Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 21, 1936, Image 3

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Let Princes Rule the World,
While We Mend Ourselves
If you were one of the people who
forgot to register, or If you nre wor­
ried because you don’t know abom
the Debts and the Polish Corridor this
extract from the Golden Book Maga
zine will ease your mind: In short
it Is letf only to princes to mend
the world, whose commands find
general obedience, and examples Im
For all other men, tbet
must take it as they find It; and
good men enter into commerce with
It, rather upon cautions of not be
Ing spoiled themselves, than upon
hopes of mending the world . .
The bent of my thoughts shall be
rather to mend myself than the
world, which I reckon upon leaving
much what I found It.—Sir William
Still Coughing?
No matter how many medicines
you have tried lor your cough, chest
cold or bronchial irritation, you can
get relief now with Creomulsion.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with anything less than Creomul­
sion, which goes right to the seat
of the trouble to aid nature to
soothe and heal the Inflamed mem­
branes as the germ-laden phlegm
is loosened and expelled.
Even if other remedies have
failed, don’t be discouraged, your
druggist Is authorized to guarantee
Creomulsion and to refund your
money if you are not satisfied with
results from the very first bottle.
Get Creomulsion right how. (Adv.)
Gas Pressure May Cause Dis­
comfort. Right Side Best
If you toss in bed and can’t sleep on
right side, try Adlerika. Just ONE dose
relieves stomach GAS pressing on heart
so you sleep soundly all night.
Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower
bowels and brings out foul matter you
would never believe was in your system.
This old matter may have poisoned
you for months and caused GAS, sour
stomach, headache or nervousness.
Dr. H. L. Shoub, New York, reporta:
“In addition to intestinal cleansing,
Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria
and colon bacilli. ’*
Mrs. Jas. Filler. “Gas on my stomach
was so bad I could not eat or sleep. Even
my heart hurt. The first dose of Adlerika
brought me relief. Now I eat as I wish,
sleep fine and never felt better.”
Give your stomach and bowels a REAL
cleansing with Adlerika and see how
good you feel. Just ONE dose relieves
GAS and chronic constipation. Sold
by all druggists and drug departments.
The Coleman is a gen- I
R Cj
nine Instant Lighting Iron.
All you have to dole turn a valve, strike a match
and it lights instantly. You don’t have to insert
the match inside the iron—no burned fingers.
The Coleman heats in a jiffy; is quickly ready
for use. Entire ironing surface is healed with
point the hottest. Maintains its heat even for
the fa3t worker. Entirely aelf-heating. Operates
for ^0 an hour. You do your ironing with less
effort, in one-third less time. Pe sure your next
iron is the genuine Instant-Lighting Coleman.
It's the iron every woman wants. It’s a wonder­
ful time and labor saver—nothing like It. The
Coleman is the easy way to iron.
Omelets Are Far From Extinct; CROCHET
Food Expert Offers Two Recipes
a hot frying pan and pour in the
mixture. Cook gently until edges
set. then with a knife lift and let
the liquid run underneath. Brown
fold and turn onto a hot platter.
For a fluffy omelet, beat the egg?
“DI<1 you ever hear of an omelet? separately and fold in the egg
Or are they extinct? It Is almost whites at »the end.
impossible to buy an omelet pan
© Bell Syndicate —WNU Service.
at a reasonable price todny. Won’t
you give us some recipes for ome­
lets? Perhaps you might awaken
an interest and demand, and then,
we might be able to buy a pan for
a reasonable amount. Nothing Is so
delicious or so enjoyable as a good
An unusually clever and Interest
omelet, and there are so many va Ing yoke treatment, front and back,
rletles of them. They are nourish­ distinguishes this altogether lovely
ing. satisfying and economical.”
daytime frock. With the neck open
The above letter was received by ing at the back, the V-sbaped yoke
a well known food expert, who an­ extends over the shoulder and com­
swers as follows: First, about an bines with a soft high neckline to
omelet pan. I use a well tempered give a new and flattering collar ef­
Iron frying pan which can be bought fect. equally fetching front and back
at any hardware or house furnish
ing department, for a moderate
price. The double omelet pans
which I suppose the writer demands
are not particularly popular as they
are not necessary. They can be
found, however, in aluminum at a
large house furnishing department.
