VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FLAME IN THE FOREST by HAROLD TITOS ©By Harold Titus Illustrations by Irwin Myers SYNOPSIS Kerry Young, a lad of seven, Is prepared to flee the burning lumber camp of his benefactor, Jack Snow, who took the youngster to live with him at the death of Kerry's mother. Tod West has instructed Kerry to come with a file containing the camp's funds should it be endangered. Flames attack the office, and Kerry, hugging the precious file, and Tod race to town. Tod acts queerly. At the bank the file is found empty and Kerry is blamed with taking the wrong one. Snow, his headquarters and money gone, is ruined, and soon thereafter dies, leaving Kerry to the Poor Commissl'mer. Kerry suspects Tod and swear*. to even the score. In a St. Paul office Kerry, now tn manhood, and an expert woodsman, learns of the whereabouts of West. Kerry rescues a lovely girl from a scoundrel, who proves to be West. Tod threatens to pauperize the girl, Nan Downer. She thanks Kerry and tells him of the robbery, and murder of her father and of Tod's advances. She is operating a lumber tract which her father had purchased from West. Kerry makes camp. At the general store in West’s Landing, he finds Tod engaged in a poker game. CHAPTER IV—Continued —4— I d a new game, a strange game, a man with wit watches everything. So Young watched this game. Ills eyes never left Tod West’s hand as the man dealt but despite the fact that he detected nothing to arouse suspicion there he passed tens, back to back, and let Jim Hinkle fight It out with West. Jim lost again and, thumbing his bills, muttered savagely “Back where I started tonight.” Kerry stayed for the first time. He won and laughed. He had won with nines. The nine of spades, his hole card, had a bent corner. He remarked that. West began to talk again, mak­ ing an obvious attempt to resume his banter which had been soured by Young’s appearance He suc­ ceeded badly. Tod and Hinkle clashed again; Hinkle won. A few moments later, he lost most of what he had gained. West was watching him closely. Young observed. “Damn Mel’s cigars!” said West beneath his breath, tossing his smoke away and making a wry face. “Rope! Count me out a hand,’ he said. “I’ll run over to the house and get a real smoke.” He rose and went intently out and Young wondered. Did West so much dislike confronting him even across a poker table after what had happened that afternoon that he had fled? Or was It something else which moved him to leave? The game went on, four-handed, and under relieved tension. On his return to the table, the good-natured atmosphere which had prevailed for those last few hands disappeared. Again, it was a gam­ bling contest, although Tod’s talk was, outwardly, all that it had been before he knew that Kerry Young was in the room. . . . Still, that feeling of apprehension, of some­ thing afoot, grew stronger In Young’s heart. It was West's deal. He riffled the cards twice adeptly and cut them for a third time. His fingers bent them, sent them fluttering against one another, and then two or three of the pack leaped from his clasp, slid across the table and spilled Into his lap. “Need a basket!” he growled and, shoving back his chair, stooping over, groped for cards on the floor. He found them, all right! He found and gathered them In the hand which held the deck. But his other hand slid a second deck from beneath his belt and when he came up the one pack was thrust Into the little stein shelf beneath the table top while it was the new one he thrust toward Jim Hinkle for the cut. . . . Kerry Young did not know this. But his heart rapped with suspicion. WNU Service. “Cut ’em, James!" the man said. “And cut 'em deep because I’ve got another feeling about this hand!” He looked about and grinned, more affable than he had been since Kerry entered the game. Hin kle cut; West beamed and . , . "slipped" the cut! Young saw that clearly. Back to the top of the deck went the sec­ tion that Hinkle had cut away and West was dealing, talking, chuck­ ling over some joke he had made but to which Kerry gave no heed. To find Tod West playing the role of ruthless aggressor this after­ noon; to find him cheating at cards tonight . . . and after all these years of suspicion and resentment! To the tourist at Tod’s left a king, next a four, to Young a seven, to Jim Hinkle a queen and to him­ self, a six spot. “The king,” said Its possessor, ‘‘will risk a dollar.” Kerry looked at his down card. It was the nine of spades . . . and a nine of spades without a bent cor­ ner! The deck had been switched, he knew! The man at his left came in; Kerry, thinking quickly, paused and caught a little flicker of misgiving on Tod West’s face. The man want­ ed him in! He tossed a dollar bill to the pot. “And a dollar!” said Jim Hinkle promptly and Tod nodded wisely. "That queen must be proud of herself again. Queens ruined Saw­ yer, James. Well, I’ll trail along." The rest, also, saw the raise. Tod set the deck on the table be­ fore him, ostentatiously, Kerry be­ lieved. He hitched his chair closer to the table and dealt, taking