Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 12, 1936, Image 4

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A braham
L incoln
Lincoln, the master poli­
tician, who became Presi­
dent, freed the slaves,
made the Gettysburg Ad­
dress, led the nation
through a great civil war
and preserved the Union!
And in his moment of vic­
tory died at the hands of
a crazed assassin — a
who will forever be re­
vered as one of the grand­
est men of all time!
mesh which serves as sleeves and
With respect to any
collar. Use white or colored string.
In pattern 5533 you will find di­ end, the greater purt of
rections for making the dress shown at hazard.—Archbishop
in sizes 4, 6 and 8; illustrations of it
and of all stitches used; material re­
Send 15 cents In coins or stamps
(coins preferred) to The Sewing Cir­
cle, Household Arts Dept., 259 W.
Fourteenth St., New York, N. Y.
Write plainly pattern number, your
name and address.
final alm or
mankind live
Stock of Federal Reserve
Banks Owned by Members
Lincoln, who was born
in a log cabin, kept a
country store, floated
down the Mississippi
on a flat boat, studied
law in his spare time,
became famous as a
trial lawyer, loved Ann
Rutledge, mourned her
passing, and traveled
over the countryside
debating the slavery
question with his politi­
cal opponent Stephen
it. We just vanish, that’s all."
Carrier No. 158, acknowledged to
be the Nurmi of the air, and by
the most direct route, allowed that
his fame rested upon a fundamen­
tal principle.;
“Whatever has come to me," he
said, “is due to the fact that by
nature I am a beeline bird. To be [
explicit, when trusted with mes­
sages or film, I rise as rapidly as
possible to the height of four or
An Interview With the Best Car­ five hundred feet, determine my
homing direction and take a ■
rier Pigeon in Japan
straight flight for the coop, wasting I
HE morning of our arrival no time whatever in circling or I
at Yokohoma harbor we changing my elevation. Once home |
I ­ settle on the landing platform I
were boarded by representa
and immediately enter the reception |
tives of the press. Each repor­ cage,
where I am relieved of what­
ter brought with him a crate of ever has been Intrusted to me.”
carrier pigeons which were re­
Setting Up Exercises.
leased at intervals bearing
“How do you keep in condition? I
photograph films In gutta-percha What about emergencies?”
tubes and closely written manu­
"When not on the job handling
scripts In aluminum containers fas­ news I do three hours a day exer­
tened to the left leg.
cising aloft over Tokyo. All of us
A total of 16 birds took the air are jumping out of the coop morn­
for Tokyo, among them carrier No. ings and afternoons to take the set­
158, on the staff of the Niehl Niehl, ting-up work. Carriers are trained
with a net daily circulation of 1,- to regard one spot as home, and
259,000. In accordance with his travel in wicker baskets, no mat­
habit he beat the bunch home, a ter in what direction we are trans­
distance of about 19 miles, reaching ported to whatever points the staff
headquarters with text and Illus­ reporters expect news to break.
“During the naval maneuvers off
trations nine minutes ahead of all
flyers. A scoop, If ever there was Yokohama in Japanese waters eight
years ago,- December 5, a press
Later I called at the office of the ship deck overloaded with report
Niehl Niehl and sent my card to ers and guests collapsed. Injuring
tile pigeon loft. No. 158 was In 30 people. Under regulations all
radio connections with the shore
and would talk for publication.
"Glad to meet you,” he said, had been cut off. Half of the avail­
throwing out a full blue chest. able pigeons on board were released
“You are an old bird In the news­ and relayed the accident to the
newspapers. We saved the situation.
paper business. Come Into my
Aided During Earthquake.
coop where we can have a chin-
"During the earthquake we were
“How long have you been in the the sole means of communication
from outside points with the city
of Tokyo, as all lines were down
“Eight years. Took it up two and the system completely para­
months after I left the egg. Catch lyzed. It’s all in the day's work [
’em young; pick ’em for speed."
with us. For reward we are fed
Brings Home the Bacon.
on a diet of corn, peas and mullet.
Our tenure of service Is from 20 to
“How fast nre you?”
“Oh, about GO kilometers an hour 25 years; our market value is 10
up to 300, carrying a maximum of yen—abut $3 in your money—the
three Aims and three tissue sheets pair. No strikes, no arguments, no
of manuscript, or enough to till a | unions In our lives.”
No. 158 threw out his chest, cooed
column. The total weight of the
receptacles, loaded, Is about seven In staccato and shook his plumage.
grams, although a full-grown bird , Outside from the blue sky a sud­
flying 20 to 30 kilometers can come I den rush of exercising birds (
swooped over the penthouse and
through with a load of one ounce.
“More than that over greater dis­ swung aloft in mad haste, as though
tances would tire a pigeon to the pursued. A hawk plunged from aloft j
point of Inefficiency, rendering the like a plummet, missed his prey, a
bird easy prey for eagles and hawks, single carrier lagging behind, and
everywhere more plentiful than we hurried away In the haze. “That 1
feathered representatives of the occurs every day,” said the cham- |
press. Also, we run the risk of pion, “but seldom Is any damage |
being brought down by hunters done. Hawks are afraid of birds !
equally indifferent to our profes­ in flocked formation. Safety In num- '
but be flies fastest who flies
sional status. In such cases the hers.
y • 1
tragedy is hushed by the author of |
Copyrum.—WNU ServlM.
Put tern
Even the butterfly's enamoured of
his little charmer's newly crocheted
frock—a style that’s winsome and '
dainty for tots of four to eight. So
easy to crochet, too, in a simple all-
over pattern, topped by yoke of plain
Stock of the 12 federal reserve
banks Is owned entirely by the mem­
ber banks of the system. It Is ac­
quired through purchase at the time
of joining the system. The federal
government has a considerable meas­
ure of authority In the regulation
and supervision of the system by vir­
tue of tlie President’s power to ap-
point tlie board of governors. The
board of governors in turn must ap­
prove the high officers of the indi­
vidual federal reserve banks.
Films Developed, 2 prints each negative
25c, reprints 2c. Send 2 negatives fdr free
samples. PHOTO SHOP, Ogden, I tali.
es a c lose one
BOYS! GIRLS! Join Dizzy Dean Winners! Get Valuable Prizes FREE!
Send top from one full-size Grape-Nuts package, with
your name and address, to Grape-Nuts, Battle Creek,
Mich., for new membership pin and certificate and il­
lustrated catalog of 49 nifty free prizes. You’ll like
crisp, delicious Grape-Nuts—it has a winning flavor
all its own. Economical to serve, too,
for two tablespoonfuls, with whole milk
or cream and fruit, provide more varied
nourishment than many a hearty meal.
(Offer expires Dec. 31,1936. Good only
in the U.S.A.)
A Pott Cereal-—Mad* by General Foods
The tame fine cereal, in a new package
Dizzy Dean Mamherahip Pin. New 1936 design,
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Dizzy Dean Ring. And it’s a beauty!
Heavy 2 4-carat gold-finish. Fits
any finger. Free for 3 Grape-Nuts
package tops.
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