL WOMEN MEET IN CHURCH PARLORS The Loyal Women met in the Christian church parlors Wednes day afternoon for their regular business and social hours. Mrs. J. M. Peachey and Mrs. R. A. Simmons were hostesses. ______ » OFFICIAL BOARD IS ENTERTAINED Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Living stone entertained members of the official board of the Christ- ian church at their home Mon- day night, The occasion was social in nature, and informal games furnished the entertain ment for a delightful evening. OCTOBER 30, 1936 Mrs. A. R. Stanton, Mrs. Frank Tidewater spent the week enJ Lines, Mrs. Alfred Bays and among relatives. i Mrs. Emma Weed. Mrs. E. H. Washburn took ______ »_______ her father, A. Lester, to Kai- CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR ispell, Mont., Oct. 18, and return TO SPONSOR CARNIVAL ed last Friday, traveling 1850 NOVEMBER 6 miles in 5 days. Mr. Lester came back with her and is staying here The Christian Endeavor of the for a visit. Evangelical church is sponsoring R. M. Aldrich is able to sit up a carnival to be given Friday, November 6 in the I. O. 0. F. again after his recent relapse. Harry Smith of St. Helens hall. The program includes two plays put on by teachers dir- visited Sunday at the home of ected by Miss Grace Condit, a his brother Earl Smith. “Nigger Blossom Quartet” dir- ected by Mrs. C. C. Dustin, an accordian solo by Jane Watts, Jesse B. Steward numbers by a 10 piece carnival Dem. Candidate for band and other specials. E. S. Thompson will be barker for County Assessor the sideshows and refreshment booths. I am 100 per cent for _____ »_____ Roosevelt, for Union Labor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Robins had and the Townsend plan. as their dinner guests Sunday Fair and Impartial Service Mr. and Mrs. Chris Magheison Pd. Adv. Jesse B. Steward, of St. Helens and Mr. and Mrs. St. Helens, Ore. E. O. Robbins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason of FOR SHERIFF of ______ •______ W. R. C. COMPLIMENTS MRS. MINNIE JOHN Columbia County ■ o As a surprise compliment to Mrs. Minnie John of Forest Grove a group of ladies of the Re lief corps motored to that city Thursday, October 22, taking with them a pot-luck luncheon, Included in the group were Mrs. L. A. Rogers, Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. C. Justice, Mrs. W. O. Porterfield, M. R. [Cal.] Calhoun An Experienced Competent Officer Pd. Adv. M. R. Calhoun, St. Helens, Ore. O. HENRY OLEEN LISTEN! Mrs. Anna Kruger President Washington County Taxpayers’ League, Inc. Q beaverton ) WILL DISCUSS THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE The legislative committees of the following organizations ap proved my stand on important bills at five sessions of the legis lature, viz; Oregon State Grange, Organized Labor, Farmers Union, State Taxpayers League, and Multnomah County Tax League. I pledge to continue my legislative program in behalf of the com mon people. Chairman of the important committee on assessment and taxation. State Power Bill LEGISLATIVE RECORD 1933 SESSIONS: Worked for and helped put over $5 auto license. Supported economy program which reduced state expenditures more than $5,000,000 in two years. Marshalled the support of the lumber industry and the taxpayers* Saturday Eve. 9:45 P. M. leagues against the timber speculators (House Bill No. 20) which would have exempted timber owners more than $4,000,000 in taxes. □ CTOBER 31 ST After leading a six weeks battle in the legislature against the Paid Adv. Oregon Business & Investors, Inc strongest lobby at the thirty-seventh session House Bill No. 20 was 303 GUARANTY BLDG.. PORTLANU J. S. Magladry, Pres. F. H. Young. Mgr. defeated and the people who own improved property saved $4,- in taxes. Introduced House Bill No. 54 which would have raised ample funds for old-age pensions and saved the home owners and other taxpayers of Columbia County $18,000 per year. This bill passed the House, Yeas 42, Nays 16, but was smothered by the Courteous, Efficient Service Senate Committee on Judiciary and not permitted to come up for vote in the Senate. VOTE FOR K G W LEOTA KETEL Democratic Nominee For COUNTY TREASURER 15 years teaching experience 30 years a resident of Columbia County I’d. Adv. Leota Ketel, St. Helens, Ore. Vote 33 X GRACE KENT MAGRUDER Democratic Candidate for Re-election JOINT REPRESENTATIVE Clatsop and Columbia Counties Sponsor of Flood Control Legislation LEGISLATIVE RECORD 1935 SESSIONS: Introduced and secured the passage of House Bill No. 11 extending the time for payment of . delinquent taxes; House Bill No. providing . - . ----- , --------- —------- — 264 ___ ,________ .B for the non-partisan nomination and election of county school super intendents, thereby taking schools out of politics; House Bill No. 422 providing work to rehabilitate certain prisoners from the penitentiary by giving them six months employment on public works. Led a successful fight in the House for the old Capitol site and a saving of $550,090 in cost of capitol building. At my earnest request a reading clerk was selected from Columbia county by the Legislature. Sponsored and supported a tax program which would have replaced $5,500,000 property tax a year with income, inheritance, and other taxes based on ability to pay, and a $45 a month old-age pension for each person eligible. All these bills passed the House with substantial majorities but were killed in the Senate. I voted against every sales tax bill in the Legislature, and my stand has been overwhelmingly approved by the vote of the people. I will support state legislation that will permit Oregon to receive full benefit of federal laws on pension, farm program, social security, and labor legislation. Having served at three Special and two Regular sessions of the legislature by senority I right I am in line for Speaker of the House, and would have more influence in the State Legislature than a person with less experience. O. HENRY OLEEN State Representative Pd. Adv. Grace Kent Magruder, Clatskanie, Ore. Pd. Adv. O. Henry Oleen, St. Helens, Ore.