Now about the omelets them
selves. In my past there were two
types of omelets. The french, which
has a delicious flavor and texture,
but Is not particularly tempting In
appearance. And the fluffy which
looks beautiful, but lacks flavor.
Since a visit to Mont St. Michael,
however, where I tnsted the famous
Poulard omelet and watched its
making a number of times, I have
been converted to omelets which
have the merits of both the fluffy
and the french.
I was told by Madame, the man­
ager, that it could be made only
over the coals of a wood Are In a
long handled, copper pan. I have
found, however, that It can be du­
plicated pretty well over a low gas
flame. I. therefore, dare give you
the recipe!
Quick Meal.
Has Preference for Those
With Merits of Fluffy
and French Types.
Physician and Surgeon
N. E. Corner CurnsWe and Grand Avanwa
TeUpAoas £A«4 991» • FORTUM, OREGON
The estimate ■•"<1 valor of • man
consists in the heart and in the will:
there his true honor IP'S. Vnlor Is
stability, not of arms and tegs, bill
of courare and the soul: It does not
lie In the valor of our horse, nor ot
>>ur arms, but In ourselves.
lie that falls obstinate in his cour
age, if his legs fall him, tights upon
Ids knee».—Montaigne.
Something Brand
New in Necklines
Mock turtle soup
Sliced raw carrots
Omelet with kid­
ney stew
Baked tomatoes
Baked potatoes
French pastry
Lovely, lacy richness lies in this-
choice peacock filet crochet chaii
back set that anyone can make—hotl.
easily and inexpensively—of durabh
string. The peacock, that most gor
geous of all birds, will add a decora
five note to your home as well ar
protect your furniture. You’ll firn1
the large filet mesh goes very quick
ly. And you can also use the design
for scarf ends.
Pattern 1119 comes to you with
detailed directions and charts for
making the set shown; an illustra
tion of It and of the stitches needed;
material requirements.
Send 15 cents In stamps or coin-
(coins preferred) to The Sewing Cir
cle, ' Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth
Ave., New York, N. Y.
Pride and Obstinacy Are
Hard Masters to Set Aside
It Is precisely the proudest and
most obstinate men who are the
most liable to shift their position
am’ contradict themselves; every
thing is easier to them than to face
the simple fact that they have been
thoroughly defeated, and must be
gin life anew.—George Eliot.
1 large kidney
1 onion
1 tablespoon butter
1 % taolespoons flour
l^cups kidney ttock
Salt, pepper
2 tablespoons sherry
« eggs
« tablespoons water
1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons butter
Full set-in sleeves drop gracefully
to the wrist and the waist portion
gathers to the yoke in the rear to
provide essential fullness. A flaring
panel, as fashion dictates, features
an otherwise simple skirt which Is
dart-fltted at the back and a novelty
belt adds a finishing touch.
Fashioned of soft silk, printed or
plain, In amber or green or the al­
ways fashionable black, this striking
all-occasion frock will add zest to
your winter wardrobe and see you
through the coming spring. It will
wear well under a wrap and appear
doubly attractive when the wrap or
coat Is removed.
Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1784-B Is
available in sizes 12, 14, Id, 18 and
Corresponding bust measure
ments 30, 32, 34, 30 and 38. Size 18
(34) requires 4 yards of 39-inch
material. Every Barbara Bell Pattern
Includes an illustrated instruction
guide which is easy to understand.
Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1784 B
can be procured for fifteen cents.
The Barbara Bell Pattern Book fea­
turing winter design» is ready. Send
fifteen cents today for your copy.
Send your order to The Sewing
Circle Pattern Dept., 149 New Mont­
gomery Ave., San Francisco, Calif.
O B.ll syndicate.—WNU Service.
There We Differ
Men are “created equal" In
Beat the eggs slightly, add water
and seasonings. Melt the butter In right»; not in ability or opportunity.
WILLIONS have found they do not need to
drench their stomachs with strong, caustic
alkalies. Physicians have said this habit often
brings further acid indigestion. So much more
safe and sensible to simply carry a roll of Turns
in your pocket. Munch 3 or 4 after meals—or
whenever troubled by heartburn, gas. sour stom­
ach. Try them when you feel the effects of last
night's party, or when you smoke too much.
Turns contain a wonderful antacid which neu­
tralizes acid in the stomach, but never over­
alkalizes stomach or blood. As pleasant to eat
as candy and only 10c at any drug store.
