Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 04, 1936, Image 1

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    VOLUME XIV $1.50 per year,
Grammar Schools
To Open Tuesday
September 8th
Lincoln Building Is to Be
Occupied First Time in
Four Years
The Vernonia grade schools
will open Tueslay, September 8.
The Lincoln building, reopened
this year after four years of
idleness, will be used for child­
ren of the first three grades liv­
ing west of the railroad tracks.
All others will attend the Wash­
ington school.
Assignments for teachers have
been announced by Supt. I. N.
McCollom as follows: Washington
school, Enoch Dumas, principal,
history and civics; Willard Berg,
library and auditorium; Paul
Gordon, gymnasium and indust­
rial arts; Charlotte Hilts, geog­
raphy; Amy Hughes, music; Jul­
ia Keasey, opportunity room;
Grace White, art and home econ­
omics; Marjorie Gray, first grade;
Lenora Kizer, second grade; Ruth
Holaday, third grade; Margaret
Bennett, fouth grade; Helen Hall,
fifth grade; Grace Condit, sixth
grade; Thelma Sweeney, seventh
grade; William Horsham, eighth
grade. Lincoln school, Ethel Pet­
erson, principal, first grade;
Mary Clanfield, second grade;
Kay Joyce, third grade.
Emmons, who
elected last spring as assistant
janitor at the Washington school,
has resigned because of employ­
ment at the mill, and N. S. Mel­
linger has been given his place.
Mr. Emmons’ bus route will be
handled by A. D. Lolley.
Entrance Requirement Explained
Supt. McCollom states that
children who are 6 before Nov-
emer 1 may enter the first grade.
In a few cases children who are
6 before Jan. 1 will be admitted
provided they can pass an en­
trance test satisfactorily. Parents
of beginners not previously on
the census list should bring birth
certificates if possible.
______ »
The Credit Bureau, Inc., with
nine branches, has been estab­
lished in Room 2 of the Joy
Theatre building, with Florence
Wall in charge of the local of­
fice. Herbert Staples, manager
of the bureau, will be here once
a week.
The firm handles collections
and credit reports.
,Mrs. M. W, Mumbach has tak­
en over the ready to wear and
<rressmaking department in the
balcony of the Miller Mercantile
store, succeeding Mrs. Gladys
Morrell, who will teach the Pleas­
ant Vale school in place of Mrs.
Maudie Duncan, resigned.
5c a copy.
Equipment is Here
For Building Cut-Off
Johnston-McGraw Teachers Institute*
Auto Company Is
To Be Sept. 28, Oct. 19
Shingle Mill Is
Robbed of About
I A one-day teachers’ institute
Burned to Ground | to be held Sept. 28 in St. Helens 900 Dollars
Road equipment for building
the Beaver creek highway from
i and a joint institute to be held
the Hess bridge to Treharne is
being assembled, and it is ex­ | The Johnston-McGraw shingle ' with teachers of Yamhill and
[Washington counties Oct. 19 was
pected that work will begin im­
, mill, situated at the east end of | decided upon at a meeting of
the O.-A. mill pond, was des- [school superintendents in St. Hel-
The new road will cut through
! troyed by fire Monday morning. ' ens Friday. Local talent will be
the cook house and possibly some The loss, amounting to about
|on the program at St. Helens and
of the cabins of the old Koster •
$25,000, was complete, there be­ outside speakers at Hillsboro. The
camp. The present county road l
ing no insurance. Only the dry meeting in Hillsboro will be held
between the Hess bridge and
, kiln and the boiler remain un­ in place of the visiting day which
the Timber highway was not tak- '■
i has been the rule for the past
en over by the state along
, with ! | The cause of the fire is unde-
[few years in this county.
the Beaver creek route
termined. However company of-
The superintendents decided al-
of intended abandonment M
that there were no |so that no prizes will be given
as a right of way could be
live wires leading into the build­ ¡for school exhibits at the county
through Koster camp.
ing, and the only solution of the ¡fair next year.
mystery would lie either in incen-
diarism or the carelessneäs of WASHBURN
watchman was employed.
The foundation of the old
—O ■ '■
The mill was built a little over
Brown furniture biulding, own-1
E. H. Washburn, who has the
ten years ago, and was in prac­
ed by Judge W. A. Harris, at
contract for selling O.-A. mill
tically constant operation until
the east end of the Rock creek |
wood, has added a second truck,
the shutdown of the Oregon-Am- '
bridge is being renewed pre­
a Chevrolet 114 ton truck with
erican mill. Plans were being
paratory to fitting up of apart­
1 dump body and hydraulic hoist.
made to resume about the first
ments on the second floor.
Lloyd Carlberg is the driver.
of the year.
---------- *----------
---------- •----------
The directors are considering
Two Hotels are Bought rebuilding when the shingle mar­ MRS. J. W. BROWN HAS
ket justifies. They are figuring STROKE OF PARALYSIS
By Fred Ovesen
on a one machine mill to run
Mrs. __ J. W.
Brown suffered a
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ovesen, who three shifts.
