Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 07, 1936, Image 1

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    Bridge Repair
Soon to Start
On S. P. & S.
Some Improvement
Shown in Measles
Situation Here
Owing to presence of rab­
ies in St. Helens and the
danger of spreading the
disease in Vernonia owners
of dogs must keep them on
their own premises. Every
dog found running at large
without a license will be
done away with.
Roy K. Nelson
City Marshal
City Council
Votes Class B
Liquor License
Issuance of a Class B. liquor
Considerable improvement in j
license to Mrs. K. A. McNeill
regard to the measles epidemic a-
I mong Vernonia children was in-j
was voted at the city council
meeting Monday night.
O.-A. ESTABLISHES CAMP '.licated ll?is ".eelV ,tl}e absences
In order to protect the city’s
i from grade school being 87 yes-
interest in assessments against
• terday as compared
with 127
the two Charley White houses on
: at the peak two week ago.
Third street near Cougar the
The ban on
— attendance
Contracts Are Let for Lon- children at other than school |
council voted to pay the delin­
quent taxes.
j classes will continue until the,
struction of 30
There was some discussion as
' danger of further spread is over., Mrs. Harris Injured
to the legality of paying Earl
---------- *-----------
Smith, water superintendent, for
By Scalding Water
his services in the fire depart­
Rebuilding of railroad bridges
On Legs and Ankles ment, but the decision was to
between here and the county line
allow his bill as well as those
preparatory to shipment of logs '
of the other members of the de­
to the O.-A. mill, is to start next
Mrs. W______
A. Harris
_ _____ was
scalded partment who responded to fire
week, it is planned. An S.P.&S. I
alarms in January.
bridge crew of about 15 is al-|
nesday of last week in her cot-
tape at Seaside. Judge Harris,
ready here, but is now working
who went down Saturday for the
on the approach to the bridge
just east of town. It is expected Winning Score is Made in Last week end, brought her home, and
she is getting along as comfort­
that a pile driver will be brought
Few Minutes
ably gs can be expected.
in the first of the week, and
bridge material will begin to
Tuesday night, February 4, the
Mrs. Harris was alone in thé
Vernonia Blue Jays journeyed to house, Judge Harris having left
The Oregon-American has start­ Sherwood for a return game, and for Vernonia a short time be­
ed what will be a 40-man con­ came out on the short end of fore. She tripped on a wood bas­
struction camp at the old Jap a 13 tp 12 score. The absence of ket and in so doing caused a Curtis» and Costello, Chambers
camp near Keasey. Good pro­ the regular first team running kettle of boiling water to spill
and Paluso to Meet
gress has been made in taking center, Josie Hall, who is ill with over her. A neighbor who was
up ties and bridge timbers on the measles, handicapped the loc­ a druggist gave her first aid.
Another star wrestling match
, *_______
the speeder, which by means of al team from the start. Howev­
will be given Wednesday night,
a double shift crew has been able er Montana French, who play­
New Cars Bought
Feb. 12, in the Legion hall. Dick
to carry opproximately a car­ ed in her place, put up a fine
The Crawford Motor Co. , re­ Costello and Jack Curtiss, win­
game, and the last few minutes
load a day.
ners of the last match here, will
Eight or nine bunk houses it looked like a possible victory ports the sale of a new Ford wrestle, and there will be two
have been completed in the mill for the Blue Jays. The score fordor sedan to E. L. Lloyd and newcomers, Hobo Chambers and
yards, and work has begun on being 12 to 11 in their favor. a pick-/.) truck to the Nehalem Ernie Paluso. Curtiss and Cos­
and Creamery Co.
30 more. Contracts for building But in the last seconds of the Valley ice
tello need no introduction to
these have been let as follows: game one of the Sherwood for­
local fans on accont of their
Herman Veal and I. H. Pet- wards broke away just long en­ MRS. MCNEILL TO START
performance, each hav­
erson, 10 houses: A. H. Tisdale ough to make the winning bas­
VERNONIA WINE SHOP ing gained a host of friends and
and John Tisdale. 10 houses; ket.
some enemies. Hobo Chambers
Brady for Vernonia and Tooze i
Wm. Fitzgerald and Columbus
Mrs. K. A. McNeill is planning comes with the reputation of
Lusby, 5 houses and Delbert for Sherwood each made 9 points, j J to
the being about the meanest wrestler
The lineups were Sherwood::
Glenn and Merle Cline, 5 houses.
d«- *ernonia ” ine Shop in the Lin­ in the business, and can really
Tooze and Padbeilam, fnrwn.
