Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 28, 1936, Image 3

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EOPLE who went to the Paulette Goddard was there, in the
opening of Charlie Chaplin’s last row—she's Charlie's new lead­
ing lady, remember, and this was
“Modern Times’’ in New York her first big picture.
But she
are just beginning to recover ducked out before it was over, to
from the mauling they got on avoid being surrounded by enthu­
the way in. Nobody who siastic friends. Probably felt that
hasn’t faced one of the mobs she'd rather wait and see what the
that gather for these big tnovie critics had to say.
openings can imagine wha( they’re
it seems that Ed Wynn bad a ter­
try their best to rible time trying to find some one
force a way to replace Graham
through for ticket McNamee on the
holders; they ride new series of
their horses up on Wynn broadcasts.
the sidewalk, to He won't be able
to say “Tonight,
push the crowd
back, and It surges Graham, the pro­
forward again. Ed­ gram's going to be
different,” because
die Cantor never
did make it, that Graham works for
opening night, and NBC and doesn’t
neither did some want to leave.
of the other celeb­ So-o-o, they tried
Ed Wynn
rities scheduled to attend. The out a hundred can­
Chaplin picture opened In Holly­ didates, and final­
wood with quite as much excite­ ly John S. Young was lured over to
ment as the New York one aroused. Columbia to act as stooge for the
gurgling Mr. Wynn, each Thursday
night from 9:30 to 10:00 over
WABC. The Plymouth division of
the Chrysler comporation is acting
as sponsor.
from common colds
it looks as if Jimmie Cagney
would succeed in not making any
more pictures for Warner Brothers
No matter how many medicines —whether he’ll be free to make pic­
you have tried for your cough, chest tures for some one else isn’t set­
cold or bronchial irritation, you can tled yet. But Errol Flynn is going
get relief now with Creomulslon. into “Robin Hood” in place of the
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance two-fisted James, who, It’s said,
with anything less than Creomul- simply can’t stand some of his pres­
slon, which goes right to the seat ent bosses.
of the trouble to aid nature to
soothe and heal the inflamed mem­
branes as the germ-laden phlegm
Everybody’s predicting that Twen.
is loosened and expelled.
tieth Century-Fox has the picture
Even if other remedies have
failed, don’t be discouraged, your that will break all box office records
druggist is authorized to guarantee for 1936. It didn’t cost much, as
Creomulslon and to refund your movies go, and there is no great
screen star in the cast But—the
Dionne quintuplets are etarred, and
that’e why “The Country Doctor”
is going to make money.
Ralph Bellamy—remember him?—
has a new five-year contract and
is glad to get back to the screen.
He’s been in business with Charlie
Farrell, and doing pretty well, too;
tlielr Racquet club at Palm Springs
Is a favorite haunt of vacationing
movie stars.
Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson
Eddy did so well In that new rec­
ord-smasher, “Rose Marie,” that
they'll probably become one of our
most popular screen teams. Movie­
goers like her voice so well that
she's going to sing nine songs in
“San Francisco.”
Franchot Tone is one of four
actors nominated for one of the
annual awards made by the Acad­
emy of Motion Picture Arts—a di­
rect result of the fact that the
public liked him in “The Lives of
a Bengal Lancer”; he’s had better
and better parts ever since that
picture was released.
Jud Tunkins says he can't see the
ODDS AND ENDS . . . Who'd ever use of censorships. Even in a war
suspect that Pat O'Brien was once a there can be no glory without pub­
chorus boy in musical shows? . • . licity.
Now Alice Eave wants "brownette”
hair instead of platinum blonde:
wants to follow Jean Harlow’s exam­
ple and do dramatic parts, and fig­
ures that changing the color of her
hair will give her a chance . . . Clau­
dette Colbert has finally decided to
do "The Old Maid" . . . IFe’re to
have “If hat Price Clory” as a talkie,
due to coldly
probably with Clark Gable and H al-
lace Beery . . . “Anthony Adverse” is
finished at last, at the cost of $1,000,-
Use Menlliolalum
000, it’s said.
'© Western Newspaper Union.
To keep clean and healthy take Dr.
Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regulate
liver, bowels and stomach.—Adv.
to help open the
nostrils and permit
freer breathing.
Any Kid Knows
Teacher—Who knows what the
five senses are?
Peggy — Nickels. — Washington
©ISfeJXl tames the tiger Ï
Beware Coughs
That Hang On
money if you are not satisfied with
results from the very first bottle.
Get Creomulslon right now. (Adv.)
TALS direct. Two largo $1 boxes for $1.
Prepaid trial package 25c makes 5 gallons
mineral water
WORKS, Box 51-F. Mineral Wells, Texas.
Read the Grape Nuts ad in another
column of this paper and learn how
to Join the Dizzy Dean Winners and
win valuable free prizes.—Adv.
Find Ancient Trees
Trees believed to have been buried
by dust storms thousands of years
ago have been found by workers near
Des Moines, Iowa.
Here's a baking powder,
tried, tested and used exclu­
sively by experts.
Pakinq Powder
Portland’s newest and finest ho­
tels. .. .located in the hub of the
shopping and recreational district
.. .are the unquestioned, choice of!
experienced travelers.
BOYS1 GlRLSl Join Dizzy Dean Winners! Get Valuable Prizes FREE!
Mrs. Bess Swanbeck of
Route 4, Spokane, Wash.,
remarked: “I r.sed three
bottles of Dr. Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discovery
after an operation and I
can truthfully say the
‘Discovery’ is what helped
me to regain my appe­
tite and strength. I have
induced two of my friends
to use this tonic and they both say it helped
them after two weeks’ trial.”
Buy now! New size, tablets 50 cis., liquid
<1.00. Large size, tabs, or liquid, |1.35.
Newly designed. A
handsome two-
tone medallion,
one-inch In diam­
eter. Free fori
age-top. In order­
ing membership
pin. be sure to ask
for prize 1S1.
the top from one full-size Grsne-Nuts package,
with your name and address, to Orape-Nuts, Battle
Creek, Mich., for new membership pin, your club mem­
bership card, and illustrated list of 49 nifty free prizes.
And to have loads of energy, start eating Grape-Nuts
right away. It has a winning flavor all its own—crisp,
nutlike, delicious. Economical to serve, too, for two
tablespoons, with whole milk or cream and fruit, provide
more varied nourishment than many a hearty meal.
(Offer expires Dec. 31,1936. Good only in the U. S. A.)