Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, July 24, 1936, Page 8, Image 8

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    T» • **—
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1 Ralph Valpiani, Clatskanie, Mrs. “window dressing” are seized.
Dave Marshall, Vernonia; Mrs. Subsequently a “front” for the
Bernice Everman, Rainier; and organizers will appear before the
court, admit his guilt arM pay
Mrs. Von Allmen, Goble.
Last year 60 women enrolled. a nominal fine. Later, when pur­
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle Som? new and interesting feat- chasers of tickets inquire regard­
rures have been added which will ing the draw they are told that
be of interest to the homemak­ no drawing is possible due to
Miss June Ross and Oscar En-
ers such as swimming, archery, seizure of the records by police.
strom motored to Portland to
Hundreds of thousands of
hikes, crafts, camp fire programs,
visit John Ross, who is in St.
and a choice library as well as counterfeit tickets in sweepstakes
Vincents hospital.
other activities which will make operated legally in foreign count­
Mrs. Chet Taylor, who was up the program for the camp. ries have also been sold in the
visiting her daughter in Sacra-
The last day of the camp, Sun­ United States, the Burtau re­
mento, Cal., returned home Sat- day, August 9, will be family ports. Postal authorities in the
day. The campers’ families will be United States and Canada have
Mr .and Mrs. Al Nelson were invited to be guests of the camp. lllavlvuvcu
instituted „
a plan to curb _ illeg-
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle There will be no dishwashing.1 al sweepstakes. In one month lest
last week end.
This makes it possible for each I year the United States Govtrn-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson homemeker attending the camp I ment issued 450 fraud orders
and son spent the week end at to be free and spend her time as I on lottery and sweepstake pro-
the beach.
she wishes. Activities and instruc­ i motions originating in Canada,
Mrs. Lottie Inman was visit­ tions will be provided for those Cuba, Bermuda, Mexico, France
¡and other countries.
ing her daughters, Mrs. Dora and only who wish to participate.
Mrs. Maud C. Purvine, home ■
Lena LaChine and returned to
Portland Better Bus. Bur.
demonstration agent, will be in
her home in Toledo last week.
Mrs. Chas. E. Tatro has been charge of the camp.
i Grady, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
‘ Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mar­
shall and Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
The marriage of Miss Pheobe
______ *_______
Greenman, daughter of Mr. and MRS. DEWEY ENTERTAINS
Mrs. Judd Greenman, and Charles
Loveland Burrow, son of Dr. and
Mrs. C. C. Burrow of Vale, Ore.,
Mrs. L. H. Dewey invifed a
was solemnized Saturday even­ small group of friends to her
ing, July 18, at 8 o’clock in St. home Tuesday afternoon to meet
Marks Episcopal church in Port­ Mrs. J. W. Nichols, who recently
moved into the M. D. Cole house
White lillies white gladioli, and on B. street from Longview.
Guests were Mrs. Geo. A. Com­
tall white candles were arranged
at the altar to form a beautiful stock, Mrs. H. E. McGraw, l/.:s.
setting for the service which was I. N. McCollom, Mrs. Albert
read by the Rev. R. D’Court Sim­ Childs, Mrs. E. E. Garner and
Mrs. Nichols.
Pheobe Greenman Is
Married in Portland
----------- ♦-----------
The bride, who was given in
Mrs. Fullerton Returns
marriage by her father, was love­
Mrs. Lulah E. Fullerton retur-
ly in an ivory brocaded satin
Monday from a two weeks
wedding gown, the skirt of which
was part of the wedding dress of trip to southern Oregon, Crater
her paternal grandmother. Her lake and through the McKenzie
veil fell from an Elizabethan pass to Boise, Idaho, over 2500
miles in all.
She will resume her music clas­
Miss Harriette Campbell of
ses during the summer.
Beaverton was maid of honor.
_______ *________
The bridesmaids were Miss Mar­
Townsend Club Meeting
garet Wagner and Mrs. Gordon
The regular meeting of Ver­
Carey of McMinnville. Margaret nonia Townsend club will be held
Anderson and Doris Davidson as usual in the grange hall Mon-
were junior maids.
day night, July 27.
Miss Campbell wore a frock of
All club members are requested
sheer print with brown dots on to be present as we hope to
a yellow ground. Yellow daisies have our president, Mrs.
C. O.
formed the wreath in her hair Thomas, who served us as dele­
and the nosegay she carried. gate to the Townsend national
The bridesmaids wore similar convention at Cleveland, Ohio,
dresses of sheer white with yel­ with us on that night to read her
low dots. Their nosegays and report, which will be, we know,
hair wreaths were of white dais­ well worth listening to.