Rebuilding of the Rock creek Bass and Fish, centers; ear
m J
coin building formerly occupied wrestle besides. The Italian boy
bridge on the spur to the mill and Litton guards. For Vernon-j by Loel Roberts.
Paluso is about the cleverest mat
is in progress.
ia, Brady and Bergerson, for-
She will sell bottle and table man the promoters hav<* had the
The Lindsay Lumber Co., which wards, Hall and French centers, I wines, not to be served on the privilege of seeing anywhere. He
usually relies on clever tactics
has been furnishing much of the Geortzen and Vosnick, guards, premises.
but when the other fellow gets
bridge material, was handicapped
too rough he can dish it out as
this week by freezing of the
well as the next one.
pond, but production was re-
sumed yesterday.
Lemke and Raymer are re­
______ »_______
matched because some of the
loggers had differences of opin­
New Chevrolets Arrive
ion as to who was the better one
Four new Chevrolets arrived
of the two. These boys put on
in Portland this week for the
a swell go last time and look for
Vernonia Auto Co., and will be
an even better one.
brought to Vernonia this week
Toshi Kuge
Roy K. Nelson and Bert Tis­
goals to again ahead 17-16. With
end, it is expected.
Spurred by a surprising three the watch ticking off the final dale, the promoters, have de­
to put the first two rows
point rally in the final minute seconds of the ball game, Con-
of play, the Loggers barely eked dit dropped in a cripple to again of benches in reserve for those
out a very slender 18-17 win ov­ give the Loggers a very slim one of the fans who don’t care to
er the flashy Seaside Seagulls in point lead. Thornbrue sank a come early to scramble for the
a sizzling non-conference tilt on long free throw just before the choice seats.
_______ *_______
the local court Friday, January final whistle to insure a narrow
O. T. Bateman Returns
31. The fast ballhawking, clever but hard-earned 18-17 victory
ballhandling and close checking for the Loggers.
O. T. Bateman returned Sun­
of the invading basketeers caus­
day noon after attending ser­
ed np end of trouble for the Vernonia- 19
Seaside- 17 vices for his father in Coving­
Vernonia hoopers.
Parker, 2
Erickson, 9 ton, Oklahoma. He and his bro­
After three scoreless minutes Condit, 6
F LaBranch, 0 ther, C. L. Bateman drove back
Lerback, 4 to Spokane, Wash., with his
Onions, parsnips and lead pipe of tight checking by both quin­ Adams, 8
Stewart, 2 mother, who will visit there for
on the O.-A. speeder bound for tets, Vernonia finally rang up a Meeker,
Herberg, 0 a while.
the new construction camp r- r .
_______ ♦_______
Vincent, 2
John Erickson putting in shelving the opening canto. The Loggers
Referee, Gordon
for Mrs. McNeill’s new wine found the basket for six more
Deputy Collector Scheduled
Beaverton- 18 A deputy collector of internal
shop . . . The Vernonia Auto Co. counters to hold an 8-4 edge at Vernonia- 19
The Vernonia Loggers came revenue will be in Vernonia
staff sitting in the glare of the the end of the first quarter.
At the start of the next per­ through with another very slim Wednesday, Feb. 26 to assist
headlights of a display car while
the juice was oft . . . Tom iod, the Seagulls displayed a 19-18 victory over the Beaverton taxpayers in making out their
Crawford in his school bus tow­ dazzling scoring spree to slip in high hoopers in a nip and tuck federal income tax reports, ac­
ing a balky logging truck to get front 10-8 for the first time. non-conference fray on the op­ cording to announcement by J.
it started . . . Members of the However, the Loggers retaliated ponents’ court Tuesday night. W. Maloney, collector.