cards one at a time from the pack. The showing king drew a ten spot; the four caught a nine. Young was given a deuce and be­ side Hinkle's queen dropped an­ other. . . . "Oh-oh!” muttered Tod. ‘‘You must’ve felt her coming,”—turning himself a king. Excitement showed In Jim Hin­ kle’s sallow face. Why shouldn't it? “Count Me Out a Hand,” He Said. With queens back-to-back, and now a third? And two kings showing in two bands? "Ten dollars,” he said and his voice was too eager. “Well, now, James . . . I’m just a little bit proud of what I’ve got. I’ve beaten those dam’ queens once or twice tonight IT1 just tilt it a mite this time to try my luck. Let’s bet twenty-five and keep the retail ers out!” The man at his left folded; the second hesitated and again Kerry caught that little flash of misgiving in West's eye. He wanted them all qut now; all except Jim Hinkle who was already fingering his money, ready to call or raise. The second tourist folded and Kerry silently shoved his cards away. “Raisin’ fifteen, Tod?” Jim asked and this time his voice was husked. “That’s the way I feel. I’ll back at you!” West rubbed his chin and grinned. “By gosh," he said, as If in cha­ grin. "By gosh, Jimmy, you tryln’ to beat me?" An onlooker laughed. “I think you're downright tryln’ to take my money and that ain't quite right. . . . Back at you with twenty!” His voice snapped on this last and the watchers crowded closer to the chair backs. “Well, seein’ as you've got so much confidence and seein' as how we’ve got cards cornin’ . . . Call!” Three cards were dealt, now, with two showing; a pair of queens, with a Ione king against them. From the top of the deck, lying so openly before him, West picked an ace and flipped it toward his ad­ versary. For himself he turned a nine-spot “The queens bet twenty-five bucks!” Jim’s voice was tight “And the king will see the twen­ ty-five and raise ten I” said West mellowly. Hinkle shifted his weight He wet his lips and looked nervously at Tod’s hand. Then, as if decid­ ing on caution after a struggle, he called. His stack of bills was thin, now; the heap of currency in the center had attained considerable size. “Now for the last heat, Jimmy. To you, m’ lad, a trey, and to me,” —hesitating as he looked at the card he turned from the deck and let a smile cross his face—"to me, the king of diamonds!” So that was ltl Kerry thought to himself. Obviously, Hinkle had threes. Tod, from a cold deck, had dealt himself the case king. West was sitting back in his chair, smiling coolly. The place had grown very still. Well over two hundred dollars had been bet so far and West was smiling at the distraught Jim Hinkle as a man will who Is most sure of him­ self. “Beat the kings,” West said. “If you can and care to!” Jim cleared his throat. He counted his money slowly and said, ‘‘I’m betting fifty dollars,” and as he shoved in the last of his money Young heard the breath catch in his throat Tod West began to laugh. “Them queens!” he said "You boys have to learn about women from me! I, beat ’em with aces once tonight Now, it’s kings. . . . Kings beat queens, Jimmy? Three? You got three of the gals?”—and Hinkle strained forward as West began turning his hole card. “Three queens,” the man said huskily. “That's just what I figured, along at the last So I just called, you bein’ out of cash. My kings, James, catched 'emselves a triplet, too!” Hinkle slumped back in his chair weakly. In the depths of his eyes was acute distress. “Caught the caser!” Tod West was saying as he reached forward with both hands for the pot. “Caught the caser and—” “Just a minute!” It was Kerry Young's voice, with snap and iron In it; and Kerry Young's hand lay in an arresting grasp on West's wrist. Tod broke short his speech. He plunged a look hard into this stranger’s face. “Jim, how much did you lose In this pot?" Kerry asked. “You were even, you said, a while ago.” “Hunderd ’n’ eighteen,” said Hin­ kle unsteadily. Young nodded. “A hundred and eighteen dol­ lars! That's too much to lose—” “What comes off here?" West, re­ covering himself, shook off Kerry’s hand and drew back. Color gushed darkly into his face. “What goes on here? You weren't In this pot!” “No. You didn't want me in." “Makes no damn difference to me, what you do. But you were not. It's my pot. If you want to post-mortem here, whatever your name is, just string along and buy the right." “I’ve the right, now!” Young's mouth twitched and be was a bit pale. “My financial interest In this pot is nothing. But I’ve an inter­ est in it beside that I've been sitting in the game and when I see a man stripped of bls last dollar on a crooked deal—” Tod was on his feet a rush of crimson rage flooding his face, and his right hand was whipping at his “Now!”