VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1—Gen. Edward Rydz-Smigly, who has been proclaimed Poland’s first citizen, a post which virtually drops him into the boots of the late Marshal Pilsudski. 2—Tanks rumble through Spain’s cities, as the leftist government tries to crush the military revolt. 3—Veterans of the Second Division dedicate a memorial to their fallen comrades in Washington, D. C. 51-Foot Yawl Wins Honolulu Race "You’re first to finish!” James Wilder, judge, tells James Flood (left) owner of the 51-foot yawl Dorade, at the end of the longest yacht race in America—2,225 miles from California to Honolulu. Hawaiian leis cover Flood’s tanned shoulders. The Dorade made the trip in 13 days, 7 hours, 20 minutes, 4 seconds elapsed time, being just 14 minutes ahead of the next arrival. GIVES ALL TO CHARITY TRAIN CRIER CHAMP Civilians and Their Dogs Parade in Gas Masks Tokyo.—Civilians and their dogs parade through the streets of the Japanese capital wearing gas masks In a demonstration of the preparedness of the civilian population for a gas attack when and if the next war comes. Mother Dog Adopts Litter of Pigs GOV. LANDON’S AID Lola Williams, for 14 years the secretary to former Vice Presi­ dent Charles Curtis, is now in To- i peka as a new member of Gov. Al­ fred M. Landon's secretariat. She ' When all but one of her puppies died, Lille von Perbock. an aristo­ is a native of Kansas and is con­ cratic Dobermann Pinscher, of Hollywood. Calif., just had to lavish sidered one of the most capable of | her mother love on something. She adopted a litter of red duroc pigs : America’s politically - experienced and all is now serene in her unusual family. I secretaries. In a Train Criers contest in con­ nection with Railroad week in Chi­ cago recently, J. A. Berti, an em­ ployee of the Milwaukee railroad, was adjudged the “Caruso” of all In a momentous decision based train callers. He is shown here on "divine inspiration,” Elsie Janis, trying out a few more calls short­ one-time popular stage star and ly after he had been presented with "sweetheart of the A. E. F.” dur­ the championship cup. The contest ing the World war, has disclosed was sponsored by the Chicago plans to dispose of her worldly pos­ Junior Association of Commerce. sessions and to devote the proceeds and her life to local charities. FILLS FARLEY’S POST HELD BY NAZI William W. Howes, who is acting postmaster general during the leave of absence of Postmaster General James A. Farley, who is directing the Democratic party’s campaign to re-elect President Roosevelt. Mr. Howes’ regular post is first assistant postmaster general. Arrested in Hamburg more than a year ago on a charge of possess­ ing anti-Nazi documents, Lawrence j Simpson, seaman on the U. S. S. | Manhattan, has been placed on tri- ’ al by a secret Nazi court. The charge, however, has been changed I Restricted Immigration to that of “illegal export of mon- The old Greek co'onies restricted ey.” immigration.