VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON Scenes and Persons in the Current News n — Guaranteed! The government is behind every deposit you have— ud to $5,000. That is the finest guarantee in the world— as certain as the very existence of our govern­ ment! Make your deposits with confidence— they are guaranteed, by Federal Deposit Insurance. “THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK’’ The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK J. A. Thornburgh, President Mazda Lamps Electrical Appliances OFFICE HOURS 1—The Erie, first of a new class of 2,000-ton gunboats, floated at the Brooklyn navy yard. 2—Group of G. A. R. past commanders received by President Roosevelt when they were In Washington to make arrangements for the national encampment In September. 3—Model of the million dollar memorial shaft that will be erected on the San Jacinto battlefield near Houston, Texas, for the Texas Centennial celebration; It will be 550 feet high. SATURDAY Bone of Contention in the Aegean Sea 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Oregon Gas and Electric Company 622 BRIDGE ST. TELEPHONE 691 Professional & Business Directory THE GOLDEN RULE BARBER SHOP View of the Island of Leros, one of the Dodecanese Islands, which the Italians term the “Helgoland of Aegean.” The Island was taken by Italy In 1912 from Turkey, and heavily fortified. Now Turkey Is think of taking it back while Italy is engaged in Ethiopia. However, the Island is predominantly populated Greeks and Greece believes that In case of a redistribution she should be given the Islands. Mongolians Gnard Their Border ONION KING WORKS N. S. SODEN, PROP. BAFFORD BROS. General Plumbing Vernonia Roland D. Eby, M. D. Physican and Surgeon Town Office 891 H. M. BIGELOW DENTIST Willard Batteries GENERAL MOBILGAS Oil» . . Expert Gre&sing VERNONIA SERVICE STATION Roland L. Treharne Expert Automobile Repairini WELDING ROLAND’S SERVICE STATION Nehakm Valley Motor Freight W. A. Davis, Frank Hartwick Propietors Portland* Timber- Vernonia Mist- Birkenfeld- Jewell- Astoria Vernonia Telephone 1042 Joy Theatre Building Vernonia Just a few years ago Clyde H. Melton of Devine, Texas, headed a $3,500.000 Enterprise and was known as the “World’s Bermuda Onion, King.” The depression came, bank] failures wrecked the financial struc­ ture of business, and today he is Frequent clashes between the Outer Mongolians and the Manchukuans fighting his way back to economic lead to the belief that before long war will break out, involving Soviet Independence as a salesman of toys' Russia and Japan. The group of Mongolians shown above are guarding In one of the stores in Pasadena, ' the frontier. These tribesmen are fine cavalrymen and hard lighters. CaliX, - - - Oregon NEHALEM TAVERN 3 MILES NORTH EAST OF VERNONIA CASON’S TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DIS­ TANCE HAULING SEE US For your old-growth 16-INCH FIR WOOD AND CEDAR SHINGLES