Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 28, 1936, Image 2

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Fry in deep fat (395 degrees
Fahrenheit) until brown on both Jiffy Knit Sweater
Hostesses Do Have Woes,
sides. The cutlets may be baked in
With Matching Hat
degrees) Instead of
f but Why Worry So Much? a fried hot if oven they (450
are dotted witb butter.
Nothing Easier Nor Better
Than a Vegetarian
Such troubles we hostesses have!
Once upon a time the only problem
was to choose good combinations of
food. Now we have to consider
diets, says a well-known food expert.
Of course, seriously, If you are
having Intimate friends to dinner
and know their tastes, hospitality
demands that they be given some
consideration. A reader has asked
me to help her plan a Sunday night
Do You
Whether the“Pain”
Remedy You Use
is SAFE?
Ask Your Doctor
and Find Out
Don’t Entrust Your
Own or Your Family’s
Well - Being to Unknown
«------- _---------------------
dinner for a vegetarian friend. Noth­
ing could be easier and at the same
time nothing can be better. A vegeta­
ble platter can be made most attrac­
tive. In the center there may be
stuffed potatoes into which poached
eggs have been dropped. Around these
may be baked, halved tomatoes. The
next circle may be buttered string
beans with buttered baby carrots
around the edge. If you like you
may have Hollandaise sauce to be
eaten with the string beans or car­
Another good supper might consist
of creamed mushrooms vi-Ith sherry,
served In a casserole and dotted
with tiny, crisp baking powder bis­
cuits. A bowl of mixed salad, ac­
companied by several varieties of
cheese, will go well with this. For
another suggestion there is the al-
ways-popular cheese souffre with a
cabbage, pineapple and plmlento
Another good combination Is
scrambled eggs, sweet potato cro­
quettes witb grapefruit and avocado
salad. If you like you may add corn
and chill sauce to your eggs before
scrambling them. Then, of course,
there are many Interesting spaghetti
and noodle combinations which
when well seasoned are so appe­
Sweet Potatoe Croquettes.
4 to 5 sweet potatoes
cup butter
Salt, pepper
% cup cut Brazil nuts
% cup crushed Brazil nuts
PATTERN No. 3512
Cabbage, Pineapple, Pimiento Salad.
3 cups shredded cabbage
1 cup of cut pineapple
Any four-to-elght-year-old will be
1 pimiento
warm as toast in this sweater and
Mayonnaise to moisten
cap set. The sweater’s a ‘‘jiffy” knit
—just plain knitting combined with
Mix the cabbage with pineapple yoke and sleeves of easy lacy stitch,
and sliced pimiento. Moisten with and finished almost before you know
mayonnaise and arrange on lettuce.
it. The cap done in a straight strip,
© Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
gathered at the top, also Includes
these two stitches, adding a pert
pompon for good measure. Choose
a colorful yarn, and there'll be no
“Insisting” she wear It 1
In pattern 5512 you will find com
plete Instructions for making the s“t
shown in sizes 4, 6 and 8 (all given
in one pattern); an Illustration of
it and of the stitches needed; mate­
rial requirements.
Send 15 cents In stamps or coins
(coins preferred) to The Sewing Clr
cle, Household Arts Dept., 259 W
Fourteenth St., New York, N. Y.
Something About a
New Broom—and a
New House Dress!
comfortable set-ln sleeves are fin­
ished with pointed cuffs, also in con­
trast and button trimmed.
blouse is gathered to the skirt un­
der a self-fabric belt, and the skirt
features a full-length front panel
with novel pockets achieved by the
distinctive cut of the side pieces.
These pieces, pointed and button
trimmed, harmonize with the motif,
used In the collar and cuffs, and
there are kick pleats in the front
necessary for active household duties.
Choose your favorite cotton—per­
cale, gingham, chambray, or pique—
in your most becoming color and
make it up in an hour or two.
Barbara Bel) Pattern No. 1787-B
is available In sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 40,
42 and 44. Corresponding bust meas­
urements 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44.
Size 16 (34) requires 3% yards of 35
Inch material, and % yard contrast­
ing. Every Barbara Bell Pattern In­
cludes an illustrated Instruction
guide which is easy to understand.
Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1787-B
can be procured for fifteen cents.
The Barbara Bell Pattern Book fea­
turing winter designs is ready.
Send fifteen cents today for your
Send your order to The Sewing
Circle Pattern Dept., 149 New Mont­
gomery Ave., San Francisco, Calif.
This little quilt answers the ques­
tion, “What shall I make for the
baby.’’ Eight cute Sunbonnet Ba-
and a holiday. This quilt requires
the pictured eight 9-lnch blocks and
bies. One for each day In the week
seven plain blocks. Embroider the
stamped blocks in simple outline
Bayer Aspirin
© Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
PACKAGE So. 3*3.
stitch using any color thread desired.
The plain blocks and border may be
white but dainty pastel shades will
be very effective. One and one-balf
ALL-VEGETABLE METHOD! yards of 36-lnch material Is required
It dated from her marriage—her trouble with for the plain blocks and 6-lnch bor­
intestinal sluggishness, nervousness, headaches. der allowing one-fourth inch for
Nothing gave her more than partial relief unti.
Finished quilt measures 37
she tried a natural plant and vegetable laxative,. seams.
Nature’s Remedy (NR Tablets). She felt so by 54 Inches when using a 6-lncb
much better immediately—more like living. Try
NR’s yourself. Note how refreshed you feel. N R s border.
aresokind to your system. Soeffective tn clearing
Package No. 575 contains these
tip colds, bil ious-
eight 9-incb quilt blocks stamped on
good quality white quilting material.
all druggists.