Time for All Things
One who looks on the bright side
when you want to grieve and grouch
is a nuisance; and had better take
himself off.
Method of Preparation.
Poulard Omelet.
9 eggs
% cup butter
Beat eggs until light and foamy.
Melt the butter over a low heat, add
the eggs and stir once. Continue
cooking over a low heat, pushing
back the edges and letting the liquid
run Into the bottom of the pan.
There will be some foam remaining
on the top. Increase the heat and
shake tbepan until the omelet loos­
ens. Fold omelet In two with a
spatula and slip onto a hot platter.
Kidney Stew.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription makes
weak women strong. No alcohol. Sold
by druggists in tablets or liquid.—Adv.
Light oven
Scrub potatoes and bake
Prepare tomatoes
Prepare celery and carrots
Make kidney stew and bake
Make omelet
Open can of soup and heat
Make coffee
Remove fat and sinews from kid
ncy. Wash and place in a saucepan
with enough water to cover. Allow
It to come to a boll and then sim­
mer for five minutes, until very ten­
SEND POSTCARD for FREE FcMar and Full Detail*.
der. Remove kidney, saving the wa­
ter In which It was cooked, and cut
Dwpt.WUSlS Wichita. Kana.;
Chicaao, IH.«
PhUadrfcUa, ra.|
Loa Anaeiaa, Calif.
Into small pieces. Slice onion and
cook In butter in frying pan five
8—36 minutes. Add flour, and when well
blended add one and a half cupfuls of
STOMACH, RECTAL and the water in which the kidney was
cooked, stirring constantly. Cook
COLON Ailments
one minute. Season, add chopped
STOMACH — Ulcers, Acidity.
kidney and sherry, reheat and serve
RECTAL -Piles. Fissure. FIs-
tula. Ulcers.
French Omelet.
COLON— Colitis. Bloating,
Gas. Constipation.
• No hosp tai surgical opera­
tion. No Confinement. Write
or call for I RUB BOOKLET
Valor Is Stability of One's
Courage and of the Heart
Relieve the distressing Hl
symptoms by applying Hl
Mentholal um in nostrils VA
and rubbing on chest. y\
Gtres COMFORT Dally
If you prefer nose drops,or
throat spray, call for the
tn handy bottle with dropper
Don’t be discouraged! Make up your
mind to try and have the clear, fresh
skin you admire in others 1 Thousands
have found the secret in Cuticura
treatments. So simple, too I TheSoap
soothes and cleanses—the Ointment
relieves and helps to heal. You’ll mar­
vel at the difference Cuticura makes.
Buy Cuticura at your druggist’s.
Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. FREE
sample of each on request. Write
“Cuticura,” Dept. 9, Malden, Mass.
No Need to Suffer
“Morning Sickness”
“Morning sickness” — is caused by an
acid condition. To avoid it, acid must be
offset by alkalis — such as magnesia.
Why Physicians Recommend
Milnesia Wafers
rheae mint-flavored, candy-like wafers are
pure milk of magnesia in solid form—
the most pleasant way to take it. Each
wafer is approximately equal to a full adult
dose of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed
thoroughly, then swallowed, they correct
acidity in tho mouth and throughout the
digestive system and insure quick, com­
plete elimination of the waste matters that
cause gas, headaches, bloated feelings and
a dozen other discomforts.
Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20 and
48, at 35e and 60c respectively, and in
convenient tins for your handbag contain­
ing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately
one adult dose of milk of magnesia. All
good drug stores sell and recommend them.
Start using these delicious, effective
anti-acid,gently laxative wafers today
’ Professional samples sent free to registered
I physicians or dentists if request is made
on professional letterhead. Select Preduett,
Inc., 4402 23rd St., Long Island City, N. Y.
Mrs L. E. Dixon of
2819 Chestnut St, Ever­
ett, Wash., said: “I was
weak and sickly when
I was developing into
womanhood, I lost
weight, became irri­
table, had bpadaches
and terrible cramp*. I
realized my system was
becoming weaker each time and that a tonic
was necessary. I tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription and it was not long until I
was eating better and feeling better.”
Mew ate, tablets 50a. Mqmd >1.00 * >l.M
The Original Milk of Magnesia Wafers