Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 02, 1936, Image 7

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Hooked Fish
Fish do not seem to suffer much
when they are hooked. About the
jaw there are few nerves which
could cause the sensation of pain.
Some trout have been known to be
hooked two or three times in the
same day, the fisherman using
the same type of bait.
Fish, no doubt, have a sensation
of discomfort, but not as great as
that of the higher animals. In gen­
eral, a fish must feel some pain on
some parts of the body, but has
few nerves around the mouth,
where it is apt to be hooked.
Week’s Supply of Postum Free
Itead the offer made by the Postum
Company In another part of this pa­
per. They will send a full week’s sup­
ply of health giving Postum free to
anyone who writes for it.—Adv.
We do not like to be contra­
dicted, but at the same time, is it
not in the hope of being contra­
dicted that we sometimes speak
ill of ourselves?—Louis Aigon.
Keeps Dogs Away from
WH Evergreens,Shrubsetc.
1'4 Teaspoonful
per Gallon of Spray.
The further men wander from
simplicity, the further they are
ficm truth.—Dr. Bowring.
Gas, Gas Ziff
the Time, Gan’t
Eat or Sleep
"The gas on my stomach was so bad
I could not eat or sleep.
Even my
heart seemed to hurt. A friend sug-
gested Adlerika. The first dose I took
rought me relief.
Now I eat as I
wish, sleep fine and never felt better.”
—Mrs. Jas. Filler.
Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and
lower bowels while ordinary laxatives
act on the lower bowel only. Adlerika
gives your system a thorough cleans­
ing, bringing out old, poisonous matter
that you would not believe was in your
system and that has been causing gas
Rains, sour stomach, nervousness and
eadaches for month?
Dr. H. L. Should /«w York, reporter
*‘In addition to intestinal cleaniing, Adlerika
greatly, reduce» bacteria and colon bacilli.”
Give your bowels a REAL cleansing
with Adlerika and see how good you
feel. Just one spoonful relieves GAS
and constipation. Leading Druggists.
He Won’t Be
He uses Glover’s Mange Medicine
followed by Glovers
Medicated Soap for the jfi
shampoo. If YOU are afflict-
cd with Baldness. Dandruff
or Excessive Falling Hair,
stop worrying about it. Start ,
usingGlover'stodayandkcep i
at it. Sold at all Druggists.
Or have your Barber give you
Glover’s treatment regularly.
«CO YOU rather liked Dick Good-
win, did you? Well, Dick's not
bad—but he's something of a nut.
He doesn’t get far with any of us
Kitty Draper’s twenty • year old
hostess, Dorothy Blaine, looked
with an expression of mild com­
passion on her guest as they sat
in the living room of the Blaine
summer home after the Sunday aft­
ernoon tea party when Dorothy had
introduced her guest to the young
men and girls with whom she
"played round” during the summer.
Kitty was twenty—she ought to be
a better judge. Now. of all the
men she had met the one she men­
tioned specially was Dick Goodwin.
Just another proof of Kitty’s de­
ficiency. Kitty was a dear and rath­
er pretty, but still really a little
Kitty tried to defend herself. "I
didn't say I was prazy about Dick
Goodwin. You asked me which one
of the men I liked most, and I just
said that I had had a very interest­
ing conversation with him. We got
to talking about hobbies and he
mentioned the fact that he was in­
terested in geology. So he talked
about geology—”
“Dick would talk about geology.
Meets a pretty girl for the first
time—a girl who is willing to talk
with him—and he talks about geol­
ogy. That’s really precious. Didn't
I say he was a nut?”
"But why shouldn’t a man talk
about geology—if he’s interested in
"Doesn't have to talk about any­
thing, silly—that way. I mean, at
a tea party like this a man’s just
expected to sort of kid and — oh,
you know—banter—light talk.”
Meantime Dick had been driven
home in one of his own cars with
the Hurley girls, Rodney Steele,
Ben and Margery Kelly and Stella
Bates. Wedged in the back seat
between Margery and Stella he was
listening in some surprise to com­
ments about Kitty.
"Oh she’s pretty enough,” bab­
bled Margery, "and I hear she has
quite a bit of money in her own
name, and she can dance well and
all that. I see what Dorothy means,
though—she is dumb.”
"Whal do you mean, dumb?”
asked Dick in surprise.
“Just dumb. You know what I
mean.” Margery said.
At first Dick's interest in the
dumbness of Kitty was quite self­
ish. Here was a girl that had struck
him as entirely charming. She had
money, which wasn’t anything to
him because Dick happened to have
¡Filet Crochet Set for
the 'Forgotten' Chair
(£) IcClure Newspaper Syndicate.
WNU 8ervice.
enough of that commodity himself.