I also quilting design in actual size
I for quilting the plain blocks and,
border. Instructions are also in
eluded. Seut postpaid for 25 cents.
Address, Home Craft Co., Dept.
Start today to relieve the soreness­
D, Nineteenth and St. Louis Ave. St
aid healing—and improve your skin,
Louis, Missouri.
M^with the safe medication in «|
Send stamped addressed envelope
for reply when writing for any In­
face BrokenOul?'
It is those acts called trivialities
that the seeds of joy are forever
wasted, until men and women look
around with haggard faces at the
devastation their own waste has
made, and say the earth bears no
harvest of sweetness, calling their
denial knowledge.—George Eliot
Wash and slice the mushrooms.
Cook stems in water ten to fifteen
minutes to make stock. Melt the
butter, add the mushrooms and
minced onion and cook three min­
utes. Stir in flour, add milk, mush­
room stock and cream slowly and
stir until thickened. Season to taste
with salt, pepper and sherry.
Scrub potatoes and boll in salted
water until tender.
through ricer and beat in butter,
seasonings and cut Brazil nuts.
Shape and roll In crushed Brazil
person to ask whether the
preparation you or your family A
are taking for the relief of headaches
is SAFE to use regularly is your
family doctor. Ask him particularly
about Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN.
He will tell you that before the
discovery of Bayer Aspirin most
“pain” remedies were advised
against by physicians as had for the
stomach and, often, for the heart.
Which is food for thought if you
seek quick, safe relief.
Scientists rate Bayer Aspirin
among the fastest methods yet dis­
covered for the relief of headaches
and the pains of rheumatism, neu­
ritis and neuralgia. And the experi­
ence of millions of users has proved
it safe for the average person to use
regularly. In your oum interest re­
member this.
You can get Genuine Bayer
Aspirin at any drug store — simply
by asking for it by its full name,
point to do this — and see that you
get what you want.
Creamed Mushrooms With Sherry.
3 cups fresh mushrooms
6 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon minced onion
6 tablespoons flour
3 cups milk and mushroom stock
% cup cream
Salt, pepper
Wasters See Devastation of
Own Making and Condemn
A bouse dress, after all, is a bouse
dress—yet it needn’t be "Just anoth­
er house dress,” as convincingly dem­
onstrated in this unusually trim and :
clever design. The V neck front and
Two tablespoons of grape juice
back is made in a contrasting mate­ added to a grapefruit after It has
rial and emphasized by the effective been cut gives a delicious flavor and
use of bright buttons. The short and a pretty color.
Fans are back and parasols
Braided lace is new and very
Glazed flowers trim the spring
Fashion is turning very decid­
edly to Spanish themes.
Narrow velvet ribbon trims
taffetas and organdies.
Exciting evening fashions be­
speak Chinese influence.
Net, marquisette and chiffon
are posed over satin or taffeta.
It always works
Just do what hospitals do, and the
doctors insist on. Use a good liquid
laxative, and aid Nature to restore
clocklike regularity without strain or
ill effect.
A liquid can always be taken in
gradually reduced doses. Reduced
dosage is the real secret of relief from
Ask a doctor about this. Ask your
druggist how very popular Dr. Cald-
welTs Syrup Pepsin has become. It
gives the right kind of help, and right
amount of help. Taking a little less
each time, gives the bowels a chance
to act of their own accord, until they
are moving regularly and thoroughly
without any help at all.
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin con­
tains senna and cascara—both natural
laxatives that form no habit. The ac­
tion is gentle, but sure. It will relieve
any sluggishness or bilious condition
due to constipation without upset
She Uses Glover’s!
She used to be a
victim of Dandruff,
no more! Her
secret is regular use of
Glover’s Mange
Medicineand Glover’s
Medicated Soap for
the shampoo. That’s
what YOU should be
doing for YOUR hair.
Ask your Hairdresser—
she knows.
At aO
Elimination of Body Waste
Is Doubly Important
In the crucial months before baby arrives
it is vitally important that the body be rid
of waste matter. Your intestines must func-
tion-regularly,completely without griping.
Why Physicians Recommend
Milnesia Wafers
These mint-flavored, candy-like wafers are
pure milk of magnesia in solid form—
much pleasanter to take than liquid. Each
wafer is approximately equal to a full adult
dose of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed
thoroughly, then swallowed, they correct
acidity in the mouth and throughout the
digestive system, and insure regular, com­
plete elimination without pain or effort.
Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20 and
48, at 35c and 60c respectively, and in
convenient tins for your handbag contain*
ing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately
one adult dose of milk of magnesia. All
good drug stores sell and recommend them.
Start using these delicious, effective
anti-acid, gently laxative wafers today
Professional samples sent free to registered
physicians or dentists if request is made
on professional letterhead. Soloct Product«,
Milk should always be kept clean,
covered and cool. Never mix new
and old milk unless it is to be used
at once.
• • •
A piece of cheese about the size of Inc., 4402 23rd St., Long Islond City, N. Y
a walnut added to cream soup just
35c & 60c
before serving gives it a delicious
2Oc tin*
When fish Is to be served as the
main dish at a dinner allow one-
half pound for each person.
• • •
Add a teaspoon of cornstarch to
each cup of sugar when making
fudge. This makes it smoother and
The Original Milk of Magnesia Water*