Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 11, 1936, Image 1

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    VOLUME XIV $1.50 per year,
Council Adopts
Law against U
Turns on Bridge St.
Request Is Made for $100
For Completion of Pre­
liminary work on Dam
An ordinance prohibiting U
turns on Bridge street from
First to Third ^as passed with
an emergency clause attached at
the council meeting Tuesday
night. Penalty for violation »is
set at a fine not to exceed $20
or imprisonment not to exceed
20 days, or both.
A committee from ahe chamber
of commerce consisting of Les­
ter Sheeley, Tom Crawford and
L. H. Dewey requested that the
city pay $100 of an estimated
$250 cost for materials and labor
for immediate work on the swim­
ming pool dam to prevent loss
of what has already been done;
Mr. Sheeley explained that there
would be plenty of money in the
WPA fund when allotted, but
that the application would prob­
ably not be acted upon for a
couple of months yet, and high
water would in the meantime
destroy the ditches dug for the
retaining wall. A log retaining
wall is planned, he said, with
gravel to be dumped between it
and the bank. The chamber of
commerce will donate the re­
maining $150 needed, he said.
In the absence of Recorder B.
F. Rogers the members of the
council were not informed as to
whether the $100 requested is
available in the emergency fund,
but promised to find out and
hold a special meeting later. J.
W. Brown, city treasurer, inform­
ed them that there is no fund
other than the emergency which
could be used for the purpose.
Oiling of First, Second, Third
and Maple streets in view of
prohibiting U turns on Bridge
street, a policy that will divert
traffic to the side streets, was
advocated by Mr. Sheeley. He
suggested that a meeting of
taxpayers in road district 16 be
called to levy a tax for part of
the expense, the rest to be raised
by voluntary subscriptions by
the property owners.
Mr. Sheeley also appeared in
behalf of Thor Gronbeck and
August Greenfeldt, who request­
ed that parking space limited to
three hours a day be granted
Mr. Gronbeck for loading his
stages in front of Dad’s Sand­
wich shop. Mr. Sheeley explained
that an ordinance passed in 1928
provides for a 20 minute limit
on Bridge street for trucks and
stages, and that an amendment
giving the council authority to
grant exclusive privileges as in
the case of the taxi stands in
Portland is essential. Otherwise,
he maintained, double parking
would result if a stage could not
draw up to the curb for loading
(Continued on page 12)
5c a copy.
Glenwood Camp Crews
Resume Work
and Consolidated Logging comp­
anies operating out of the Glen­
wood camp resumed work with
full crews Wednesday morning.
The strike which shut the camp
down recently was ended a week
ago when the men voted to go
back to work, submitting their
differences with the employers
to arbritration as provided in
the contract between the Col-
umbit Basin Loggers association
and the union council. The comp­
any, however, did not call the
men back to work until after
Labor day.
______ *______
Credit Service Starts
Sub-office Here
The Credit Reporting Sedvice
of Columbia county, with head­
quarters in St. Helens, establish­
ed this week a sub-office in the
bank building in Vernonia, with
Loel Roberts in charge.
The bureau is prepared to re­
port all classes of credit infor­
mation for local merchants and
professional men.
______ ♦______
J. J. Monroe was bound over
to the grand jury at a hearing
in Justice Hill’s court Tuesday
evening. He was charged with
having passed a worthless check
to Art Davis for $7.00.
______ *
A petition has been filed with
the county school superintendent
requesting a change in district
boundaries so as to include the
Frank Lines and neighboring
places in School District 47, Ver­
nonia, instead of in School Dist­
rict 14, Pleasant Hill, as at pres­
ent. A hearing before the boun­
dary board has been set for Oct.
8 in the court house at St. Hel­
Feathers . . .
and.. .Talons
Johnny Collins riding a girl’s
bike . . . C. F. Hieber sweeping
gravel from the cross walk at
Third and Bridge to show how
it should be done . . . Sam
Conklin digging post holes for
the “No U Turn” signs . . .
Claude Miller and Charlie Rich
reshingling the city hall roof
. . . Ken McNeill handing out a
comp for the Vernonia air cir­
cus (just a year old) . . .Tom
Crawford taking a bus load of
school children up Corey hill. .
. Advice to safecrackers, devised
by Bookkeeper Bowerman, pasted
cn the door of the Vernonia
Auto company’s safe.
Attendance in
Schools Shows
Much Increase
Work on Cut-off
Is Started
Owens Nominated
For Re-election
As City Mayor
Clearing of right of way for
the cut-off between the Hess
¡bridge and the Nehalem Valley
I highway on the Veaver creek
406 Are in Grade Schools and road began Saturday. The dist- Stacey, Raymond, McNeill
I ance of the new construction is
Over 200 in Vernonia
and Schaber Named for
' approximately one mile.
Union High School
Council, Brown Treas.
| The contractors are the Moun-
The enrollment- in the Ver- tain States Construction Co. of
Ben S. Owens was nominated
1 Eugene.
nonia grade schools up to yes-E
“«8118- The specifications call [for mayor, J. W. Brown for
terday afternoon was 406, ag for
fnp grading
‘rr“',inD’ and surfacing wi^} 1 treasurer, E. A. Stacy and Roy
compared with 314 on the third ’crushed rock.
j Raymond councilmen for two
day of school last year. Seventy- | While blasting is going on years, K. A. McNeill and Geo.
six of the number are being there wiU Probably be some in­ Schaber councilmen for four
taught in the Lincoln building. teruPtlon of service on the light years at the city caucus held in
About half of these reside in the •an<^ power line going out to- . the Legion hall yesterday even­
Corey hill section, and the others Iwards Timber, states J. W. Nich­ ing.
ols, manager of the Oregon Gas •
are brought in by bus.
