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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1936)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1936 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON SOCIETY NEWS - CLUBS - FRATERNAL MRS. HARRY EMMONS IS GIVEN SHOWER — ■O' ■ A shower was gives in honor of Mrs. Harry Emmons Oct., 21, at the home of Mrs. Oscar Kaphammer. Many beautiful gifts were received. Refreshments were served to the following. Mrs. Doris Vos- nick, Mrs. Maude Salomonsen, Mrs. Sally Brown, Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mrs. Cass Bergerson, Mrs. Wm. Nissen, Mrs. Marie Ludwig, Mrs. Oliver Mellinger, Mrs. Mae Mellinger, Mrs. Jaunita Timmons, Miss Le Nore Carrick, Clara Gaines, Mrs. Mary Pemble, Mrs. El. Buckner. Mrs. Gladys Parry and Mrs. John Ellis. Those sending gifts but not present were Mrs. T. M. Craw ford, Mrs. Myrtle Layer, Mrs. A. P. Bays, Mrs. Virgil Whitsell, Mrs. Harry Kerns, Mrs. James Emmons, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Helen Smith, Mrs. James, Mrs. Shipley. ______ *______ MILDRED HAWKINS AN NOUNCES MARRIAGE ______ ♦_______ Mildred Hawkins surprised her parents and friends last week hy announcing her marriage to Jim Hays of Gaston last Jan uary. The couple will live near Gaston on a ranch belonging to Mr. Hays. ______ *______ SHOWER IS GIVEN FOR HELENA, MONT., VISITOR son, Mrs. Gladys Strong, Mrs. Gene Shipman and Mrs. Geo. W. Johnson. A delightful lunch was served by the hostesses after presenting Mrs. Potter with many beauti ful gifts. PAGE SEVEN ias and their wives occupied part Ross stayed with her father, Mr. of the business session of Ver- Gove while in Portland. nosia temple, Ppthian sisters, at the home of Mrs. Earl Smith Wednesday night, October 14. The affair will take place in the Odd Fellows Hall on Monday, October 26 Mrs. W. L. Van Doren of Van couver was present. nonia called on all members of .he Woodcraft in Vernonia Wed nesday and Friday of last week explaining to them the new fed eral reserve policies now offered ______ *______ . by Woodcraft. NEHALEM CLUB _______* MRS. BR1OT ENTERTAINS ______ V______ NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT QUEEN OF HEARTS CLUB —— o--- SPONSOR SHOWER Mrs. William Briot entertained The Neighbors of Woodcraft the Queen of Hearts club and | sponsored a shower for Neigh guests at a bridge luncheon bor Viola Carrick Wednesday af Thursday, October 15. ternoon at the home of Neigh Mrs. William Heath held high bor Erma Johnson. Many beauti score at cards and Mrs. Frank ful gifts were received. Hostess Hartwick second high. Mrs. A. J. es for the occasion were Erma Hughes and Mrs. Phil Peterson Johnson and Nola Brady. Those were guests of the club. Mrs. ¡present were Hilda Carrick, Vio- Ben Brickel, Mrs. Jack Nance I la Carrick, Betty Kraus, Jean-! and Mrs. Lowell Hieber complet I etta Spofford, Hazel Shipman, ed the group. Myrtle Oaks, Ida Johnson, Anne i Two weeks previous Mrs. Bricky I Davis, Mrs. Dennis Davis, Mrs. [ el entertained the club at a i J. C. Silvis, Emma Miller, Er- ' luncheon which was the first ! ma Johnson and Nola Brady. meeting of the fall season. All Those sending gifts but unable members were present. ______ *______ to attend were Bertha Rosa, Mrs. j Tufford, Hilda Browning, Mrs. j FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE Strong, Celeste Potter and Ethel I HOLDS MONTHLY LUNCHEON Woodruff. Members of the Friendship _______*_______ MRS. McCOLLOM ENTER. circle enjoyed their monthly lun cheon and social afternoon at TAINS FACULTY LADIES the home of Mrs. A. L. Bassett, Mrs. Ivan