I stroke of paralysis Friday, and
bought the Nehalem and Vernon­
ia hotel buildings last week, op­ Mrs. Gwin Injured When has been confined to her bed
since then. Yesterday she was
ened the Nehalem Saturday and
Car Skid* in Gravel
reported as showing considerable
assumed possession of the Ver­
nonia Monday. The Nehalem hot­
Mrs. E. E. Gwin was severely- improvement. Her sister, Mrs. M.
el has been closed for over a injured Friday night near Mor­ L. Peters of Portland, is here to
year, while the Vernonia hotel ton, Wash., while returning to help take care of her.
has been operated by Mrs. F. E. Vernonia from a vacation trip in
the vicinity of Seattle. Her
The deal for both hotels was shoulder and nose were broken
made with the state banking and two vertebrae in her back
department, which had taken ov- were crushed. She was taken to a
er both properties in connection I hospital in Tacoma. Her daughter
with liquidation of the Bank of I Dorothy was cut in the head
The Vernonia union high school
(and bruised. She returned to Ver-
will start at 9 a. m. Tuesday.
______ »______
|nonia and resumed her work in The morning will be devoted to
Cabinet Shop Bldg
the Miller Mercantile store yes­ 'registration of all students, and
|classes will begin Wednesday. A
To Be Remodeled
The coupe in which they were ! teachers’ meeting will be held in
The building occupied by the ! riding upset after skidding in I the afternoon.
McGown-Anderson cabinet shop, loose gravel while rounding a ■ The only new teacher will
across from the Washington curve. The severe injuries of ’ ' be Miss Mary Laura Miller of
grade school, has been sold to Mrs. Gwin are believed to have
I Dundee, Ore., who will teach
D. C. Newlin of Portland. Mr. been caused by the opening of 'freshman English and physical
Newlin will remodel the building
education. She is a graduate of
into two apartments, which have thrown from the car onto the Pacific college, and has taught
been rented to teachers. The
for several years in the high
---------- e----------
work, which is expected to start
school at Dundee.
Monday, will take about a month.
Other teachers and their sub-
Mr. Newlin is the father of Mrs. MAYOR, MOVES TO
jects are as follows: Harold Mc-
Howard Reeher of this city.
Entire, principal, mathematics;
The cabinet shop will move
Freda Beck, home economics and
Guy R. Mills,one of Vernon­
this week end to Weed avenue
commercial; Nan Crary, English
ia’s pioneer residents and a for­
and Maple street.
and library; Wallace McCrae,
mer mayor, moved Aug. 27 to
WRESTLING CARD OF HEAVY Garibaldi, where he has pur­ social science and algebra; Ray
Mills, science; Leslie Skuzie, com­
chased a service station.
mercial and science; Amy Hughes,
Mr. Mills sold his residence
A wrestling card consisting of property on Bridge street recent­ music.
Extensive improvements have
three bouts of heavy weights ly to W. J. Mellinger of St. Hel-
been made in the building. The
has been scheduled by Promoter ens.
entire second floor has been re-
Bert Tisdale for Friday, Sept. 18..
laid, also the hall floor down­
Mr. Tisdale is arranging for MIST-PITTSBURG
stairs, the interior has been com­
Chief Little Wolf, Strangler PAVING COMPLETED
pletely painted and kalsomined,
the appearance of such stars as
Babler brothers, contractors, the library has been moved into
Lewis, Vincent Lopez and San­
completed Monday evening the the study hall, there is a new
dor Szabo.
paving of the Nehalem highway roof and the arms of the class­
T. M. Crawford was in Port­ from Pittsburg to Mist, approx­ room chairs have been sanded
land yesterday on business.
and refinished.
imately 12 miles.
High School Opens
Next Tuesday
No Definite Clue to Saie
Smashers Is Obtained
By Investigators
Approximately $300 in cash
and $613 in checks were stolen
Sunday night from the safe of
the Vernonia Auto Co. While
suspicion falls on a couple of
men who had been seen lurking
in the vicinity for several days,
there are no definite clues. There
were no fingerprints, as the fel­
lows wore canvas gloves. It is
believed that the crime was com­
mitted by at least two men. En­
try was gained through a rear
window, and it is considered pos­
sible that one of them hid in the
shop until after 10 o’clock, when
the place was locked up, and
then admitted the other through
the window. They started to
smash the combination off the
safe where it stood, in the book­
keeper’s enclosure in the front
office, but apparently there was
not room enough for swinging
the sledge, and the safe was
aragged into the shop. There the
lock was broken and the entire
contents of value taken with the
exception of two GMAC checks
which were found in the floor.
While in the front office the men
were in view of the street, as
the neon sign remained lighted.
The robbery was not discov­
ered until the next morning,
when Ed Salomonsen, one of the
owners, came to work. Later
check up revealed that a set of
dual horns was missing as well
as the money that had been tak­
The checks included payroll
checks from Clark and Wilson,
the Oregon-American and Babler
brothers, also a check signed by
E. H. Washburn, a government
check to J. C. Moran, and a
check on Ladd and Bush, Salem.
Search has been made for the
missing checks on the theory that
they may have been discarded
somewhere, but none have come
to light.
Ed Bollinger and E. S. Thomp­
son made a trip to Seaside Tues­
day in the hope of identifying
the robber who was shot there
while trying to escape after a
safe cracking job in Tillamook,
but could find no clear evidence
that the man had been in Ver­
The Beaver Creek school start­
ed Monday with Mrs. Madge
Rogers in charge. Mrs. Rogers,
who taught in the Pleasant Hill
school last year, Is succeeding
Mrs. Erma Chance, who assumes
Mrs. Rogers’ former position.