Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 14, 1936, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1936
I of Salem, spent Sunday at the
I home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Par-
| ker. The boys will remain two
Entered as second class matter | weeks with their grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Huntley
August 4, 1922, at the post office
at Vernonia, Oregon, under the and family, also Nate Huntley
spent Monday at Clatskanie.
act of March 3, 1879.
Mrs. Harriet LeVeque of Hills­
boro spent several days this week
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brindle of
I Burns, "are the proud parents of
a seven pound baby boy born
' August 2. He has been^named
Editor and Publisher
James Edward, Mother and baby
are doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson
I'of Glenwood spent the week end
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. I. Anderson. On their return
I they were accompanied by their
I sister Edith, who will spend the
| week visiting.
J.W. Brown is building a fun­
Mr. and Mrs Ray Myers and
eral home south of the bank on
Third street which will include lbaby of Treharne spent Sunday
both his undertaking parlors and at the home of her parents, Mr.
his own residence. The building and Mrs. Otto Carlson.
James Rainey spent Monday
is being erected by Noble Dunlap.
and Tuesday in Portland on bus-
The Vernonia grade schools ness.
will open Monday, Sept. 6, ac­
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson
cording to Mrs. Lillian Brown,
and baby of Goble spent the week
clerk of the school board.
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Rogers, Nehalem valley Spurge Golden.
Mike Washinko of Santa Fe,
pioneer, died in Vernonia Sat.
x*k x
New Mexico came Tuesday. He
Mrs. Nanny B. Hall will not expects to make his home in
find any apricots on her trip to Riverview.
Idaho but she will visit the water-
Mrs. Robert Place, who has
mellon patches.
been in the hospital in Portland
for several weeks, returned home
Tuesday much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilliker
and Mr. and Mrs. Del Cornutt of
Buxton spent the week end at
j Detroit.
Mrs. Jack Schaffer and sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Carlson and
Fresno, Calif., came Wednesday brother Fred were St. Helen^
for a 3 months visit with her visitors Monday.
sister, Mrs. Ollie Robbins, whom
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler
she hasn’t seen in 11 years.
and family spent the week end
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fowler at Big Eddy.
and brother Kenneth spent tht
Virgil Powell was brought home
week end with relatives at St. Monday from the hospital.
Kenneth Bentley of Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christian­ is spending the week at the home
sen and son Harold spent Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willard.
with relatives at Clatskanie.
Mrs. Harold Parker and sons
Vernonia Eagle
Teia Years
Ago * * * *
■Si ver view
tor service at 7 p. m. You are
1 requested to bring dinner, knife,
: fork, spoon, plate and cup. There
' will be no evening service held.
| The church plans to attend the
¡evening service at the Evangeli­
cal church where Miss Necia
| Buck of Salem will speak in the
Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister | interesa of the Womans Christ­
ian Temperance Union. Usual
9:45 Church school with Mrs. prayer meeting and Bible study
Alta John as superintendent. A on Wednesday evening.
______ •_______
helpful hour for young and old.
11:00 morning worship. We COUNTRY CHURCH OF THE
honor out Lord and show our
gratitude to him by attendance
Sacred concert and special
at public worship.
7:00 E. L. C. E. discussion music night, at Jewell, Sunday
topic, “The Christian Idea of night at 7:30. Miss Cara Dryden,
Miss Jean Dryden and Mrs.
Dryden are coming with
8:00 Praise service after which
Mrs. Necia Buck of the W. C. a special Gospel musical.
Come and bring the family to
T. U. will speak. This will be
hear this entire evening of music
a union service with our friends
and song.
of the Christian church.
The Pastor,
Tuesday evening at 7:30 the
P. J. Van Bruggen
young people’s group meets for
prayer and discussion of the sub­
J. L. Perdue, who has been as­
ject “My Duty to My Home.”
Wednesday afternoon the Pol­ sociated recently with .his broth­
lyanna circle will meet with Mrs. er Nat in the operation of Nat’s
Claude Knapp. Those desiring
trassportation be at the Armi­
tage Drug store at two o’clock.
Wednesday evening at 7:30
High Grade Ladies’
the adult group meets for prayer
and Bible Study.
and Gents’ Tailor
Saturday evening at eight o’­
Cleaning, Pressing, Alter­
clock the quarterly conferenece
ations and Repair Work
will be held. Dr. Emory Petti-
expertly done.
cord will preach and conduct the
847 Third Street
business meeting. All are wel­
come. On Sunday morning Aug.
23, Dr. Petticord will again
preach and will hold commun­
ion service for all who attend.
The Annual Union Services
with St. Helens Christian Church
and the Bible schools of the low­
er valley, will be held at Big
Eddy park on Sunday, August
16. The Bible school session at
9:45, Communion service at 11:00
and two brief sermonets at 11:00;
Picnic dinner at 12, recreation
and fellowship during the after­
noon, and the Christian Endeav-
The Independent Line
Leaves from Vernonia Hotel for Portland via Buxton
and Banks.
2 trips daily ............................ 7:55 a. m. and 4:55 p. m.
Arrives in Portland.... ................... 10 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Leaves Portland from Central Stage Depot, (Park
and Taylor) Daily except Sundays and Holidays.
Times Square
Sunday and Monday
8 a. m. and 5 p. m.
Arrives in Vernonia ........................ 10 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Sundays and Holidays only—
Leaves Portland 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Call Service between Keasey and Vernonia.
FARE: $1.30
° ay
Freddy Bartholomew in
Tuesday, Wednesday
Thurs., Fri.,
The government is behind every deposit you have—
up to $5,000. That is the finest guarantee in the
world— as certain at the very existence of our govern­
ment! Make your deposits with confidence— they are
guaranteed, by Federal Deposit Insurance.
The Forest Grove
Shirley Temple in
Poor Little Rich Girl
J. A. Thornburgh, President.
^==- -
Place in this city is now in West
Virginia on account of the ill­
ness of his daughter. He plans
to return to Vernonia in the
Mrs. A. L. Ritz, who has been
confined to her home for some
time with illness, was a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cooley for
a chicken dinner and an auto­
mobile ride Sunday.
A. F. & A. M.
Vernonia Lodge No. 184
A. F. & A. M. meets
First Thursday of each
month. Special called
meetings on all other Thurs­
day nights, 7:30 p. m. Visitors
most cordially welcome.
George Plumb, W. M.
Glenn F. Hawkins, Sec.
Order of Eastern Star
Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S.
Regular commu­
and third Wed­
nesdays of each
month, at Ma­
All visiting sis­
ters and broth­
ers welcome.
Mrs. L. H. Dewey, W. M.
Leona McGraw. Sec.
Professional & Business Directory
The Livingstones, Ministers
Portland—Banks Stage Line
Warren Williams in
• ■-