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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1936)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON MR. GILL t FIRST Mr. DO THIS when you wake up with a Headache ENJOY RELIEF BEFORE YOU’VE FINISHED DRESSING Bayer Tablet* Dissolve Almost Instantly In 2 seconds by stop watch, a genuine BAYER Aspirin tablet starts to disintegrate and go to work. Drop a Bayer Aspirin tablet in to a glasH of water. By the time it hits the bot tom of the glass it is disintegrating. What happens in this glass . . . happens in your Stomach. When you wake up with a head ache, do this: Take two quick-act ing, quick-dissolving BAYER ASPI RIN tablets with a little water. By the time you’ve finished dress ing, nine chances in ten, you’ll feel relief coming. Genuine Bayer Aspirin provides this quick relief because it is rated among the quickest methods for re lief science has yet discovered. Try it this way. But ask for it by its full name, BAYER ASPIRIN; not by the name “aspirin” alone. 15C FOR A DOZEN 2 FULLOC. DOZEN^Jl» Virtually lc a tablet look rost thc ba reír cstoss As One’s Conduct Is A man’s worth is estimated in this world according to his con duct. Still Coughing? No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul sion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) Otis Gill had A seemed to take a liking to I young Actor Forbes. But he changed his opinion wher. the Champion be- I gan to buck the choppy seat ot the open Atlantic. She was not a large liner, and the waves were running high. Arthur Forbes turned away suddenly and clutching the deck rail for support, shaped an unsteady I course for the companionway. Mr. Gill burst into guffaws of laughter. I And from that point forward until ' dinner time, Mr. Otis Gill proceeded to make himself obnoxious to as many passengers as would listen to him. He went from one group to another, snickering whenever he ¡found a man or woman bearing the telltale pallor in their cheeks, boast ing of his own immunity to the well- known malady. i By 5 o’clock the seas had increas ed to almost mountainous propor tions. Mr. Gill rolled about the deck with a broad grin on his face, seem ing to take a particular delight in recalling various banquets he had attended during the preceding win ter. The dining salon was located be neath the forward deck; Mr. Gill’s table was at the extreme end, near that section where the vessel’s bow began to narrow. He had hardly seated himself, wher he saw that young Arthur Forbes was placeu two tables away and slightly be hind. There was a plate of food on the table before the youth, but it was untouched. Like one in a trance Mr. Forbes was sitting with eyes widened greatly beyond their nor mal size, cheeks as pale as death. Mr. Gill roared with laughter, looking about him and nodding to ward the unfortunate Mr. Forbes’ direction. After a time Mr. Gill saw that the youth at the other table was staring toward a port-hole, and his grin broadened. The port-hole was lo cated far forward, and with each dip of the vessel one could see the entire slope of a wave, from trough to crest. After a while Mr. Gill found it was easier to stare straight ahead than to sit half-turned in his chair in order to watch young Forbes, who, after all, wasn’t the most pleasing sight in the world. And in staring straight ahead Mr. Gill found that he was looking directly through the port-hole at the swishing seas. He watched idly tor a few mo ments and then looked away, con scious of a feeling in his stomach not wholly normal. The sensation passed and he looked again at the port-hole, feeling more comfortable in this position. Instantly the same strange sensation attacked him By STANLEY CORDELL © Associated Newspapers. WNU Service. It’s most certainly the talk of the quilting bee—this quaint Pine apple pattern! And why wouldn’t it be? With nearly all the patch pieces the same width, you can cut your fabric into strips and snip off pieces as needed. Easily again. Annoyed, Mr. Gill looked about on a pretext of locating his waiter. To his amazement the din ing salon and the people in it were rolling up and down with a move-1 ment not unlike the rolling seas. Mr. Gill was sober now; his face pale; his eyes glassy. Realization of what was happening to him came as a shock. He was seasick! Help lessly. miserably ill Never in his life could Mr. Gill remember feeling j so utterly at the mercy of anything. With a mighty effort he stood up, clutching at the table. He hesitated a moment then started for the door, 1 reeling, gripping chairbacks for sup-1 port, one hand holding his mouth. | Dimly he knew that people were I looking up at him and smiling, wink- ' ing knowingly to each other. He felt enraged and humiliated and indig Pattern 5591 nant Miraculously Mr. Gill reached the made, you start from the center doorway and disappeared up the and sew round and round till the stairs. Instantly the dining salon block is done. In pattern 5591 you will find was a bedlam of laughter. Up to ward the bow young Arthur Forbes the Block Chart, an illustration was wiping some white substance for cutting, sewing and finishing, from his cheeks and grinning broad together with yardage chart, ly. Several men came over and diagram of quilt to help arrange spoke to him. A steward came up the blocks for single and double beaming. bed size, and a diagram of block “I’ll change your order, sir. Bring which serves as a guide for plac ing the patches and suggests con you some hot food.” Mr. Forbes smiled. “Thanks, And trasting materials. To obtain this pattern, send 15 say, steward, that was a smart idea of yours—asking me to play the cents in stamps or coins (coins role of the helplessly seasick pas preferred) to The Sewing Circle senger and placing Gill at that table Household Arts Dept., 259 W. Fourteenth St., New York, N. Y. directly opposite the porthole.” Write plainly pattern number, The steward nodded, eyes a- twinkle. "We have a man like Mr. your name and address. Gill on board every voyage, Sir. And we have that table placed there Men of Antiquity for just his type. No one else is To be ignorant of the lives of the asked to sit so far forward.” most celebrated men of antiquity is to continue in a state of child hood all our days.—Plutarch. Why Buddha Is Known by Several Different Names Buddha’s name was Guatama— Prince Gautama, son of the king ol Maghada and a member of the fam ily or tribe of Sakya. The rest of his several names are titles rever ently bestowed upon him by his fol lowers, or given to represent him in his various aspects, according to a writer in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. He is Sakya Muni, which is “Sak ya the sage.” or Sakya Sinha, which is “Sakya the lion.” He is Buddha or Boodha, “the wise one” or “the enlightened;” to the Chinese he is Fo and to the Japanese, Boodsdo, titles of the same significance. And the title Siddharta or Sarvartha-sid- dha means "the fulfillment of every wish.” There are many other names for him, all conveying the idea ot his greatness, wisdom and perfec tion. Midget Antelope Pals With Bunnies A FAMOUS DOCTOR S a young man the late Dr. R. V. Pierce practiced medi cine in Pennsylvania. His prescription» met with such great demand that he moved to Buf falo, N. Y., and put up in ready-to-use form his well-known tonic, Golden Medical Discovery, which will elimi nate poison» from the intestines, increase the appetite, an<l tone up the digestive sys tem. Buy nvwl Tabs. 50c, liquid $1.00 & $1.35. A Hraeaf I CLABBER GIRL Bakina Powder 300 CANDLEPOWER EYE-SAVING LIGHT L'TI I I 1 I ! KEROSENE OR GASOLINE MODELS urith, Coleman AIR-PRESSURE Atant/eLAMPS Protect your sight with this eye-saving Coleman light I Kerosene and Gaaoline Pressure Mantle Lampe provide up to SOO candlepower of live light... nearest like natural daylight... kind to your eyes. You can enjoy the flneat light for only 1/ a night. No home can afford to be without a Coleman. Buy it from your local Coleman dealer. FREE Folders—Send Postcard Now I IS17B] THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO. Dept. WU175, Wichita, Kan«.; Chicago, I1L; Philadelphia, Pa.; Loa Angele«, Calif. F Y amo QUAKER OATS PRIMARY - ELEMENTARY HIGH SCHOOL—NON-SECTARLAN NON-MILITARY Accredited to California, Stanford and lead ing Eastern and Mid-western L’ruversinea. • Outdoor Sports the year round • For further information, address E. A. Rogers, Headmaster. Bo« 246 MONTEZUMA MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Loe Gatos, California Believed to be the only animal of its kind in the United States, this blue 1 uiker-Bok was a recent addition to the Fleishacker zoo in San Fra ico. He is seven years old and weighs nine and a half pounds. The bunnies with whom he lives in a special paddock are his pals. He Is a full grown member of a species of the antelope family. •** 10« • Science discovers in Quaker Oats an amazing abun dance of the precious 3-purpose Vitamin B that helps everyone, young and old, combat nervousness, constipa tion, poor appetite, due to lack of Vitamin B in the diet. So order Quaker Oats by name at your grocer’s today. • When poor condition is dur to lack of Vitamin B. FOR BOYS AFTER YOU EAT ONLY Everyone Needs 3-Purpose Vitamin B for Keeping Fit* A private school of distinction, a school where character, health and high scholastic training produce the Ideal of a well balanced education. Resinol CLABBER ' • * Wherever it is—however broken the ■■^ksurface-freely apply soothing V| ★ UlvlVk. ruRlVE ON QUAKER OAT 1 1 " Montezuma Mountain School HERE'S RELIEF PSore,Irritated Skin will you have regular, »u. - cessiul elimination? Get nd of gas, wa»te material, acid, headaches. Take Mlnesia Wafers. Each * - r e i»ls 4 teaspoonfula of ilk ot mag nesia. Crunchy »nd deli- uiously flavored. 2t\35c&60c. It's the Talk of the Quilting Bee These Advertisements Give You Values CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT TEACHERS readier«, Former Teachers—Money making opportunity. Write for details on making money in spare time. Dignified work. Cham pion Publishing Co., 204 Ixicust. St. Louia AGENTS Streamlined Peanut Vendor. Newest and best on the market. Suitable for booth, counter and wall. Agents wanted. 3923 Pleasant, Dept. 9, Minneapolis, Minn, GET READY! • Positions in 1936-37 will go to the business trained. “Planning Your Future“ FREE ON REQUEST BUSINESS COLLEGE S. W. Salmon at 11th Avenu* PORTLAND, ORCOON