A short program will be ren­
Hale Greenman, brother of the dered and light refreshments
bride was the best man. Ushers served free. The public is invited.
were Sterling Green, Donald
______ *_______
Seaman, Jack Cate and Joseph
Miss Amy Hughes sang “Be­
cause” preceding the ceremony
and Carl Denton played the wed­
Harold Spolestra, brother of
ding music at the organ.
Mrs. L. W. Calhoun visited her
A reception in the parish over the week end.
He is em-
house followed the ceremony.
ployed at Keasey.
Mrs. James Arthur Campbell of
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Calhoun
Beaverton, and Mrs. Sara Judd
Greenman of Long Beach pre­ and sons and Mrs. Calhoun's
sided at the bride’s table. Miss brother Harold Spolestra were
Alice V. Maxwell of Hillsboro, in Portland Sunday visiting Mrs.
Miss Caroline Doolittle of Al- Calhoun’s parents.
Mrs. Ernest Snyder and Mr.
bany, Miss Mary Louise Ilamil-
ton of Shelton, Washington, and and Mrs. Connie Snyder of Wash­
Miss Florence Tennant of Long- ington were guests of Mrs. Ev­
erett Snyder Sunday.
view assisted in serving.
Mrs. Ira Rollins had as Sunday
The couple planned to spend I
a week motoring to their home visitors, Mr. Rollin’s mother, Mrs.
in Vale, Oregon, where Mr. Bur­ Tolliver of Washington.
Mrs. Bob Woods and Mrs. Ira
row is assistant cashier of the
Bank of Malheur.
Rollins motored to Portland Tues-
Both Mr. and Mrs. Burrow I day.
M rs. Tom Braniblett is spend­
are graduates of the University
of Oregon, where the bride was ing the week at Manzanita beach.
affiliated with
I Kappa Kappa
Mrs. LeRoy Calhoun is staying
Gamma, and the ! groom with in Portland this week while her
Theta Chi.
son Bobbie is under the doctor’s
Among the wedding guests care.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle made
from Vernonia were Mr. and
M rs. C. L. Andersen, Mr. and a business trip to Portland this
Mrs. J. H. Burnside, Mr. and week.
Mrs. E. R. Estey, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Nelson of
M. Gründen, Mr. and Mrs. John Deep River, Washington, were
visiting in Albany this week.
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer
of Canby were in Vernonia Tues­
day. Mr. Plumer, who was pastor
of the local Evangelical church
for several years, came to of­
ficiate at the services for Wil­
burn Lee rlall.
Desmond Laird purchased a
new Plymouth coupe from the
Sundland Motor Company of Mist
Homemakers Vacation
Camp to Be Held
One of the outstanding events
of the home economics extension
work in Columbia county is that
of the homemaker’s vacation
camp to be held from August 6
to 9.
This is the third annual vaca­
tion camp for the women of
Columbia county, and is being
arranged by the home economics
division of the extension service
of Oregon state college, The va-
cation camp will be held at Camp 1
Nehalem near Vernonia.
The purpose of. this camp is
to provide a restful, inspiring
vacation period at a minimum
cost. Every homemeker in Colum­
bia county, whether from the
city or the country, is eligible
to enroll. Reservations can be
made at the county home dem­
onstration agent’s office in St.
Helens or with members of the
executive committe who are: Mrs.
Neil Swarthout, St. Helens; Mrs.
Fred Rabinsky, Scappoose; Mrs,
Charles Lambert, Scappoose; Mrs
Play Golf
For Recreation
at the
We have added Wilbur Erb to our shop force in
order to give better service to customers.
Repair Shop & Service Station
Exclusive sales agent for Gaseo Motor Fuel and
Shellubrication, the modern upkeep service.
We Pay Cash
Although it is quite generally i
known that all lottery tickets are
illegal in this country, many oth-,
erwise law-abiding citizens buy '
them with the hope of becoming!
rich over night, the Portland 1
Better Business Bureau reports.
Most of these lottery promotions,
however, are merely rackets and
no drawing is held.
Recent investigation by the
Montreal Better Business Bureau j
indicate that promoters in Can-1
ada have started “sweeps” and
after a large quantity of tickets I
are sold, the organizers them­
selves tip off the Police. In due
course the premises occupied are
raided and a small quantity of
tickets, literature, etc., left as I
Present Price
Mill Wood
Trading Co.
A Hoffman
Super Special
Blue VS Blow Dinner Sets
32 pieces
Better Values
at Hoffman’s
Hoffman Hardware Co.
The Workingman’s Store
A Union Store for the Workingman offers you these
Short Sleeve, Long Leg Union
. .....
19c to 59c
All Leather Work Shoes
2 pair ...
Blue Chambray Shirts
25c for 9 holes
Dress Pants from
75c for all day’s play
59c and 89c
Union Made Campbell and Publix Dress Shirts $1.25 up
White Ace Shoe Cleaner