VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Pontifical Mass Marks Another Tercentenary Michigan Quads Have a Birthday At Leonardtown, Nd., wliere Catholic priests landed 300 years ago to bring their religion to the North American continent, more than 10,000 persons gathered recently at a solemn Pontifical mass to celebrate the his­ Four famous children, the Morley quads, are shown here on their toric event. Leonardtown, that now has a population of about 1,000, was the spot at which Lord Baltimore sixth birthday, in their home in Lansing, Mich., with books received as and a small band of Catholic refugees landed In 1031. birthday gifts, and dressed in their new birthday clothes. French Farmers Dig Up an Old Shell These French farmers working below the walls of Coucy-le-Cliateau near the Alsne are unearthing a large unexploded shell deposited there by a German gun. Since the war many farmers! have been killed or maimed by the explosion of old shells. Townsend Caravan Arrives in Washington Members of the Townsend plan caravan which traveled from California to Washington presenting to Representative Tolan a bundle of petitions to congress signed by a million persons who favor the Townsend old age pension scheme. Varied Projects Aided by PWA Allotments ‘’Wall Paper*' Stocks Come Back Stock certificates which had depreciated to the point where they were good only as wall paper and which were used as such in the “Million-Dol­ lar Room" of the Union League club of Chicago, are being removed from the wall and returned to their donors, since some have “come back" in value. Here are three examples of the many and varied projects that have been made possible by allotments of funds from the Public Works administration : 1—New barless state prison colony at Norfolk. Mass., which re­ ceived $763,000. 2—Storm drains in the Orange country of California, being constructed with PWA money. 3_ | The new Point of Pines bridge carrying New England resort traffic from Lynn to Revere. Mass, completed with the aid of a PWA allotment of $378,0001 1 Sap Does Not Freeze A Word to the Ambitious During the winter while trees and shrubs are resting the sap thickens, but does not freeze. This is nature's method of protecting .trees from freezing. “Don’t be too anxious to be boss," said Uncle Eben, “When de final measurements Is took, dem as givt de orders is de ones dat has tc take de blame fob de mistakes."