The vote in detail was as fol­
The Lincoln building, in use and Electric Co.
lows: Nominee for mayor, Owens,
for the first time in four years,
23, Mrs. Wm. Hammack, 6; Bob
has undergone a thorough refin­
! Carland, 1. For councilman for
ishing this summer at the hands
¡four years, McNeill, 18; Frank
of the janitor, Geo. Nutt. The
Hartwick, 10; Dennis Davis, 3.
floors have been sanded and
I The choice of J. W. Brown for
waxed in place of the old oil
' treasurer, E. A. Stacy, and Geo.
surface, and the woodwork and
The traffic problem in Ver- ( Schaber for councilmen was un-
desks hate been revarnished. Old nonia was discussed at the cham­ animous.
equipment is being used except ber of commerce meeting in
H. G. Sandon was chairman
in the first grade room, where Turk’s restaurant Tuesday noon,
new tables and chairs have been 'and Secretary Neal W. Bush was of the meeting, Ray D. Fisher
secretary and Leslie Skuzie and
provided. The lawn is being instructed to write ao Capt. Chas.
I Wallace McCrae tellers.
spaded by Sam Conklin.
Pray of the state police explain­
High School Show* Growth
ing the need for stationing an
to Serve
Registration cards were still officer in this locality. Supt. I.
being handed in at the high ' N. McCollom of the grade school As Deputy Recorder
school yesterday and complete district told about the hazard
C. F. Hieber, former city re­
figures on attendance could not to school children because of
consented yesterday to
be obtained. There are well over reckless driving past the Wash­
serve as deputy recorder during
200 already, it was stated, A ington school grounds.
year ago there were 180.
President Sam Hearing read the illness of Recorder B. F.
______ *______
the following paid-up meifiber- Rogers. Mr. Rogers’ health has
ship list as reported by U. R. been such that he will be unable
Watts of the membership com- to perform the duties of the
mittee: Shamrock cafe, Fairway office for some time.
The Pleasant Hill school start­
Miss Edna Owens will act as
store, Miller Mercantile Co.,
ed Monday. Teachers this year
| Turk’s restaurant, Dad’s restaur- water collector.
are Edward Sehorn, principal,
______ *
I ant, Oregon Gas and Electric Co., | _.
seventh and eighth grades; Mrs.
Vernonia Auto Co., Kullander’s j District Kebekah
Vera Sehorn, intermediate; Mrs.
.Jewelry store, Mac’s pharmacy, Convention for 1937
Erma Chance, primary.
I Crawford Motor _ Co., Paterson Jo fie ¡n Vernonia
______ A
Heavy-Weight Wrestlers l^rniture store, Nehalem market,
Fp A
c «. 1 q
Ben s Barber
• Lester
-------- ------------------
vernonia will
win be
oe tne
the place ox
To Appear Sept. 18.
{shop, Dick’s Workingmen’s store, the annual meeting of the Re­
An all-star group of heavy-1 H°ffman Hardware Co., Termin- bekah district convention in 19-
weight wrestlers will make their:®1 cafe’ Bert
Vernonia ,37, according to announcement
bow nt.
at t.hp
the T.Ptrinn
Legion hall
hall Fridav
Friday . | a*ery» Roberts asd Hieber, the convention of the order
night, Sept. 18, in the opening way store, 1 Roland’s service sta-|beld in Clatskanie August 31.
0.1 Nineteen attended from Vernonia.
show of the fall season. It is tion, Reeher’s grocery, Union Oil
the plan of Bert Tisdale, pro­ Co., Post Ofice, Armitage Drug
New officers were installed as
moter, to hold a wrestling match | Co., Cozy confectionery, Dr. R. follows:
every two weeks throughout the D. Eby, Heath’s service station, Lines, Vernonia; vice chairman,
winter months, and he has lined King and Duncan’s grocery and Jennie Merrill, St. Helens; secre­
up the services of the leading market, I. N. MdCollom and Ver­ tary, Florence McDonald, Ver­
heavy weights of the world. In­ nonia Eagle.
nonia i; marshal, Ella Cline, Ver-
Meetings are held the second
stead of a local preliminary there
nonia .; conductor, Gladys Smith,
will be three one-hour bouts Tuesday of the month in the St. Helens; chaplain, 1 Rosabel
starting promptly at 8:30 o’clock. Masonic temple.
Smith, Rainier; musician, Merta
______ •______
Further details will appear in REGISTRATION TO CLOSE
Jean Lyons, Clatskanie; inside
next Week’s Eagle.
guardian, Mertie Debast, Rain-
Registration of voters for the
Outside guardian. Myrtle Guth-
election in November elocer Sat­ rie, Clatskanie; right support to
The first meeting of the Ver­ urday Oct. 3, states Mrs. E. H. the chairman, the president of
nonia Public Library board fol­ Washburn, registrar for Vernon­ Rebekah assembly of Oregon;
lowing a three months vacation ia. All who have changed their left support to chairman, Etha
Kemnitz, St. Helens; right sup­
was held at the home of Mrs. residence should re-register.
The registration books in the r
__ to
„ vice
...... _ chairman,
L. H. Dewey, chairman, Tues­
Oregon Gas and Electric office ICurteman, St. Helens; left sup­
day night.
The report of Edna Owens, li­ will be open each Thursday night1 port to vice chairman, Mamie
brarian, covering the 3-month I from 7 to 9 for the convenience Morris, Rainier.
______ *
period indicated a total circul- of those who cannot call during
the regular business hours, 9 to
Judge J. B. Wilkerson was in
(Continued on Page 12)
Vernoniqa yesterday afternoon.
Chamber Discusses
Traffic Problem