—as West Hesitated— “Face to the Wall.” breast, jerking open the shirt. But­ tons gave, exposing the sweat- stained strap across his chest and the segment of shoulder holster. It happened quickly; with such desperate quickness that Young could not hope for escape by flight. Before him was the table. To right and left were seated card players, too amazed and shocked and fuddled to be aware of what Impended, let alone to be able to move quickly. And so he did all that there re­ mained to do. He rose, with a swift, flowing movement. As he rose, his hand dropped into his coat pocket. "Stop it,” he snapped, and his voice was a rasp and as West’s baleful eyes caught the lift of that coat, saw the rigid projection with­ in the pocket, he added in a half whisper: "Put ’em up. Quick, or I’ll . . The great hand, clutching at the pistol grip in that shoulder holster, hesitated. Young’st voice was lm perious, his manner commanding. "Up, now! Smartly, Tod West! . . . High. . . . Higher than that!” Slowly West obeyed, panting as he stood there, swaying just a lit­ tle; and then the rest stampeded for safety. The two stood there, facing one another across the ta­ ble. West’s eyes glassy, a stringer of spittle at the corner of his mouth; and Kerry Young, the stranger, hand steady In his jacket pocket, was smiling oddly. “Next," he said, “you will turn around so I can take your toy away. You won’t be harmed, but neither will I. Now!”—as West hesitated. “Face to the wall, or I may have to . . .” Once more he left a threat un finished. For an Instant longer West held bls ground and then the hand in that pocket twitched. He turned at the ominous gesture and slowly faced the wait Quickly, with a light tread, Young stepped close behind him. A prod­ ding projection pressed the small of the larger man’s back. Young's free band went over the other's shoulder, inside his shirt, and dragged out the flat, ugly auto­ matic. From the doorway a man swore in surprise. Tod West carrying a gun? It was incredible I “Now,” the stranger was saying as he backed away, “you may do as you damned please!” Tod chose to turn and face Young who was halted in mid room, syno- sure for all eyes. The hand which had covered West was still in his side pocket; that sharp, menacing projection still held firmly against the cloth. And then the hand came out, slowly, ostentatiously, drag­ ging with it the pocket lining. The lining of the pocket and a straight­ stemmed pipe! One explosive guffaw preceded a wave of Incredulous murmurs. Then these subsided as Kerry withdrew the clip from West’s pistol, ejected the cartridges from the chamber and spilled the ammunition into his palm. He dropped the pipe into his pocket and held the unloaded gun toward its owner. With a con­ temptuous gesture he sent the cart­ ridges scattering across the floor. “There's your toy, Tod West,” he said as the man, a-churn with cha­ grin, amazement and, perhaps, a species of relief, took it from his hand. "You may gather your am­ munition later!” Voices were murmuring, like the distant sound of a storm. Someone laughed, another swore and a third said: "Damned bluff! And as for Tod's cheatin’ at cards—’’ Reputations die hard! Young swept the room with his eyes. “As for his cheating," he said evenly. “The money on the table belongs to those who had invested. You will find that the nine of spades, lying there with the money, is a perfect card. The nine of spades in the deck which was dealt the last time, has a bent corner. No one called for a new deck; no change In decks was mentioned. It is my guess that on the stein shelf before the chair occupied recently by Mr. Tod West, good citizen, may be found—” “You rat!” At last, West had found voice. "You rat!” he cried again. “Other decks? . . . Course there are! You c’n find a half dozen on the stein shelf!” But his bluster was not convinc­ ing. He had not regained his self­ possession. “Perhaps,” said Kerry with a shrug. "Perhaps, West. You may be able to alibi yourself neatly, but you know and I know!” He went slowly forward a few steps. ■Know me. West?” he asked. “Know me? Never saw me, eh? . . . Maybe, then, it’ll refresh your memory to recall things. “After I saw you steal from Jim here; after I saw you cheat a poor man for a few dollars, Tod West .. . after I saw your smallness now, I say, then I knew that I didn't take the wrong letter-file the day old Jack Snow went broke!” Color drained from Tod’s face but into his eyes came a gutter, a craft, covering and subduing the gush of Insane temper. He may have known that this brazen youth had not convinced all who had watched of his duplicity. “Don’t you know me?” Kerry taunted when he did not speak. "Don't you remember me at all? ... I’m Young; Kerry Young . . . And I took out the file you told me to take, that day old Jack had his death blow!” West spoke, then, quickly. “Young?” He shook bls head. “I know no Young. . . . Wrong file? Jack Snow?" A contortion crossed his countenance. "It all means nothing to me. Who you are, what you are ... I don’t know. Except this: you're a rat!” A man growled; “We’re with you. Tod I You're no crook 1" Kerry shrugged. “Fair enough,” he said and smiled In triumph. “It answers the one question that's . . , bothered me. You've come a long ways, Tod West, from a thieving, burning bookkeep­ er. It's hard for men to think their king can do wrong. I see. But . . . step carefully, Tod West. I've sowed seed; some seed always sprouts, (TO BE CONTINUED)