Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 28, 1936, Image 1

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    VOLUME XIV $1.50 per year,
5c a copy.
High School
Bridge Work to
STORE TO OPEN MAR. 15 Dist. 47 Bond
Keasey Resumed
Transaction Is I “Men’s” rally day will be held Funding Bond
Simon Brothers of Kelso, Wn.,
have rented from Clarence Coyle
at tne Christian church Sunday,
store next to Ben Brickel’s
with all the services of the day
Issue Voted
By S.P.& S. Crew | the
barber shop, and plan to put in
dedicated to men; the morning
Access to O-A Camp Is Re­
gained After
Bridge work on the S. P. and
S. was resumed Wednesday morn­
ing after the snow storm. The
pile driver which had been taken
to the shops for repairs was
brought back Monday, and the
crew started operations two days
later. A w’ork train with a sec­
ond pile driver was scheduled to
come out yesterday, but the
order for the train was cancelled
the evening before. The section
crew went back to work yester­
During the storm the O.-A
speeder was unable to get to
camp, hence the local men who
ride up on it on their way to
work had to lay off. Yesterday
no difficulty was encountered,
and clearing brush from the right
of way was resumed. Building of
bunk houses in the O.-A yard has
not been interrupted.
The Lindsay Lumber company’s
mill, which has been down for
more than two weeks because
of the cold snap, resumed yes­
terday. It is furnishing much of
the timber used in rehabilitating
the O.-A and S. P. and S. prop­
The Clark and Wilson Lumber
Co. lost only one day, Monday,
because of the snow. The logging
companies operating out of Glen­
wood resumed yesterday.
Feathers . . .
and.. .Talons
Tin) knocked on wood during
the recent snow storm and was
lucky, There wasn’t a single in-
teruption in electric service.
Some of the audience at the
basketball game Monday night
who expected the Blue Jays to be
were surprised to find that the
hom<^ team can stand up with the
best of them.
Vernonia school teachers will
soon be paid off in real money—
and won’t that be the grand and
glorious feeling we used to hear
A. E. Adams driving a new
V-8 truck. ...Snowballs from the
remnants of a snow man scat­
tered over the high schol lawn,
and no other snow in sight....
Some Vernonia citizens trying
to find the income tax man last
Wednesday', and some of the
rest of us quite unconcerned...
A local Japanese in ecstacy over
Don Sugai’s victory in the Leg­
ion hall....Hy Van soliciting mem­
berships in the Townsend club
. ..Th? high school special elect­
ion board sitting solemnly at
their table, and nothing to do
...Vike’s trading post in the
quarters where Howard Lee used
to have his boy’s club.
---------- *----------
Elmore Knight, from Portland,
has moved back to O.-A. Hill.
I a line of men’s furnishings about
j sermon will be to men. A free
March 15.
I basket dinner will be served at
They have been associated with Money Is Expected This 1 Week the church following the morning
a large clothing store owned by
i service. The evening service will
End Says McCollom
their lather m Kelso.
j embody special attractive feat-
— o—
Another deal reported is that
■ures and a second sermon to
Upon receipt of word
of the rental of the R. A. Sim­ _ their
____ ____
bond _______________
attorney; that the! men. Sunday March 8, will be
mons store near the O.-A mill to [ issue of School District 47 fpnd- Women’s Rally Day,
” the same
a man from Silverton, Or.
__________ is | order will 1 t;
be followed as for
. ing bonds recently authorized
______ ♦_______
I legal, Atkinson, Jones and Co. ‘ men's day, except that men will
Portland yesterday notified serve the dinner with the wom-
Teachers in High
the county treasurer to deliver Ien as guests. Other special days
School Reelected
I the bonds. The money is expec- » * ill
1,1 eoimw
niilnunotino with
. culminating
at Once. When it comes Easter. The public is invited to
Monday Night I l ted
there will be enough from the | attend to all of these services.
