VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, PAGE FOUR g_______ » 22_________ ____ _ 11 ■ -------------- ---------- 1 . ■ — ' . -,'12.1." 2! L._2 1 -'J-'12 ? I SOCIETY NEWS - CLUBS - FRATERNAL with special talks and music dur­ Virgil Powell, Mrs. S. Thacker, ing the opening exercises of the Mrs. Adolph Nelson, Mrs. Gene school, according to the announ­ Crawford, Mrs. Chas Melis and Plans for a social hour to fol­ cement of Mrs. Henry John, sup­ the hostess. Mrs. Sunell received first prize. low the next meeting of Nehalem erintendent. Recently Mrs. Walter Kent, Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, on February 5, were announced Erma Kent and Robert Acord I PYTHIAN SISTERS Wednesday evening of last week were presented with framed pict­ PLAN CARD PARTY —o— at the regular meeting of the ures as award for a year’s per­ fect attendance . Other awards chapter. Plans for a public card party _______*_____ were given to Bernice Rose, Mr. to be given on February 14, and Mrs. IE. J. Douglass and Mrs. were made by Vernonia Temple, POLLYANNAS MEET F. E. Rogers for excellent attend-i Pythian Sisters, which met at the AT MRS. McGRAW’S ance records. A list of names of , home of Mrs. A. L. Kullander The Pollyanna circle of the E. others making a high record wos i Wednesday night. the school. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. read before Mrs. Earl Smith installed sev­ ______ *_______ H. E. McGraw Wednesday af­ eral officers who were not pre­ ternoon of last week for business CARD PARTY IS HELD sent at the recent installation. and a social hour. Mrs. E. S. AT CLYDE JOHNSON’S Mrs. W. L. Van Doren of Van­ Thompson, recently elected chair­ couver, who is most excellent NATAL- (Special)- Sunday i chief of the local temple was man of the circle, resigned, but no successor was named. Mrs. evening Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lind- i present and expects to remain Martin Fish is secretary-treasur­ say, Mr. and Mrs. L. Carmichael ;n town until after February 14. and sons Billy and Johnny, Mr. | _______ *_______ er. _______*_______ and Mrs. Jake Neurer, Mr. and | Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Malm- Mrs. Noble Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. LOYAL WOMEN’S sten and daughter Virginia of Stanley Kuback and children ORGANIZATION MEETS Louise and Junior, and Phillip Longview were visitors at the home of Mr. Malmsten’s parents, Forty members of the Loyal Mott visited at the Clyde John­ Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Malsten over son home. Five hundred was play ­ _ Women’s organization of the the week end. Christian church met in the ed. Mr. Kuback won high score George Leverich was home for and Mrs. Carmichael low score. church parlors Wednesday after­ tlie week end. noon of last week for their reg- Sandwiches, cake and coffee were Mrs. Al Webb goes to McMinn- ular business meeting and a soc- served. ______ *_____ ial time. Mrs. James Brady was MRS. O. COBAT hostess. 1 ENTERTAINS CLUB _______ *____ FRIDAY, JANUARY 1------------------------------ ------------ - ville twice a week for medical treatment. Jim Jones has been ill with the flu but is better now.___________ SPECIALS O. E. S. PLANS SOCIAL HOUR For Friday & Saturday Meats Eat Nehalem Valley Beef and help the lo­ cal farmers. WESTWOOD for wood The extension firebox utiliz­ ing the famous LANG preheat draft principle, measures 21 inches long by 8 inches wide by 8 inches deep. This permits burning 18 inch to 20 inch wood. The Westwood has the patented double draft solid bottom firebox. Ground Veal 15c 2-lbs Lb... Beef Roasts Lb. ..................... Boiling Ribs Lb. ..................... 28c 17c ell Lb.................................... 23c HAMBURGER Lb 1 7 C 2 Lbs. 33c Sirloin Steaks LODGES FAREWELL PARTY HELU FOR M1LLIS FAMILY j• Mrs. ur?;., Oneda u"eaa Cobat CO,Dat entertained __ o__ | the Stitchwell club Wednesday To bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. | afternoon. After lunch the af­ Philip Millis and family who are ternoon was spent in conversa­ moving this week to a farm near tion and sewing. Members pre­ Molalla, Mrs. Sidney Malmsten sent were Mrs. Leona Calhoun, Cobat Mrs. Charlene invited mein lnviiuii members u era ui of the uie riivnu- Friend- Mrs. Rose ,T . ,, Ship circle and uther friends and R^s Mrs Ellen Doyle, Mrs. Ha- neighoor. to her home last Fri-'Cobat Mrs. Mary Ridenour day night. and the hostess' _______ Ai.i .ng those present were Mr. ¡OPENING npFNING nAN *GF IS IS DANCE and Mrs. E. S. Thompson, Mr. SCHEDULED FOR GYM and Mrs. A. F. Kostur, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. The High School Girls’ Ath- II. Condit, t, Mr. anil Mrs. Sargent, letic association is sponsoring Mrs C. I. Anderson, Edith An- a dance to be given in the school dec. > I, Mrs. Ida Henry and Mr. j gvmnasium Friday night, Jan. and '.Irg. Sidney Malmsten. 