Still it would have weight, he knew,
with Ben and Rodney and their
confreres. He had noticeu that the
men did not hover around her as
they did some of the other girls
and now they explained that this
was because of some characteristic
which in their lingo was indicated
by “dumbness.”
The next week was crowded with
beach suppers, hatles,, breathless
motor drives along the curving
shore road—sunny hours of swim­
ming and tennis and later hours of
dancing and card playing. Besides
for Kitty and Dick there was a
geological survey up the side of a
hill five miles inland, arranged for
six o’clock one morning so that it
might not conflict with the program
arranged by Dorothy for Kitty’s en­
To ask a girl to go pebble hunt­
ing at six o’clock in the morning
was further proof that Dick was a
nut—and of course any girl who
would consider such an invitation
in the light of anything but a joke
was hopelessly dumb. Still in one
way both Dick and Kitty were pop­
ular. It was Dick who always found
it convenient to “change a bill”
when the crowd had stopped at a
roadside inn for refreshments. His
two new cars were always ready
for anyone who wanted to drive.
Two weeks later, after Kitty had
gone home and Dick and Rodney
and most of the other men had gone
back to the city after their sum­
mer holidays, Ben and Margery
Kelly, lingering on the beach with
Dorothy, discussed Kitty.
“I know Kitty wouldn’t mind my
telling you of her engagement,"
said Margery. “I suppose everyone
guessed it anyway. Kitty’s imma­
ture and rather dumb, hut she's a
nice girl—"
“Maybe she’s not so dumb after
all,” suggested Ben. "She did quick
work with Dick all right. And
Dick’s a decent fellow and he's got
a lot of money even if he is a nut—”
"I don’t know whether Dick is
such a nut anyway,” observed
Katherine, "die was chosen out of
two or three hundred applicants as
head of some geological survey
from college. You said yourself he
was the one fellow in the crowd
who was likely to make his name
in the world.”
“Well, of course, there's that,”
said Ben indolently, but ho was
thinking neither of Kitty nor Dick
—rather wondering to himself
whether in all the world there was
a more deliciously fashioned pair
of lips than those of Dorothy Blaine.
Navy’s Record Clean
No United States man’-o-war
has ever mutinied or been in th«
hands of mutineers, while in other
navies whole squadrons and fleets
have mutinied.
Found Amazing
from PAIN
Pattern 1224
Filet crochet in a fresh, new
Resign, is an easy way to bring
new life and loveliness to the “for­
gotten” chair. Scarf ends can also
be made this easy way. Use
string. Pattern 1224 contains
directions and charts for making
the set shown; illustrations of
stitches; materials needed.
Send 15 cents in stamps or coins
(coins preferred) for this pattern
to The Sewing Circle Needlecraft
Department, 82 Eighth Avenue,
New York, N. Y.
Write plainly pattern number,
your name and address.
No need to suffer
agony of muscu­
lar aches and
pains ¡Thousands
report wonderful
soothing relief with Hamlins Wizard Oil.
Just rub it on—rub it in. Acts quick. Re­
lieves that terrible soreness. Loosens up
stiff, achy muscles. Has a pleasant odor.
Will not stain clothes. At all druggists.
Women in Command
Approximately 1,000,000 women
hold some form of public office in
Russia. On the managing boards
of industrial or agricultural co­
operatives there art another 100,-
000 and 112,000 are co-judges.
Eight out of every hundred vil­
lages have women presidents.
Our Acts
Our acts make or mar us—we
are the children of our own deeds.
—Victor Hugo.
A private school of distinction, a school
where character, health and high
scholastic training produce the
Ideal of a well balanced education.
Accredited to California, Stanford and lead­
ing Eastern and Mid-western Universities.
• Outdoor Sports the year round •
For further information, address
E. A. Rogers, Headmaster, Box 246
Los Gatos, California
New War Secretary and His Family
Classified DepaXient
to handle needed local service to car anc |
home owners. No selling, good income
Make the “Flrat Quart” test I
Drain and refill with Quaker State.
Note the mileage. Prove for your­
self that you do go farther before
you have to add the first quart.
The retail price is 35<! per quart.
brings on highly acid stomach condition
—“morning after” distress. Milnesia,
original milk of magnesia in wafer form,
quickly relieves distress. Each wafer
equals 4 teaspoonfuls milk of magnesia.
Crunchy, delicious flavor. 20c, 35c & 60c
at druggists.
Following the death of Secretary of War George H. Dem, Assistant
Secretary Harry H. Woodring became head of the War department as
| acting secretary. He is here shown with Mrs. Woodring and their chil­
j dren, Marcus and Melissa, on the lawn of their residence in Mount
Vernon. Virginia.
Quaker State Oil Refining Com­
pany, Oil City, Pennsylvania.
CeSTIFlf 0
t — guaranteed