N. McCollom enter Thursday of last week. tained the faculty ladies of the j Among those present were Mrs. public schools at her home Wed E. S. Thompson, Mrs. R. W. nesday evening October 14. “Mon- j Linn, Mrs. H. M. Condit, Mrs. opoly” and sewing were the di- ’ Fonda, Mrs. C. N. Rundell, Mrs. versions. Ed Buckner, Mrs. C. I. Anderson ----------•---------- and Mrs. Sidney Malmsten. ¡REPRESENTATIVE CALLS ON _______*_____ _ Mrs. H. A. Moulton and Mrs. PYTHIAN SISTERS Chas. Potter gave a miscellan WOODCRAFT MEMBERS PLAN SOCIAL EVENING eous shower Oct. 21 in honor of J. Livingstone, representative their sister-in-law, Mrs. Ted Pot of the Neighbors of Woodcraft, Plans for a social evening for ter of Helena, Mont., at the Portland, and Nola Brady of Ver- the pleasure of Knights of Pyth- Potter home on Second Ave. Those attending were Mrs. Ed Poetter, Mrs. Fritz Hausler, Mrs. Forrest Moak, Mrs. Clyde Me Donald, Mrs. Bill Bremer, Mrs. Ira Mann, Mrs. H. J. Zeiner, Mrs. Grace Laramore, Miss Pearl Nel Re-elect Wm. Pringle, Sr. Democratic Candidate for PLANS FOR BANQUET —— O—— Mrs. F. M. Ruhl and Mrs. J. L. Timmons were hostesses to members of the Nehalem club at the Ruhl home Wednesday af ternoon, October 14. Plans for serving the annual banquet to the Nehalem Hunters and Ang lers club on October 30 occupied the business session. A social time was ejoyed during which refreshments were served. Pd. Adv., Wm. Pringle, Sr., MistRoute, Vernonia Ore. Glenn V. Barnett <1 The Loyal Women of the ' Christian church met in the church parlors in all day session Wednesday, October 14. A pot luck luncheon, business and quilt ing were included in the day’s activities. Redecoration of the church soc ial rooms and the kitchen is a project of the group. Plans are also being developed for the Christmas bazaar on December 12. FARMERS! The New Deal Reciprocal Trade Agreements have taken the American farmer OUT of the foreign market and put the foreign farmer in the American market! In the first six months of 1936 we bought from foreign countries: 6,536,000 Hogs 4,63®,€30 lbs. of Cutter and exported only 454,000 5,GG2,C00 bushels Corn I ask your support of my candidacy for sheriff of this and exported only 355,000 county. 1®,80S,000 bushels Wheat I am a worker and if el and exported only 146,000 bushels ected will continue to be a worker and will act as a F. O. Joiners, E., Carpenters and Workers Alliance and Townsend club. Pd. Adv. Glenn V. Barnett, St. Helens, Ore. Watchmaker and Jeweler Mrs. John Ross was in Port land last week to visit Mr. Ross, who is improving steadily. Mrs. and not just as a promise, I am a member of the A.L.Kullander and exported only 1,528 and square deal in reality times. chased separately. 2S0,103 bia County who want a new servant of the people at all or either ring can be pur a To the voters of Colum non-prejudist Both Rings For $50 and exported only 101 Independent Candidate non-partial, . . . engagement ring and wedding ring ensemble by Granat . .. strictly a Granat creation, and therefore not only different in design but above the ordinary in every other respect. LOYAL WOMEN MEET IN CHURCH PARLORS County Commissioner For Sheriff In the mode -but different I A report of the Department of Agriculture dated October 12, 1936, shows the following increases in imports for 1936 as compared with 1935: Butter 693.9% Canned Beef 55.7% Wool Wheat... 144.9% 173.6% ★ THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS fadtyvdL TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN FARMER! ★ Pd. Ad Republican State Central Com.. Lara Bladine, Sac., 1012 Failing Bldg., Portland