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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1936)
PAGE EIGHT VERNONIA i individuality which ever remains | an assett even in business life. The nation was founded by a military genius and a great man, Entered as second class matter (. George Washington. A vast num- August 4, 1922, at the post office ; ber of the nation’s greatest men at Vernonia, Oregon, under the lave been military arained men— act of March 3, 1879. soldiers. Vernonia Eagle RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher The Open Forum - - Individuality is the manifesting of a singular militance in the social relationships within the Nation which makes one man stand far aoove his fellows, In- dividuality, possess tactical and scientific knowledge, order, and is capable of directing others in to a militance of spirit. Individ uality is the crux development of military trainisg. It instills ag gressiveness and adventurousness —the same characteristics as baseball and football with the added advantage of prtcise men tal balance. And yet, all that instills the individualistic spirit in American youth, including mili tary training, baseball and foot ball, is gradually falling under the scathing indictment “capital istic instruction.” The very “ter rible capitalistic spirit” built this nation to a first leadership a- mong the nations. To the degree we have divorced adventurous militance as a people for paei- fism our nation has declined to the present status of a third rate I nation among the nations. It is something to think about as our half-backs anl he-men take up ping-pong and knitting! The elimination of military training is not a safeguard a- gainst war. It is a safeguard against fire to discharge the members of the fire department? It is a safeguard against crime and criminals to discharge the police force? EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON ericans will stand on the non- compulsory military training bill. America’s safest position lies in a militantly trained youth who seek no war but are prepared to defend their nation and them selves in case of war. War can be precipitated overnight by the chosen two hundred overlords of Euripe-Asia. The American will vote 309 X No on the non- compulsory military training bill. R. Bowerman ______ » To the Editoa: that much short on pay day. At the 1933 session. Mr. Oleen introduced an income tax measure (HB 56) which would have reduced the exemptions on a single man to $400.00 and a married man to $800.00 with a graduated scale of tax of 2 per cent on the first hundred, and in creasing 1 per cent on each hun dred above the exemption up to 8 per cent. A single man i earrng $65.00 would have to pay $13.00 a year income tax under this bill, This bill was i more vicious than the sale tax which Mr. Oleen abhors. House Bill 20, which was de feated by Md. Oleen after a six weeks battle (so he claims) was introduced by Donald J. Ryan of Clackamas County. All the timber owners were op- Mr. Oleen’s page in the Voters phamplet calls attention to House Bill No. 54 which he introduced and which he claims would have saved the taxpayers of Columbia County $18,000.00 per year. This bill was an old age in surance measure (not old age pensions) which would have as sessed every employed worker over the age of 18 years in the State of Oregon a few cents per day, and each employer would DOES NOT ij AFFECJ TAXES/; have been assessed a like sum. '•■■■ OUTSIDE /. PORTLAND ' It might have saved the tax SCHOOL payers money, but the worker H DISTRICT in the mills, the woods, on the farm, and in the factors, would have found his pay check just To the Editor: As a subscriber to your valued paper may I have the courtesy of space to express opinions con- cerning the non compulsary mil- itary training bill on which I feel all good Americans should vote 309 X No. Propoganda favoring this bill is of the most biased and un- truthful character. The thought is impressed that compulsory mil itary training is an inroad upon the American people of a military Rainbow Girls’ institution leading inevitably to a military dominance of the na tion, and deliberate preparation for aggressive, bloody, senseless war. Many of the organizations ap TONIGHT proving of the bill have publically documented themselves as dissap- FRL, OCT. 23 proving of salutation to the flag, and some of them are actively en I. O. O. F. HALL gaged in voiding laws requiring the oath of allegiance to the Music By American nation and institutions And it is worthy of note that by teachers. Many of these or the true projectors of this ne- I Richard Nickle*on’» ganizations are innocently lead farious bill seem to have con Orchestra by the program of subversionists sidered it dangerous to reveal actively engaged in creating in the parenthood of the bill. There From Stars of Tomorrow of ternal National disorder and rev is no affirmative argument fav KGW olution. I am not indicting every oring this bill in the voters pam person as “un-American” who phlet! dissapproves of the military train The European-Asiatic situation Ticket*— ing now required in our colleges. is so pregnant with annihilating Student* 25c I am indicting propagandists who possibilities for the western hem Adults 35c willfully mislead voters by inten isphere to the informed man tional miss-statements of fact. or woman, that there can be Others, innocent in their actions, no doubt where intelligent Am- 3 I point out their ignorance. Certainly no injury was ever done anyone by enforced pri- mer knowledge of military tac- tical defense. No one wants war, but the world will continue to The Independent Line have wars. The young man who goes into warfare devoid of Stages leave the Vernonia Hotel daily trainini is like the helpless lamb at7:55 a. m., 1:25 p. m. and 5:25 p.m. for going to slaughter. Portland via Banks. Stages leave the Cen Military science, training and tral State depot, Park and Taylor Sts., drill, develops a physical and mental balance, instills a militant Portland, for Vernonia daily at 8 a. m.> DANCE Dem. Candidate for County Assessor I am 100 per cent for Roosevelt, for Union Labor, and the Townsend plan. Fair and Impartial Service Pd. Adv. Jesse B. Steward, St. Helens, Ore. ..-“"I , ■ ■ " - ■* * 1 Î4* 304 1 9 •I • sä titrais I High Grade Ladies’ and Gents’ Tailor Cleaning, Pressing, ations and Repair expertly done. Roland L. Treharne Expert Automobile Repairing WELDING ROLAND’S SERVICE STATION Alter Work REPAIRING Painting Paperhanging 847 Third Street PAPER HANGING Painting Kalsomining Phone 1091 Vernonia Plumbing Shop BOB MORRELL Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work 761 Second Street Fred Hansen, Prop. Phone 392 CASON’S TRANSFER Willard Batteries LOCAL AND LONG DIS TANCE HAULING GENERAL MOBILGAS Oils . . Expert Greasing SEE US For your old-growth I 16-INCH FIR WOOD AND CEDAR SHINGLES VERNONIA SERVICE STATION $2.10 round trip $2.25 The Forest Grove $10.00 NATIONAL BANK BAFFORD BROS General Plumbing business men Vernonia Credit Reporting Service of Columbia County, St. Helens, Phone 1122 THE GOLDEN RULE BARBER SHOP invites von to Bank bv mail if inconvenient to come m person Nehalem Valley Motor Freight J. A. Thornburgh, President. W. A. Davis, Frank Hartwick Proprietors “THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK" J • 1 *----- ’A4/.0 ADV, bqj.j. QUILLIN, «36 AQTISANS Bl DO.. POQTLtND.OQE E. SORENSEN for I . Jesse B. Steward : : Loel Robert*, Local Agent VERNONIA Trading Co. posed to this proposed law, and there was no support for it among house members. The House Committee to which this bill was deferred made a report that the bill “do not pass", and only 14 members voted against this report. Fred W. Herman Business Directory MILL WOOD OLD GROWTH FIR 1935 - A REAL SERVICE 5-Load Lots 23, Ì X 1 p. m. and 5 p. m. Call service between Vernonia and Keasey Large Load.... OCTOBER ^.SCHOOL TAX AMENDMENT Portland—Banks Stage Line FARE: $130 one way FRIDAY, Portland- Timber- Vernonia- Mist- Birkenfeld- Jewell- Astoria Vernonia Telephone 1042 « N. S. SODEN, PROP. I I CREDIT BUREAUS (Incorporated) Collection*— Credit Reports Personal Contact on Collections Vernonia Office— Joy Theaare Bldg. Ph. 981 It