Blue Jay team getting their with another scoring rampage to Neither team could get more than
pictures taken at Scott’s . . . hold a 14 to 11 lead at half a four point advantage through­ BAND CONCERT IS
out the game which found the
One of Vernonia’s prominent time.
Both teams battled on even score tied six times and changing
lodges meeting by candlelight
Thursday night . . . .Ed Tapp
Complying with the closing
getting some printer’s ink for utes in the third quarter, before al whistle four Vernonia victor­
finger prints on bonus applicat­ a Seaside hooper swished in a ious by a mere one point lead. order because of the spread of
ions . . . An S. P. and S. con­ beautiful basket from mid-court. Beaverton held a slender 11-9 contageous diseases, the junior
band concert originally schedul­
struction train parked on a sid­ Vernonia sank another lone field edge at half time.
ing above town.
goal for the only other score of , Meeker of the Loggers led the ed for Feb. 13 has been post­
the same quarter, which found ' scoring with eight points, fol- poned until Thursday, March 12.
Oscar Sorlee, who was employ­ the Loggers still leading 16-13. I lowed close by Emmons of Bea-
The beginners class announced
last week will start as soon as
ed at Westimber, is now work­
In the final canto, the Sea­ I vertop with seven.
(Continued on Page Eight)
the ban is lifted.
ing at the O.-A.
gulls flashed in two quick field
Blue Jays Lose
Return Game
To Sherwood
Wrestling Match
Is Scheduled
For Wednesday
Flashy Seaside Seagulls
Bow To Vernonia Loesers
Feathers . . .
and.. .Talons
Walloped Here
Nearly 10 to 1
Amendment for Fixing Pay
9 to 1
The sales tax for old age as­
sistance lost by almost 10 to
1 vote in the four Vernonia pre­
cincts Friday. The amendment
allowing the legislators to fix
their own compensation lost 9
to 1, the student fee measure
lost 4 to 1, and the primary
change 3 to 1.
The complete vote was as fol­
Primary Change
Precinct 1: yes, 16; no,29.
Precinct 2: yes; 40; no, 115. Pre­
cinct 3: yes, 32; no, 95. Precinct
4: yes, 13; no, 97. Total: yes,
101; no, 336.
Compensation of Legislators
Precinct 1: yes, 3; no, 82. Pre­
cinct 2: yes, 15; no, 135. Precinct
3: yes, 18; no, 105. Precinct 4:
yes, 10; no, 98. Total: yes, 46;
no, 420.
Sales Tax
Precinct 1: yes, 7; no, 81. Pre­
cinct 2: yes, 19; no, 137. Pre­
cinct 3: yes, 11; no, 117. Pre­
cinct 4: yes, 9; no, 101. Total:
yes, 46; no, 436.
Student Fees
Precinct 1: yes, 21; no, 67.
Precinct 2: yes, 24; no, 127. Pre­
cinct 3: yes, 33; no, 93. Precinct
4: yes, 12; no, 96. Total: yes,
90; no, 383.
_____ *_____
Form County
A tempprary organization of
the Columbia County Republican
club was formed at St. Helens
Wednesday night with R. L.
Culbretson as chairman, Odell
Benett vice-chairman and E. E.
Rosebraugh secretary. A per­
manent county area committee
consisting of Judd Greenman of
Vernonia, Art Steele of Clatskan­
ie, N. C. Blumensaadt of Rain­
ier and Dr. Edwin Ross of St.
Helens was also formed.
The initial activity of the club
will be a Lincoln day banquet
at the K. P. hall in St. Helens
Feb. 12 with M. R. Calhoun and
D. O. Bennet as a committee in
charge. A free public dance will
be held afterwards in the blue
Oil Paving Is
Planned For
The Mist-Pittsburg section of
the Nehalem highway will be
paved with oil process macadam
this summer according to assur­
ance given yesterday by J. W.
Bishop, state highway maintain-
ance engineer, to Lester Sheeley
of the roads and highways com­
mittee of the chamber of com­
Mr. Bishop and Mr. Sheeley
drove over the Beaver creek high­
way to Buxton, and Mr. Bishop
promised that the road will be
given the attention it needs.
The old Connacher crossing
has been taken out, and a crew
of men is putting in macadam