VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON Scenes and Persons in the Current News Guaranteed! The government is behind every deposit you have— up to $5,000. That is the finest guarantee in the world— as certain as the very existence of our govern­ ment! Make your deposits with confidence— they are guaranteed, by Federal Deposit Insurance. “THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK J. A. Thornburgh, President. Mazda Lamps Electrical Appliances 1—President Roosevelt delivering his message on ‘the state of the Union,” with Vice President Garner and Speaker Byrns presiding over the joint session of congress. 2—Senator Carter Glass of Virginia in spell­ bound amazement before a huge basket of flowers sent to his office on his seventy-eighth birthday. 3—Dr. Edwin Grant Conklin, Princeton biologist, who was elected president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, to take office next December. Ice Jani Threatening Trenton’s Water Supply OFFICE HOURS SATURDAY 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. p-.-rrr. Oregon Gas and Electric Company •22 BRIDGE ST. At its highest level in 31 years, the Delaware river’s ice jam at Trenton, N, J., was at dangerous heights. It had overflowed a 12-foot retaining wall and flooded the municipal water plant, seen in the background, and many waterfront cellars. The huge ice cakes are shown being crunched against the shore. WINS HIGH HONOR moogric acid, effective In the treat­ ment of leprosy, and of local anes­ thetics Including bttfyn, particular­ ly useful In eye operations. Ills researches In organic chemistry are hailed as “outstanding.” lie retired January 1 ns president of the Amer­ ican Chemical society. KING AT WHITE HOUSE POTPOURRI Brooms Prof. Roger Adams, head of the department of chemistry of the Uni­ versity of Illinois, lias been awarded the Willard Gibb* medal of the Chi- cago section of the American Chem­ ical society for PJ36—one of the highest scientific honors In the United States. Professor Adams Is famous for his synthesis of chaul- It was not until 1850 that Americans discovered the value of broom corn for sweeping. In 183!) tlie first broom factory was established In Fort Hunter, N. V. The making of brooms still remains largely a “hand" proc­ ess. Although broom corn Is ex­ ported to Europe, most foreign nations use brooms made from twigs or long hair. Jeff Davis, king of the Interna­ tional Itinerant Workers, union of hoboes, In all his royal finery was a recent visitor at the White House. C Western Newspaper Union. The Chief Executive was unable to take time to see the hobo de luxe, but nevertheless Jeff pledged the support of 600,000 knights of the Insects, Fires, Costly Insects, tires, etc., cost the Amer­ I road to Roosevelt. He said that ican farmer more than $1,000,DUO,- ! Roosevelt lias done more for the hobo than any other President. 000 a year. » TELEPHONE 6»I