VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1936 | Ogden refused a second game, : winner take all. This article is not meant as an apology, but rather to give cred- Entered as second class matter 1 it to a very courageous and clev- team; one which is a credit to August 4, 1922, at the post office I I er our city, and worthy of our at Vernonia, Oregon, under the praise. One which under equal 1 circumstances would rate second act of March 3, 1879. i to none. P. G. Vernonia Eagle Ili ver view RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lynch and i Mrs. George Bell of Corey hill ' were Forest Grove visitors Sat- : urday. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Caton and son Dale of Vernonia, Oral Varley and Miss Evelyn Rinck of Buxton were visiting in Olympia, Washington Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Anderson of Vernonia Eagle, Feb. 5, 1926. Glenwood visited Mrs. C. J. An­ Louie Siegert, former Vernon­ derson Tuesday. ia councilman and school clerk, Mr. Sim May and son and Dan died Monday in Bend. May of Jewell spent Sunday C. C. Brown received a bruised with home folks. hip in an auto accident near Clat­ Mr. and Mrs. Gus Olson are the skanie Sunday. proud parents of a 10-lb baby The county court has appoint­ girl, born Tuesday morning at ed P. Bergerson as road patrol­ 11 o’clock at the Guyman hospit­ man for district 11. al. It has been named Shirley Feb. 19, 1926 Marlene. About 17 inches of snow has Mrs. D. L. Crume and daughter fallen here since Sunday. Alma of Newberg are visiting at H. E. McGraw is driving a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey new Oakland. Crume, and Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Feb. 26, 1926 Anderson. The fourth annual convention Henry Christiansen of Barton, of the Rebekah lodges of the Oregonj spent Monday at the fifth district of Oregon met in home of his brother, Charles Coyle’s hall, Vernonia, Feb. 24, Christiansen. with Mrs. Lena Stanton in the Mrs. D. R. Fowler is visiting chair. relatives in St. Helens. F. E. Malmsten and family Mr, and Mrs. Bill Mason of were in Corvallis last week at­ Tidewater. Oregon visited at the tending the annual educational home of their parents Mr. and exposition at O. A. C. Mrs. J. I. Robbins last week. About 20 people gathered at Grandma Fonda is spending the J. W. Brown home Feb. 21 several weeks with relatives in to remind him that it was his Hillsboro. birthday. Margaret Haiman is spending a few days at the home of Mrs. I George Bell of Vernonia. i Mr" and Mrs. Jack Christiansen land son spent Tuesday in St. I Helens on business! Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Billings 'and Mrs. Clyde McDonald were i Portland visitors Sunday. They • visited Clyde McDonald who is THE HOME TEAM jin the Veterans’ hospital. They To the Editor: They lost 23-35. The defeat 'report he is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Wilker­ was administered by a barnstorm­ ! ing troupe of girls from Ogden, son have recently moved to their Utah. A veteran team, which has I home on Stony point, after hav- won 22 games this year. They [ing lived in Medford for the past have also benefited from the ex­ I few years. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Golden of perience of a national tournament in which they competed and won ' Goble, and Mrs. Spurge Golden fame. This group of talented girls i and baby of Riverview were St. is considered the best in the country. DR. R. I. HALL Public opinion seemed to as­ sume the defeat, by our team, as Physician and Surgeon a conceded event. Others “raz­ 965 Bridge St. zed” them as just an “also ran Phone, Office 72, Res. 73 team from the ’sticks’.” Instead of this treatment, we Office Hours 7 to 12 1 to 5 should be more appreciative of Special Attention to the excellent showing of the Obstetrics Blue Jays. Our girls, led by one of the best forwards in the west, are truly a great team,— so great Ten Years Ago « * * * The Open Forum - - Helens visitors Tuesday. Grace Depue of Mist came Sun­ day for a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Henderson. Mrs. Ida Henry was the guest of Mrs. George Parker Tuesday. Tommy Hall spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Hall. He has been un­ able to come home for several weeks becaues of the quarantine of the CCC camp. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Johns, I daughter Donna visited Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Anderson several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Monico were St. Helens visitors Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Anderson are spending the week with and Mrs C. I. Anderson. Martha Middlebrook who been so sick, is able to be again and at school. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange of Vernonia spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wil­ lard. Pete Serafin of Wilark who has been confined in St. Vincents tor several weeks returned home W’ednesday much improved . Mrs. May Cameron spent Thurs­ day and Friday at the home o,f Mrs. Mike Willard. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hawkins visited at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Serafin of Wilark Wednesday. *---------- [fortnight’s visit with her daught- Seattle Tuesday. Several of the pupils of the |er. Mrs. J. Ross. Rock Creek school and Pleasant j Vale school have been absent, due to illness. Mrs. Geo. Comstock has been sick the past week. Lloyd Cummings is employed at the O.-A Camp above Keasey. * Mrs. Nella Gove of Corvallis returned home Sunday after a HELP REDUCE* ‘ ' those sickly days of winter LODGES ¡I I A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each called month. Special meetings on all other Thurs- day nights, 7:30 p. m. Visitors most cordially welcome. George Plumb, W. M. Loel Roberts, Sec. Order of Eastern Star abun­ dance of vitamin A. These tempt­ ing, chocolate-coated tablets also bring you the “sunshine” vita­ min D. Each tablet contains one grain of dicalcium phosphate. Each tablet furnishes all the vitamins in one teaspoonful of Cod Liver Oil. U. S. P. X. (re­ vised 1934). Six small tablets daily will add to your vitality, and help raise your resistance to winter’s germs. Buy them at your druggist’s. A $1 bottle brings you 100 M c K esson ’ s V itamin C oncentrate T ablets . Pasteurized MILK for the next 5 months of THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY Ask Your Grocer for Vernonia Bakery BREAD . . . for 2 good Reasons— IT’S MADE AT HOME IT’S BETTER Send Vernonia Dakery Will Give You Pro Make the most of your reading hours, enjoy the wit, the wisdom, the com­ panionship, the charm that have made the Atlantic, for seventy-five years, Ameri­ ca’s most quoted and most cherished magazine. $1 ad) tection from all Milk- borne infection, Many communicable diseases now préval­ ant are frequently spread by milk that is infected, as the case may be, either by dis­ eased cows or by peo­ ple handling the milk who are disease car­ riers. (mentioning this To The Atlantic Monthly 8 Arlington St., Bcston SPECIAL SERVICE FAMILY WASH We do all flat work through the new roller mangle. Flannel, bath towel» and underwear through dry tumb­ ler, dry and fluffy (amooth) We week. when chine, Pasteurization invol­ ves the destruction of disease bacteria in the milk and the immed­ iate bottling of the product in sterilized bottles under the most rigid of sanitary con­ ditions. guarantee shirt collars will stay pressed for a Shirt neck sizes when received wi'u be the same returned. Try our new special shirt pressing ma­ and you’ll be satisfied. DRY CLEANING We clean every day but Saturday. If in at 9 a. m. will be returned the same day. Vernonia Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 711 PROTECT YOUR HEALTH By Using ONLY Pas Portland—Banks Stage Line teurized Milk The Independent Line Leaves from Vernonia Hotel for Portland via Buxton and Banks. 2 trip» daily ......... TELEPHONE 131 8 a. m. and Nehalem 10 a. m. and Arrives in Portland Leaves Portland from Central Stage Depot, (Pack and Taylor) Daily except Sundays and Holidays. Valley Ice & Arrives in Vernonia ........................... 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Best Equipped Shop in Columbia Co. C on ­ L b er KEASEY 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. Vernonia Auto Co. • Do winter infections cause you to miss a couple of days out of each month? Usually this happens because your resistance is low. Help build it up with vitamin A. Science says this vi­ tamin helps guard you against infection in general. M c K esson ’ s V itamin centrate T ablets of C od O il supply you with an Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. j Regular commu-! nication first and third Wed­ nesdays of each month, at Ma­ sonic Temple. All visiting sis­ ters and broth­ ers welcome. Mrs. L. Dewey, W. M. Betty Cummings returned from Leona McGraw, Sec. Portland with Bessie Cummings Thursday. She has been sick with the measles. She will re­ turn to Portland next Sunday. SEND $1. Mrs. Ben Knittie returned from Atlas Tires are unconditionally guaranteed for 1 year against all road hazards. 10 per cent cheaper than other first line tires and we make the adjustment when you bring them in, without any alibi. PAGE FIVE Creamery Sunday» and Holiday» only— Leaves Portland 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Call Service betweei^ Keasey and Vernonia. Co ASK FOR PORTLAND-BANKS STAGE LINE FADE: $1.30 °NAEY 0 rt ° r T PHONE 471 J