FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, PAGE FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON 1936 enin™ Mr. and Mrs. George Park­ er, and Mrs. Winky Parker and family. Mrs. Dayyton Ross and children of Longview are visiting at the Entered as second class matter home of her mother, Mrs. Jim August 4, 1922, at the post office Aubrey. Mr. Ross was there also at Vernonia, Oregon, under the over the week end. Jim Aubry and daughter Minnie act of March 3, 1879. Middlebrook were Rainier visit­ ors Saturday. _____ RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher Vernonia Eagle KEASEY Riverview Miss Anna DeVaney and Miss ¡Jessie Matter spent a few days at the J. O. DeVaney home last i week. They are both from Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. Art Owens took A bridal shower was given for their young son to Portland Tues­ Anna DeVaney Saturday after­ day for medical attention. noon, Those present were Mrs. Mrs. J. Simms spent Monday atj____ John ______ Luther, _ Mrs. Clarence Reed the home of her sister, Mrs. . an( ana j 4aughter Quugmer Beulah, ovuian, Mrs. .uis. L. xj. O. \j. Thomas Graves. ---------- Gillham, Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and Edith Varley returned ' daughter Claribel and Annabel, Mrs. 1........................ „ ------------ ------ „ IzIaiT----------- t'nrnct (Irnvo Armctrnnir Mrs.^G. Mrs Q. A. A. home Friday from Forest Grove, I 1 Mice Miss Cram Grace Armstrong, and Mrs. J. A. DeVaney where she has been visiting rela-iT White ....... and Jessie Matter. Refreshments tives. Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Robbins were served. Anna received sev­ were in Portland Tuesdoy on eral beautiful gifts. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley business. Harold Fowler is on the sick I and family had dinner with the Albert Kruger family Sunday. list this week. Orris DeVaney and Ben Wis- Mr. and Mrs. Spurge Golden spent the week end with friends lerberg of Portland visited at the J. 0. Devaney home Sunday. at Goble. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Robinson Anna DeVaney and Jessie Matter of Portland were guests of Mrs. returned to Portland with them. C. N. Rundell Sunday. A miscellaneous shower was' given at the home of Mrs. Harry I McMullen Friday. Many beauti-j ful gifts were received. Word has been received that Fred Henderson of Santa Ana, L. A. Peterson, chairman of the Cal., was painfully injured in a Natal school board, called a spec­ football game. He is at the pre­ ial meeting last Monday evening. sent time in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. Oblack have Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Monico moved in the small house by the visited friends at Goble over the Natal school last week. Mr. Oblack week end. works for his father-in-law, Reed Mildred Wood was taken to Holding, logging. the Portland General hospital The grader is working on the Saturday where she underwent state highway in road district No. an apnendicitis operation. 8. Trucks are clearing up small Albert Schalock returned Sun­ slides and d’tches are being clean­ day from a 3 weeks visit with his ed. father at Wacon, Washington. Last weekend on Friday morn­ Elza Varley was a Portland ing the ground was covered by visitor Monday. I a blanket of snow which melted Mrs. T. H. J' Galloway ~ " was the | during the day. Mrs. Mary Burris sustained guest of Mr. and Mrs. Spurge Golden Monday. slight injuries received from a Mr, and Mrs. Dave Easter of fall at her home last week. She Vernonia spent Sunday at the is recovering nicely. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Elder, i Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Kuback Mrs. Ed. Buckner is spending and their two children from St. a few days in Portland visiting j Helens were the week end guests her sihter, Mrs. Emery George. | of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Barrett and Clyde Johnson. were guests of Mrs. Edith Varley Ross Duncan from Vernonia Sundav. was here Monday on business. W. F. Steele, Mrs. H. E. John­ I .Reed Holding traded in his son and children, and Mrs. C. F. Ford Sedan and got a Chevrolet Emory and children of Silverdale, coupe recently. Wash., came Tuesday for a visit Mr,. Alice Lindsay is one of with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowers. the ladies helping to care for Mr. and Mrs. John __ _______ ___ is very # _ ill Robbins ____ Mrs. ________ Erickson, , who had as their guest Saturday ev- with pneumonia at this time. She Natal is on the road to