« I Mrs. Clifford Fowler and Mrs. | Biggs were hostesses for the af­ ternoon and served refreshments. ) _______*_______ SOCIETY NEWS ■ CLUBS - FRATERNAL i CRYSTAL ANNIVERSARY OF same group, which meets infor­ ZOE MILLER ELECTED LIVINGSTONES CELEBRATED mally each week for sewing and HEAD OF POLLYANNAS a social evening. The crystal wedding annivers­ ary pf Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Liv­ ingstone was celebrated at a soc­ ial gathering in the Christian churcr parlors Saturday night. The affair was a complete sur­ prise to Mr. and Mrs. Livinstone. A feature of the program was a mock wedding ceremony in which Mr. and Mrs. Livingstone were bride and groom, Mrs. A. E. Jennings was minister, Mrs. Olive Powell was bridesmaid, Mrs. F. Lange was best man and Mrs. W. Q. Porterfield was flower girl. After the program games were played and refreshments of cakes and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Livingstone were presented with a crystal baking dish. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1936. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, PAGE FOUR ______ *______ O. E. S. PRESENTS GIFT TO MRS. McGRAW —O' In appreciation of Mrs. H. E. McGraw’s long and faithful ser­ vice as secretary of Nehalem Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, a gift from the chapter, an el­ ectric toaster, was presented to her following the work of the order Wednesday night, the oc­ casion being her birthday. A party in Mrs. McGraw’s hon- or concluded the evening’s act- ivities. Mrs. L. H. Dewey, wor- thy matron, presented the gift and, assisted by Mrs. Albert Childs, arranged the social hour and refreshments. Zoe Miller was elected pres- ident of the Pollyanna circle of the E, M. S. at the regular month­ ly meeting held at the come of Mrs. H. K. Scheuerman Wednes­ day afternoon. Work on Polly­ anna aprons occupied the after­ noon. ______ ♦______ LOYAL WOMEN PLAN FOR TRAVELING KITCHEN —o— At a meeting of the Loyal Women in the Christian church parlors Wednesday afternoon plans were completed to have the Oregonian traveling kitchen come here the latter part of March. A birthday party in the near future was also announrnrf WORLD DAY OF PRAYER TO BE OBSERVED The world day of prayer, Feb­ ruary 28, is to be observed by the missionary societies of the Evangelical and 'Christian church­ es in a meeting at the Evangel­ ical church. There will be a pot­ luck luncheon at 12:45, followed by a program which will include devotionals, talks on missionary subjects, special musical numbers and a demonstration on what is being done in the various fields. The theme of the program is “Peace on Earth.” READ THIS . . . Pianos For Sale New and Used. Terms. Whaley, 3136 N. 48th Ave. Portland, Oregon REBEKAH CLUB PLANS SOCIAL Diwweud in the QUIET SHORT-WAVE BEEF ROASTS lgc 23c 17c 2 Lbs. 33c PORK CHOPS 28c Beef Cubes 18c VEGETABLES Grapefruit RECEPTION Arizona 80’s 6 for ............ 19c Bulk Carrots —o Italy was the subject for study at a meeting of the Vernonia Study club at the home of Mrs. H. M. Bigelow Thursday after- noon, February 13. Mrs. Ivan N. McCollom gave a description of Rome and Mrs. J. J. Troy told of her personal exver/ nces in traveling through Italy. Rhubarb 2-lbs ........... You’ve never heard radio so quiet as this. And when you hear its clar­ ity—the ease with which it pulls in Europe, South America and other distant stations—you’ll agree that here is a new kind of radio. QUEEN OF HEARTS CLUB ENTERTAINS AT PARTY FUEL Eat Nehalem Valley Beef and help the lo­ cal farmers. Lb. ITALY IS STUDY CLUB TOPIC Mabel Anderson, Grace White and Julia Keasey entertained the lady faculty members of the pub­ lic schools and wives of teachers at a Valentine party Wednes­ day night, Feb. 13. On the previous Wednesday Ethel Peterson entertained the Meats HAMBURGER _____ »_____ ______ *______ TEACHERS ENTERTAIN AT VALENTINE PARTY Friday & Saturday Lb................................. At the regular meeting of Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge Thursday evening, February 13, plans were made for a social hour following the initiation of four candidates at the next meet­ ing February 27. —o— A delightful occasion Saturday evening was the party at which members of the Queen of Hearts club entertained their husbands and a few friends at the Grange hall. BYidge and dancing were the diversions, attractive decorations in the Valentine motif transform­ ed the hall. Supper was served at a late hour. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hieber. Dr. and Roland D. Eby, Mr. and George Plumb, Mr. and Loel Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Brickel, Mr. and Mrs. William Heath, Mr. and Mrs. William Briot, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart­ wick, Ina Stevens and Bateman. For Sirloin Steaks MRS. SANDON* IS G. Ç. CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. H. G. Sandon was host­ ess to the G. E. club at her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Paul Gor­ don, guest of the club, won first prize at bridge, and Mrs. Virgil Powell second. A handkerchief shower was presented to Mrs. H. E. McGraw as a birthday compliment. Mrs. Earl Smith, Mrs. W. J. Armitage, Mrs. J. W. Brown and Mrs. W. M. Henderson were present. SPECIALS Oregon Prunes 5-lbs............................. Quaker Oats Quick, lge pkg ... Wheat Flakes Carnation, lge pkg. .. Be Modern »• GET A METAL TUBE GENERAL ELECTRIC LIBERAL TRADE-IN 3c 15c 27c 23c 23c COFFEE M. J. B. Jr., Lb.................. 23c Puffed Wheat Quaker pkg............................... 10c Borax Soap Feldman's double re­ MODEL A-75 > RECEPTION BANDS AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BROADCASTS - 7 ALL METAL TUBES fined, 5 bars ............. ESS YOUR ALLOWANCE KARO Red Label 3-lb tin ... LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD RADIO . . 21c 25c Graham Crackers Limited Time Only! Your old radio is out-dated by this new and startling G-E Radio. But so that you may enjoy the best in radio, we are offering, for a limited time only, a generous allowance on your old set. Geo. G. Paterson Sunshine 2-lbs .................... QI- Û1C Nehalem Furniture and Radio Store VERNONIA Trading Co Vernonia, Ore Phone 801 Phone 721 We Deliver—FREE!