131, after the Vernonia-Seaside Ln ,e and coffee were served by game. This will be the first dance the ostess at the close of an in the new building. informal social evening. _______*_______ MRS. ART DAVIS HOSTESS MRS? TIMMONS GIVEN FOR BRIDGE CCLUB SURPRISE PARTY Mrs. Art Davis entertained surprise , pary complimenting A surorise with a bridge luncheon on Wed- Mrs- J. L. Timmons on her birth­ nesdav. The event was Mrs. Ad­ day was arranged for last Fri- olph Nelson's birthday. Mrs. Nel­ day night by Mrs. W. M. Hen- son received some lovely gifts. met at the home Lunch was served at noon fol­ derson. Guests ___ of Mrs. Timmons and presented j lowed by bridge. Those present her with a handkerchief shower, I were Mrs. Harry Pierce, Mrs. after which bridge was played, i Ernest Sunell. Mrs. Marble Cook, Mrs. 11. E. McGraw held high | honor . and Mrs. W. J. Armitage second high following play. DR. R. I. HALL Others present were Mrs. Earl ■ Smith. Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mrs. Physician and Surgeon Virgil Powell, Mrs. H. G. Sand-I 965 Bridge St. on and Mrs. M. J. Lamping. Phone, Office 72, Res. 73 _______♦_______ Office Hours 7 to 12 1 to 5 CHILD LABOR SUNDAY TO BE OBSERVED Special Attention to — o— Obstetrics Child Labor Sunday will be ob. served by the Evangelical Sun­ day school next Sunday morning 193« 24, ■■ ~--------------------------- A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets ! Masonic Temple, at Communication : .-Stated Jr First Thursday of each i called i ’ month. Special meetings on all other Thurs- j day nights, 7:30 p. m. Visitors , most cordially welcome. i George Plumb, W. M. I Loel Roberts, Sec. I Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. i Regular commu-! nication first' and third Wed-| nesdays of each| month, at Ma- i sonic Temple. All visiting sis­ ters and broth- [ ers welcome. Mrs. L. H. Dewey, W. M. Leona McGraw. Sec. VEGETABLES NO AAlif S NO ASHPAN Westwood has no ash pan ai the increased 28 inch oven space. The above picture illustrates the operation of the pa.ented, double draft solid bottom firebox of this typi­ cally western range. Charcoal waste is burned in this firebox. Investigate this guaranteed fuel saving range. Lettuce 15c Cranberries 10c Lb.................................... ORANGES 150 size, doz................ CELERY ,f.4 Good Range—Made Better” bunch ........................... IKHIMA.X Tomatoes Fresh, lb...................... Rinso Portland—Banks Stage Line Leaves from Vernonia Hotel for Portland via Buxton and Banks. TELEPHONE 131 .. 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. 2 trips daily ... 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. Arrives in Portland Leaves Portland from Central Stage Depot, (Park and Taylor) Daily except Sundays and Holidays. 8 a. m. and 7 p. m. Arrives in Vernonia ........................... 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sundays and Holidays only--- Leaves Portland 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Call Service between Keasey and Vernonia. ASK FOR PORTLAND-BANKS STAGE LINE FARE: $1.30 °NAFY Borax Soap 27c Roseware Oats Lje pkg .................... i 19c SYRUP 47c • 11 Uli diBIII Market & Grocery DRY CLEANING Phone 711 25c Pancake Flour Sperry’s 28-oz pkg .................. SPECIAL SERVICE FAMILY WASH Vernonia Laundry and Dry Cleaners 25c Karo Syrup White 3-lb tin ....................... $2.10 rt ° r T We clean every day but Saturday. If in at 9 a. m. will be returned the same day. 23c 35c 6 bars ........................... We do all flat work through the new roller mangle. Flannel, bath towels and underwear through dry tumb­ ler. dry and fluffy (.mooth) We guarantee shirt collars will stay pressed for a week. Shirt neck sizes when received will be the same when returned. Try our new special shirt pressing ma­ chine, and you’ll be satisfied. The Best Equipped Shop in Columbia Co. 15c With premium 40 oz pkg ............. Log Cabin Med. size .................. Vernonia Auto Co 10c BORENE The Independent Line Inspection of Brakes .. . lights and steering- gear . . . and making necessary adjust­ ments. Inspection and tightening of chassis and body bolts after the wear and tear of hard winter driving. Ask for an exact estimate on your car. 29c unwE. co Large pkg..................... Enjoy Trouble-Free Driving 25c 3 lbs .................. i Incorporated Phone 721 We Deliver—FREE!