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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1936)
i school bus has had to travel over ^is road nine months of the ® 'year under all climatic condi- . . , 1 tions with rv«v«i wig the c*vt. average load of Entered as second class matter , _ . .... -- ------------ . . • Io to ¿5 children. - One of the August 4, 1922, at the post office i most dangerous parts of the at Vernonia, Oregon, under the road is at the approach of the act of March 3, 1879. Columbia River highway where the bus must back out on the highway going up and return- ing, the driver of the bus has to nose out on tht highway at a blind curve, but due to that very careful driver who takes RAY D. FISHER, no chances, he has so far es Editor and Publisher caped accidents. I r OCTOBER 30, 1936 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TEN _ * V CrUOIllcl C Ten Years Ago * * I Now I wish to tell you some facts about our county surveyor, John E. Eilertson who has ser ved our county faithfully as county engineer and roadmaster, city engineer and county sur veyor for many years and he is highly qualified as a surveyor and engineer, and he has been a resident of this county from boy hood to the present time and has been educated in the institu tions of this state. Mr. Eilert son is now up for re-election for the office of county sur veyor and as you know he is very capable and efficient engin eer and surveyor, and I think he should be re-elected to the office he now holds, Also, I wish to tell you some of the good qualities of Mr. Eilertson: He has children of his own and he always has gdeat regards for the safety of others children, therefore he has given his ser vice in making a preliminary location survey for the proposed 4 Vernonia Eagle, October 29, 1926 J. C. Lindley has been ap pointed receiver of the Vernon ia Light anl Power Co., reliev ing Clyde R. Lewis. XXX A. Corey has bought his old home on Corey hill from Clar ence Reed and will improve the grounds. XXX Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Soden and Wm. Van Doren were among those who attended a clam chow der feed given by the St. Helens Knights of Pythias Tuesday. XXX The Laff-a-Lot club met Wed- nesdaw with .Mrs. Inez Powell. Ì The Open Forum - - road change as mentioned above the legislature about a year ago, ¡with the word “ratifying” our with a view to elimisating the and if it had become operative t organization consisting largely of dangerous piece of road. He ran it would have diverted and tak- I recipients of Old Age Assistance three different lines and found en away from the Old Age As- j would not make any objection, a good practical grade of about 9 sistance fund all the county and i but to stop the monthly pay percent with easy alignment and state miney previously approp-' ment® will deprive more than all of which will be of compara riated for Old Age Assistance I 12,000 needy people past 70 tively light work. Mr. Eilertson and left it without any money i years of age in this state, of has given his service without pay for making the monthly pay- J this support. to this project as charity for the ments to some 10,000 to 12,000 ■ we assume that you may have proteition of children’s lives. The needy persons in this state past some relative, friend, or acquain- distance of change woult be about 70 years of age. You can easily |tanee over 70 years of age who ascertain the number by inquir- j may be needy through no fault 1400 feet. I of their own, and as a social The question of right of way ing of your county clerk. The referendum petition held duty and a real humanitarian for this project has not yet been settled, of which the owners are I the operation of the amendment act, you will publish on item in Mary J. Seffert and Rose Mer-Hn abeyance and continued the your paper this next week be rill who it is believed will be i monthly payments of State, fore election, which will make fair and deasonable, because they , County and Federal funds of this matter clear to voters so they will not make the mistake also understand this situation anl [ ¡about $1,500,000. have due regard for the safety of J If the measure receives a ma- of innocently voting wrong on others particularly children; they jirity of “yes” votes it will stop this important question, by ex j the payments as soon as the plaining to voters through your each having raised a family. In view of tre merits of John 'votes are counted and certified, column to vote 301 X No. Yours truly, E. Eilertson, he should be re-elect jas there will be no money left H. F. Davidson, ed County Surveyor in prefer in the fund for distribution, and of course the Feleral allotment Chairman, Old Age Assist ence to his opponent. for this state amounting to ance Recipients. Very truly yours, about $125,000 per month will Albert Adams not be available. Deer Island, Oregon ______ »______ Voters should clearly under Professional Dear Editor: stand the effect of their vote and There seems to be mcch con- should vote 301 X NO on that Directory fusion regarding how to vote on t measure and, thereby continue the measure under title on the I the monthly payments without ballot, For November 3rd. interruption. REFERENDUM ORDERED BY | The first few propositions in Roland D. Eby, M. D. PETITION OF THE PEOPLE I the ballot title are desirable and and many earnest discussions J if the full force and efficiency have emphasized the point that of the law were not destroyed by Physician and Surgeon the ballot title is confusing. the last four lines beginning Town Office 891 The amendment to the pres ent Old Age Assistanct act was passed at the special session of, —- — - ■ —— i I 1 À 1 To the Edtor: Some few years ago the County Court was petetioned with a large number of home owners living on the road known as the Tide Creek-Butler Hill road, for th# purpose of making a road change for a better and safer grade in lieu of the dangerous road now traveled over, which consists of hair pin loops and is known to all who travel this to be the most dangerous piece of road in Columbia County. The reply of the County Court was that there was no money avail able for a survey of a road change and it was necessary to obtain the service of a compe- tent engineer and helpers with volunteer service, upon which the Neely brothers and Mr. Fletcher, who were anxious that something be done toward elimi nating this section of road, vol unteered to help with the sur vey without pay. The good cause was put be fore our county surveyor and he being very well acquainted with the death trap, and knowing that the lives of our school children are at stake due to that the HALLOWE'EN SPECIALS Doughnuts, Pumpkin Pies and Halloween Cakes Also look for union label on your bakery product. 1 emonia Bakery Keep Oregon Out of the Power Business Avoid More State Bonds The State Power Bill is useless without at least $18,000,000 of new State Bonds. A vote for the Bill commits you to vote later for the Bonds. VOTS Against the Sitate Power Bill JOY DR. R. I. HALL Physician and Surgeon 96S Bridge St. THEATRE Phone, Office 72, Res. 73 Office Hours 7 to 12 1 to 5 Special Attention to Obstetrics Saturday Jane Withers in Little Miss Nobody NEAL W. BUSH Sunday arid Monday Sunday Matinee Joy Theatre Bldg. Ph. 663 In Vernonia Mondays and Tuesdays Will Rogers and Janet Gay nor in Dr. Chas. E. TATRO Attorney at Law STATE FAIR Tues, and Wed Double Feature Program — Radioni.t Physio-Therapist OVER CLINE FUR. STORE Phone 231 They Met In a Taxi STAMPEDE H. M. BIGELOW Thurs. and Fri Joy Theatre Building Vernonia - - Oregon DENTIST My Man Godfrey Coming Paid Advertisement by Oregon Business & Investors. Inc.. 303 Guaranty Bldg., Portland, Ore., J. S. Magladry, Pres.; F. H. Young, Sec Chiropractor Pigskin Parade FULLERTON STUDIO PIANO — VOICE DIMPLES 479 Rose Avenue Telephone 1091 Oregon Motor Stages r Leave from Bush’s Cafe 7:55 a. m. 1:25 p. m. and 5:25 p.m. daily for Portland via Timber. Leave Portland, from Yamhill stage depot daily at 9:30 a. m., 2:00 p. m. and 5:15 p. b.. Call service between Camp 8 and Vernonia. Sundays Only: 12:30 p. m. for St. Helens. Leaves St. Helens 3 p. m. FARE: $2.10 round trip, $1.30 one way Ride the new Oregon Motor Stages The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK invites von to Bank by mail if inconvenient to come in person J. A. Thornburgh, President. “THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK"