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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1936)
PAGE TEN VERNONIA EAGLE, FRIDAY, VERNONIA, OREGON OCTOBER 16, 1936. 1. That the name and address I Columbia County then. of the publisher is: Ray D. Fish- | I introduced and secured pas er, Vernonia Oregon; editor, Ray' sage by both houses and approv D. Fisher, Vernonia, Oregon. I al by the Governor of a law 2. That the owner is: Ray D. I ^'hicli l.Lj equalized the poundage Fisher, Vernonia, Oregon. (fees on smelt between Oregon 3. That the known bondholders, and Washington which saved mortgagees, and other security I these fishermen many dollars in holders owning or holding 1 per poundage fees. cent or more of total amount of I introduced and secured pas bonds, mortgages, or other se- sage through the House of a bill curities are: None. which exempted school districts, cities and counties from the pay 4. That the two _ paragraphs _ . next above, giving the names of ment of the gas tax on gasoline the owners, stockholders, and se used by them. This bill would curity holders, contain not only have saved the taxpayers of Ore the list of stockholders and se gon more than $60,000.00. In the two sessions of 1933, I curity holders as they appear up- ! on the books of the company introduced 19 'bills or measures but also, in cases where the j and 13 of these were passed by stockholder or security holder 1 both houses and approved by the appears upon the books of the ’ Governor. A batting average of company as trustee or in any i .686 per cent. other fiduciary relation, the name I If I am elected, I will work to of the person or corporation for amend the old age pension law whom such trustee is acting, is I so that a recipient of a pension given; also that the said two par- I will not have to pauperize him- agraphs contain statements em- self to receive it. I am opposed bracing affiant’s full knowledge , to any more bond issues. I will __ circumstan- support all measures that will and belief _ as to _ the ces and conditions under which lower >real estate taxes. I will stockholders and security hold-|worlt for the improvement of 1 ■____________________ ■'_______ T Lower — Columbia River High- ers who do not appear upon the,the books of the company as trust-1 way. _ If I am elected, the people of ees, hold stock and securities in1 ' a capacity other than that of a Columbia County will not have bona fide owner; and this af to apologizez for its Representa , fiant has no reason to believe tive. that any other person, associa i VOTE 30 X FRED W. HER tion, or corporation has any in MAN for REPRESENTATIVE. terest direct ir indirect in the I Paid Adv. by Fred W. Herman, said stock, bonds, or other se i Rainier, Oregon. ♦ curities than as so stated by him. , RAY. D. FISHER, OH, WAITER! Sworn to and subscribed be Mottet CCC Camp for use of personnel assigned to fore me this 15th day of Oct fire control work. They have ober, 1936. Nears End of Season been planned with "built-ins” and CHAS. F. HIEBER, —o- other conveniences for livisg com I Notary Public Caipp Mottet Creek, C C c. fort. Mrs. Eva West and brother | My commission expires Mar. Weston, Greater conveniences to “ 1940. recreational visitors and increas-, j Actual fire fighting time in the Otto B. Malmsten attended the 22, ed fire suppression facilities are Umatilla forest has covered more stock show last week, and Mr. I TO THE VOTERS OF the net result of a busy four-: than 600 man days. Forty-four COLUMBIA COUNTY month period of summer work ' company members who were sent Malmsten left Saturday morning season performed by members of some 600 miles to assist in fight- for his home in Seaside. I am a candidate for the office the Mottett Creek company on , ing the recent coast fires ac- Mrs. Vina Hicks and Miss of Representative for Columbia scores of individual projects, for- | counted for another and longer of the O-A office Olive Masters County at the November elec estry officials said in making period, staff spent the week end in tion. I represented Columbia and public a resume of results at-! Miscellaneous activities of the telephone lines, camp grounds, I construction, seeding and gener- Clatsop counties in the 1933 Gen tained. “Mary had a little lamb—” Mottet Creek company were walk ) Portland. eral and Special sessions. “Well, what’s the rest of the com F. M. Ruhl was in Portland I worked for and voted for the roads, stieep «»»«n driveways, Hr.vewuys, fences, | al maintenance of the Tollgate bination breakfast?” j Oil Age Pension law when old ; Monday morning on business. construction of <' dwellings and ranger statiin. Maintenance rout- i age pensions were not so popu lookouts, water resources im-. '•••* i ine of the CCC camp itself con- STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, lar as now. This law passed the provements and community kit- . j 11 tinued ____1 without interruption. House with only five votes ma MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA chens are included in the list of , jority. TION, ETC. CCC projects as outlined I . I To conduct the varied work I voted 100 per cent for all Superintenaent T. W. Barber. ' | program, men have been stat- Required by the Act of Congreu measures sponsortd by organiz Using modern equipment, camp i ioned at various points in the Of August 24, 1912, ..... ed Labor, and in 1933, there road crew members maintained Umatilla forest outside of the Of the Vernonia Eagle, was only one Local in Columbia 140 miles or forestry truck main camp. Large sidecamps, lished weekly at Vernonia, County; and that was the I. L. roads. New construction of ' roads each 30 miles distant from the gon, for Oct. 1, 1936. I was voting according to my amounted to 4*6 miles. Other | main camp, were at Black Moun State of Oregon, County of A. principles and not for the ef maintenance was on 80 miles tain and Vista Point and smaller Columbia, ss. As exhibited in Portland fect on organized labor as there of telephone lines and 43,000 work camps and lookout stations Before me, a notary public in last week shows several feet of drift fences needed for were at various points as re- and for the state and county were only a few union votes in new interior refinements, quired. control of stock, aforesaid, personally appeared but no change in external Fire resuppressiin work, in- Efficiency and interest of the Ray D. Fisher, who, having been appearance— for the Lin- eluding construction and main- Oregon boys, and recently en- duly sworn according to law, de coin Zephyr is already The tenance of tool caches, oper- rolled Montana members, in pro- poses and says that he is the Car of the Future. ation of four lookout stations, secution of work assignments owner of the Vernonia Eagle, and instruction in fire fighting and were favorably commented on by that the following is, to the best We shall be glad to give smoke chasing and operation of J. F. Irwin, supervisor of the of his knowledge and belief, a a demonstration to anyone TWIST BREAD an emergency fire crew consunr- Umatilla forest. interested. I true statement of the owner ed 1200 man-day. ship, management, etc., of the That Is Giving Wide According to present indica- Construction of two forest aforesaid publication for the date Satisfaction camp grounds for the conven- tions, members of the Mottet shown in the above caption, re ience of vacationist visitors and creek company will be assigned quired by the Act of August to other CCC camps throughout hunters required work through 24, 1912, embodied in section out the summer, The Langdon the state after the proposed dis 411, Postal Laws and Regulat bandment of the Mottet aggre- _ sites lake and Timothy springs ions to-wit: now include complete sanitary gation during the latter part of this month. facilities, water pipelines on the it you want to hear the grounds, fences and community Boys from Columbia county facts, listen to kitchens containing _ fireplaces.' who are included in the company Other construction projects of in most cases will be sent to WM. HARD the company included 11 miles camps nearest their homes. Mem Political Commentator of telephone lines, 5800 feet of bers were permitted to announce KOIN at 8:00 P. M. each drift fences. 1 miles of sheep their preferences as to compan driveway, 1000 feet of pipelines, ies to which they wished trans night Mon. through Fri. three spring reservoirs and table and seat conbinations camp grounds. Carpentry crews completed one bridge, one dwellisg, one lookout tower, two lookout houses and FOREST GROVE, OREGON WE RECOMMEND one cabin. The structures are all Lincoln-Zephyr Ask For Try It Vernonia Bakery Vernonia Laiindn ind Dry Cleaners Iteri Mills County Commissioner Faithful Service To All of Columbia County Pd. Adv., Bert Mills, ■ionia, Oregon. Protecting your funds Banking By Mail Accounts corned. We Mothproof All Garments Checking— Savings— and Time Deposit Accounts —Guaranteed One Day Servie Deposits Insured Men’s Overcoats, Men's Suits and Ladies Coats and Suits ....................................... 85c M. K. Johnson, Phone 711 Vernonia- Ore, Motor Co Enlist a Bank as Your Ally in •7 ELECT Crawford W. B. Coon Directors: Geo. G. Paterson, Vice Johnson, Cashier C. L. Wagner