______ »_______
sale of bonds and from a tax
Teachers of Vernonia union turnover to pay all outstanding■ Townsend Lecturer Scheduled
high school were re-elected at a warrants and leave a cash bal-1 C. A. Roberson of Portland, an
meeting of the board of direct­ ancejn the bank besides, accor-1 accredited
_ _____ __ lecturer for the
...v Town-
ors Monday evening. They are ding "to estimate by Supt. I. N. send plan who is on an inter-
Harold McEntire, principal, Nan McCollom. This will be the firstI state speaking tour for the Town­
Crary, Freda Beck, Wallace Mc­ time in five years that the dis- ¡ send movement, will address the
Crae, E. R. Mills and Leslie trict has been on a cash basis. I | local -i-i.
— j --- -i-u*
club Monday
night _*
at n._
Supt. McCollom was in Port- • Washington
'r school. The
Suggestion was made that the land Tuesday and Wednesday ar-; larger
quarters have been se­
instructor in music divide time ranging details of the loan.
cured for the occasion as it is
with the grade school, hence the
______ *_______
anticipated that the grange hall,
reelection of Miss Amy Hughes
the regular meeting place, would
was postponed until such time Legion to Rent
not be able to accommodate the
as the grade school directors act
Hall for Boxing,
in the matter.
______ »______
The Evangelical W. M. S. is
givin a Leap Year Party Feb.
29 at 8 p. m. to be held in the
social hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Malmsten
and Mr. and Mrs Harvard Malm­
sten went on Wednesday of last
week to Aberdeen, Wash., to see
Elon Malmsten, who is ill. On
their way they visited in Long;
view with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. LaChine has been ill
with bronchitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parry
brought their baby home from
Doernbecher hospital Saturday
but the child is still quite sick.
Mrs. John Ross was a luncheon
guest of Mrs. Lena LaChine Tues­
The Missionary societies of
the Christian and Evangelical
churches are sponsoring a pot­
luck luncheon in the Evangelical
social hall Friday. The aftair is
in observance of “Day of Pray­
Mrs. Eva West, Eda Lindstrom,
Mrs. Franklin Malmsten and Mar­
shall Malmsten motored to Ab­
erdeen ¡Sunday to see E. E. Malm­
sten, who is gravely ill at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. A.
C. Knauss. Otto Malmste.n who
was with his brother at tne time
accompanied the group on their
return to Vernonia Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGraw
and family spent the week end
at Banks with relatives.
M rs. H. R. Scheuerman and
daughter Opal visited at the home
of Mrs. Scheuerman’s parents
near Salem over the week end.
John Atkins, formerly of Ver­
nonia and recently from Never-
still. has moved back in order to
work for Clark and Wilson. He
and his family are living at 1-
068 Nehalem street.
Fred Henderson, who was with
the Marines stationed at San
Diego, arrived back Feb. 25 to
re-enter high school. He was giv­
en a medical discharge from the
Marines on account of an injury
which he received while playing
last fall on the Marine football
Mrs. Hugh Dunlap returned
Tuesday from Oregon City after
several days visit with her sister-
Decision to rent the Legion
Hall exclusively for boxing and
wrestling matches during 1936
was maae at a meeting of Ver­
nonia post Monday night. The
Sawmill and Timber Workers
union, however, will continue to
hold its meetings in the hall, as
will also the Legion and the
Legion Auxiliary, the resolution
applying only to entertainment
that would require removal of
the ring.
The post is in better finan­
cial shqne than for a number of
years previous, as revealed in a
report by J. E. Tapp, finance
officer, read at the meeting.
Many old bills that had accumu­
lated have now been paid off, he
stated .
The concert of the Vernonia
junior banj has again been post-
noned, the new date being
_ Thurs-
day, April 16. Continuance of
the ban on attendance by grade
school children at other than
school classes has prevented prac­
tice, and C. R. Watts, the direct­
or, wishes to make sure that the
members of the band have suf­
ficient number of reheasals be­
fore making their public appear­
.------- Fifteen
Is Fined
A second boy was arrested this
week and was fined $15 in the
recorder’s court for possession of
Cliambers-Piluso Bout Is
Termed Just Plain Brawl
C. P. Linn
injured in a car accident Mon­
The only word to describe the day and was unable to appear.
meeting of “Hobo” Chambers. Joe “Popeye” Kirk of Boston
and Ernie Piluso in the local j (he has the accent) made quite
wrestling arena Wednesday night a capable substitute but not quite
is just plain “brawl.” That is good enough for the clever Jap.
