FRIDAY, MAY 29, VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, PAGE EIGHT r-1 -------------------- SOCIETY NEWS - CLUBS - FRATERNAL LODGES CONDUCT MRS. EBY TO PRESENT MASONIC HOME SERVICE DANCING PUPILS____________ The local chapters of the East­ ern Star and Masonic orders had charge of the program at the Masonic home in Forest Grove Sunday afternoon in observance of Columbia county day. Mrs. W. O. Livingstone gave the message of the day. A. J. Hughes played on his one string­ ed violin, accompanied by Amy Hughes, Middleton Crawford gave a reading, and Leo Ludwig and Joe McNutt presented several vocal numbers playing their own guitar accompaniments. George Plumb, Worshipful Master of Vernonia lodge presided. The ser­ vice and program was arranged by Mrs. L. H. Dewey, Worthy Matron of Nehalem chapter, and by Mr. Plumb. The delegation from Vernonia filled four cars. _______ *_______ Mrs. Roland D. Eby will pre­ sent her younger pupils in a short program of dances between shows at the Joy Theatre Thurs­ day evening of next week. Jess McDonald and Don Kinch will play two selections for sax- aphone and trumpet. The presentation will include tap and classical dancing, both in solo and ensemble numbers. Pupils who will participate are Velva Heath, Patricia Moran, Nora Vike, Joy Willard, Helen Chandler, Gloria Lamping, Eloise Garner, Mary Lee McGraw, Mar­ garet Fisher, Jimmy Frazee and Douglass Culbertson. ______ »______ I OFFICERS OF RAINBOW ORDER ARE INSTALLED I MRS. NANCE ENTERTAINS WITH BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs. Jack Nance entertained with a bridge luncheon on Thurs­ day of last week for members of the Queen of Hearts club and their guest, Mrs. Glen Hawkins. Mrs. Lowell Hieber held high score at bridge and Mrs. William Briot second high. Other mem­ bers present were Mrs. William Heath, Mrs. Ben Brickel, Mrs. Loel Roberts, Mrs. Roland D. Eby and Mrs. George Plumb. ______ .______ LEGION AUXILIARY SELLS 300 POPPIES The Legion Auxiliary sold all of the 300 poppies assigned to Vernonia for poppy day. They were sold in Timber and Westim- ber on last Friday and in Ver­ nonia on Saturday. Mrs. Jack Nance was poppy sale chairman. ______ ♦______ POLLYANNA CIRCLE IS ENTERTAINED The Pollyanna circle was en­ tertained by Mrs. Martin Fish Wednesday afternoon of last week. MRS. SAUER ENTERTAINS MARTHA CIRCLE | in Beaverton. CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Livingstones, Ministers Special Service,—Pentecost. A. M. Bible school at 9, Sup’t. Mrs. James Monger; Communion service at 11, followed immediate­ ly by the morning message, sub­ ject, “The Birth of the Church”, i All who can conveniently do so are requested to wear as much white clothing as possible, in commemoration of their baptism. Special music, and decorations. P. M. Services: Both Intermed­ iate and Junior Christian Endeav­ or societies will meet at 8 o’­ clock, in the study of the regular lessons; a fine place for young people to spend the evening. Song and Praise service at 8 o’clock led by Mrs. Livingstone, followed by sermon by Mr. Livingstone on the subject: “The Great Phys­ ician.” Prayer Meeting, a scriptural study, every Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock subject for Wed­ nesday June 3, is the 12 chapter of Acts. Come and poin us in our worship. JOY THEATRE THURSDAY & FRIDAY Margaret Sullavan in “Next Time We Love” SAT., SUN. and The best values that you can buy Properly reconditioned and sold under a guarantee that counts. We Carry Complete Lines Mr. Deeds Goes to Town Shelvador, Leonard, Norge and General Electric Refri- £. Z. Terms gerators. TUES, and WED. Al Jolson in “The Singing Kid” THURS. and FRI. • THURSDAY ONLY The Best Equipped Shop in Columbia Co. THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL REFRIGERATOR Gary Cooper and Jean Ar­ thur in “MY MARRIAGE” Vernonia Auto Co» You’ll be amazed at the startling new beauty of the Crosley Shelvador. You’ll likewise marvel at the extraordinary con­ veniences, the exclusive features, the greatly increased usable space, the dependable and economical service, the utmost quality, the world*leading value. For here is the ultimate in refrigeration. Outstanding features include: Shelvador, Storadrawer, Crisper, Feather Touch Knee Action Door Handle, Ice Tray Release, Shelvador Glass Jars and many others. There's a Shelvador for every purse and purpose. See them...examine them...come in. MON. --—Three Days— O K