FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1936 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON SURE ENOUGH “Tom, there must be some truth in the old spying, ‘Nobody loves a fat man.’ ” "Nonsense! Dick. Why, you’re sort o’ plump yourself, and you’ve had four love affairs, and been mar­ ried as many times.” “Well, Tom, ain’t four prooi •nough?” orArnencdfi. distance? dinners' Pan its fastest too-mite- outdoor race in. History. &me8ntinutesH&B> seconds HctsA. is twenty-tooyear? oidjioeiyAjts /45pounds? Western (xw&vnce nuddte Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Robbins and family spent several days baby spent Monday at Forest last week at the home of her Grove with relatives. brother, Wallace Cobert at Stay­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Place I ton, Oregon. spent Saturday and Sunday at Mrs. Ruth Roland and Mrs. Maupin with relatives and re­ turning home by the Columbia Helen Steele of Heisson, Wash., are visiting relatives here for I highway. sons left Saturday for Stayton, Oregon, for a two weeks visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fowler spent the week end at Waldport with her mother, Mrs. Lee Hall. We are sorry to learn Mrs. Hall is very sick, but her friends hope for a speedy recovery. --------- a--------- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoben spent the week end at Rockaway beach. Mrs. Johnnie Hatfield was in Portland on Tuesday of this week. J. C. Lincoln, Jack Lindsay and Elmer Lindberg fished in Ne- halem bay Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Schmidt were in Portland business Wednesday. Percy—Doncher know, when Mr. and Mrs. John Robbins hold my breath and duck my head and daughter Elsie also Juanita under, it bobs right up! Clara—So will any light matter, Parker left Tuesday for a visit with their nephews Kenneth Niv- I am sure. Riverview Announcing! the employment of Mr. John Hanson, an expert mechanic, in our repair shop. MONEY DOWN 3 YEARS TO PAY Also the purchase of a new spray gun and new fender hammers for body work. We are in a position now to give all Ford owners the very best of service. James Rainey spent Monday in Portland on business. HAS A GOOD EYE Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lolley had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Miller and daughter of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shipley had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C A. Shipley of Banks, Crawford Motor Co “FORD SALES AND SERVICE” Be Sure Your Child Has Enough Light Eyes are precious- Light is cheap “Your friend can shoot a plate of bean-soup down the lunch counter and never spill a bean.” “Yes, bo. She’s got perfect con­ trol.” Suit Prices 2650 Light is made to see with, not to look at. If you see a light, it should be shaded. Bright light produces eye strain and nerv- ousness. If your child is hold­ ing his book closer than 14 inches either his light or his eyes, or both, need atten­ tion. U _________" approve,/ Better Sight lamp i baara thia tag An I. E. S. Lamp Protect« You In Your Lamp Purchase*— See Them at Our Office or at Your Dealer’s. Distinctive^ Appearance f Smitty’s Men’s Shop Oregon Gas and Electric Co Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia, Oregon k SAVE $25TO$50 k • WITH 'STEWART • Here’s the buy of the year! Without down payment you can have this new Stewart-Warner in your home tomorrow. You’ll save money, too. Because SAV-A-STEP, found only in the Stewart-Warner, turns back shelves into "front” space—ends back-shelf fumbling —and gives as much really easy- to-reach food space as refrigera­ tors costing $25 to $50 more. Let us demonstrate this and other fea­ tures—and explain our new "No Down Payment” plan. PATERSON FurnitureStore