what it was from start to fin- Sugai brought his much talked
isn. Chambers who has a loving, of flying dropkick into play to
way of putting his arms gently, good advantage and won the
around his opponent’s neck and | match in two straight falls. The
firmly squeezing his adams apple first fall came in 12 minutes as
till he spits ciuer in copious quan­ the result of a series of drop­
tities, subdued Piluso with a surf kicks and a body press. The sec­
board hold in 26 minutes for the ond fall and the match in 18
first fall.
minutes when Sugai clamped on
Piluso won the second after a combination reverse deathlock
12 minutes of bouncing the hebo and a surfboard.
off the ropes several times, mas­
The preliminary bout, three
saging him well on the rebound five minute rounds, featured two
with first and elbows until he husky local boys at 150 pounds.
was helpless. Falling on him for Whity Gay and Les Hobin. This
a body press was just a gesture. | match was called a draw, each
Chambers came back with plen­ getting a fall. The first went
ty of pep after the rest period, to Gay in the initial round and
but Piluso turned cave man and Hobin evened it up in the last.
ended the match before the fans
The largest crowd of the sea­
were settled in their seats. He son turned out for this card,
picked Chambers up and threw numbering more than three hun­
him viciously to the mat three dred. Promoter Tisdale announ­
times and he only bounced twice. ced the next matches for March
After the third slam all that 11, two weeks hence.
was necessary for the clever Pil­
Any young ladies captured by
uso was to place his foot in the, the good looks of the Boston
proper position and blast forth adonis Joe “Popeye" Kirk are
the Tarzan cry of victory.
hereby warned that he doesn't
Otis Clingman, who was to go like the ladies any more than he
on with Japanese Don Sugai, was j does Japs.
--- o---
Directors Ask for Bids To
Be Opened
Mar. 21
o— ■
High school district funding
bonds to the amount of $45,600
were approved without opposition
at an election of taxpayers )ield
Monday afternoon. The vote was
32 to 0 in favor of the issue.
The money when received will
be used to retire $45,600 in out­
standing warrants of the district.
Bids for the bonds will be opened
March 21, according to decision
of the directors who met at the
close of the election.
The election board consisted of
Mrs. Ben S. Owens, Mrs. Ethel
Ray, B. F. Rogers and H. G.
______ ♦_______
Blue Jays Defeated
Monday Night 35-23
In Game with All-stars
The Vernonia Blue Jays were
defeated 35 to 23 by the Ogden
All-stars Monday night in the
grade school gym. The visitors
clearly had the advantage of
weight and experience, and one
of their tall forwards, who was
an excellent shot, was difficult
to guard. At that, however, the
local girls gave them some stiff
competition. While Mildred Brady,
Blue Jay stellar forward, was
not at her best, she sank a
number of nice ones despite the
agility of the Ogden guard who
was covering her. Miiured Haw­
kins, who was shifted over to
guard during the last of the
game, did an excellent job of
blocking the
Ogden forward
though without previous exper­
ience in that position.
The game was followed by a
ten minute exhibition game us­
ing two courts instead of three,
as is usual in girls’ basketball.
In a preliminary the CCC men’s
team from Camp Reehers proved
no match for the Vernonia town
.earn, losing 33 to 16.
______ *_______
C. S. Hoffman of the Hoffman
Hardware Co. was taken in the
Legion ambulance to the Eman­
uel hospital in Portland.
He has been ill for about
three weeks, and while his con­
dition is not regarded as serious
he was not showing any improve­
ment, hence he was taken to
Portland for treatment.
Children Are Again
Allowed Attendance
At Social Affairs
Because of decided improve­
ment in the epidemic situation
in Vernonia, the ban against at­
tendance by school children at
social or recreational gatherings
was lifted yesterday by Dr. Rol­
and D. Eby, school health offi­
cer, effective today.
Absences from school are only
slightly above normal, reports
Ivan N. McCollom, superintend­
ent. There were 44 out on Wed­
nesday. The measles epidemic
appears to be over, and only
two or three cases of mumps
have been reported, with no new
Mrs. Claude Norris and baby
were Portland visitors Thursday.