recovery. Mrs. Paul Hartsook and small son is with her aunt, Mrs. Ma* McMullen in Vernonia this week. Mr, a nJ. Mrs. Jake Neurer rent­ ed their Natal house to Mr. and Mrs. Fox from Tillamook. Mr. Fox is employed by the state highway department. _______*_______ everyone, competent teachers, fine fellowship; morning church worship service 11:00 o’clock, Communion service conducted by the Elders and Deasons, followed by sermon by the pastor; subject, j "Reality of the Holy Spirit.” Evening services: Christian En­ deavor society meeting at 6:30; Song service led by Mrs. Livin- stone, and preaching by Mr. Liv­ ______ *______ ingstone at 7:30, subject of the evening sermon,— “The Deity of CHRISTIAN CHURCH Jesus.” The very unusual prayer The Livingstone., Ministers j meeting held every Wednesday Bible school under the sup< >er- evening at 7:30. The public is _ _____ Jon- most cordially invited to attend intendancy of Mrs. _______ James M< •ins at 9:45. A class for all the services of the church. (tarata EVANGELICAL CHURCH Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister 9:45 a. m. Church school. Mrs. Alta John superintendent. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship with the sermon subject of “God’s Sovereignty” the basis of dis­ cussion. — 6:00 p. m. E. L. C. E. Lesson discussion will be lead by Doris Rae Estey. 7:30 p. m. Evening services with Gospel songs ..nd evangelis­ tic tone. Tuesday 2:00 p. m. The Martha Christian Science Society I of St. Helens, Oregon Cordially invites you and your friends to a FREE LECTURE on Christian Science, entitled: “Christian Science: The Science of Reality” HOLD THE FORT By Hon. William E. Brown, C. S. B. AGAINST of Los Angeles California WINTER’S FOES Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother I n winter , germ« collect in every crowded place. They pounce on people with weakened bodies. Why not avoid this ever-present danger? Vitamin A helps guard you against infection in general. Today, you have a tempting way to gain an abundance of vita- min A. In M c K esson ’ s V itamin C oncentrate T ablets of C od L iver O il . These delicious, choc­ olate-coated tablets also furnish you with vitamin D—which sup­ plements the sickly winter sun­ shine. Each tablet contains one grain of dicalcium phosphate. Each tablet brings you all the vitamins in one teaspoonful of Cod Liver Oil, U. S. P. X. (re­ vised 1934). Six tablets daily will help you ward off sickness. Get them at any reliable drug store. One dollar for each bottle of 100 M c K esson ’ s V itamin C oncen . trate T ablets . Begin today! Church, The first Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, • • Massachusetts In the St. Helens High School Auditorium Sunday, January 26 • At 3 o’clock in the afternoon — - ■ ■ ■■ -------------------------------- --------------------------- 1 THE “HAPPY MONDAY TWINS" SAY: . “BUY THIS /£> Lx fC. 7 k 5 5 C J LOW-PRICED WASHER!" ■ A real washer value if there ever was one! 100% General Electric quality. Features: ACTIVATOR washing action • . . No oiling required . . . Nationally-known Lovell Wringer . . . Fast Drain­ ing . . . Pump at slight additional cost (Mode! AW-20P) . . . and other features as well. THEATRE _________ FRIDAY and SATURDAY Your Telephone circle meets. Tuesday evening the choir re­ hearsal with Mrs. Dumas. Wednesday 7:30 the regular weekly prayer meeting and dis­ cussion. Friday evening, January 31, Bishop E. W. Praetorius will be entertained . by church . the local ------ A and preach for us at 7:30. dinner is being arranged for to be served about 6: o’clock. Double Feature 1 H Richard Arlen in “The Calling of Dan YOUR telephone’s usefulness to you is even greater than you may suspect. It is serving you when you have no calls to place—for your name and number are listed, and friends can reach you. IT is serving you in the dead of night —standing by. IT is serving you every instant by its readiness. Whether you use your telephone much or little, this readiness is ceaseless. WEST COAST Telephone Company 4 “THE FRIENDLY COMPANY” Manufactured by the General Electric Company at its Bridgeport, Conn. Plant. Matthews” | Also ‘The Case of Missing Model AW 30 Capaciiy 6 Four, tú Men” SUNDAY Ralph Bellamy Trevor in and Clair Only “NAVY WIFE” Small GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER K59.50 Down Payment Balance on Easy Terms TUES. WED. THURS. Ginger Rogers in “IN PERSON” FURNITURE • Coming Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 “CAPTAIN Geo. G. PATERSON BLOOD’’ AND RADIO STORE Vernonia, Oregon Phone 801