VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON tieth-Century-Fox is making three hun­ dred prints of the quints’ picture, "The Country Doctor”; it will be introduced simultaneously in three hundred cities . . . And I hear that it’s a grand pic­ ture . . . Reginald Denny is making MOVIE AND RADIO loads of money out of toy aeroplanes . . . And Colleen Moore gets a nice in­ . --------- . , By VIRGINIA VALE come from the showings of that doll motion picture business Will Rogers’ pictures are still house of hers. CTAR HE D U S T a gentle jolt recently, T got when it was. announced by a drawing crowds, a most unusual tiling when the star Is no longer liv­ ing. Shirley Temple had a lovely man who knows that the stars Christmas, with James Dunn act­ preferred by people who buy ing as Santa Claus in an airplane tickets to the movies are not and dropping presents for her the lawn. She’s taking a month's the stars credited by Holly­ on and planning to spend It wood and the motion picture critics vacation, in Hollywood. Clark Gable, since as being the best on the screen. split with his wife, is living at The announcement was made by the hotel, and having some difficulty A. H. Blank, who lias been in the a because lias his dogs staying business for 24 years, and is the with him. he He will probably make head of two organizations which a sequel to "Mutiny on the Bounty,” operate 75 theaters showing what happened to 1dm and in 35 cities, selling his men after they settled on Pit­ some 20,000,000 tick­ island. Mae West wants to ets a year. He says cairn that the most pop­ return to New York and do a stage ular stars this last play. Norma Shearer, making ‘‘Romeo year have been Will Rogers, Shir­ and Juliet,” has for some time ley Temple, Clark worn her hair a la “Juliet,” in Gable, Mae West, preparation for the picture. Bing Norma Shearer, Crosby is more excited than ever Bing Crosby, over his racing stable, now that Claudette Colbert, the Santa Anita track is open. Gable Myrna Loy, Joan Claudette Colbert is still receiving Crawford and the team of Fred congratulations over her elope­ ment with Doctor Pressman, who Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The stars the critics rave over was called to attend her when her are Charles Laughlin, Claudette sinus trouble was aggravated by Colbert, George Arliss, Clark Ga­ the rain scenes in “It Happened ble, Leslie Howard, Norma Shear­ One Night.” Joan Crawford and er, Greta Garbo, Will Rogers, Franchot Tone are still in a honey­ Sldrley Temple and Helen Hayes. moon mood. Fred Astaire, happier They Include Shirley, you see, but than ever before, Is set to make more pictures with Ginger Rogers, put her ninth on the list. who proved not to be so successful So—let’s take the list of the best in “In Person,” which she made ten and check up on current news alone, as she is when she’s work­ ing with him. about them. —K— If you’ve heard the very popular serial, “One Man’s Family,” on the air (and you should have; it’s been going on for years), you'll be Interested to know that both RKO and Paramount are bidding for the screen rights; want to do it with the same people and everything. —X— Now it's Ann Dvorak who's hav­ ing trouble; she is suing Warner Brothers, complaining that they haven’t let her work since Octo- I her 29, and haven’t paid her sal­ JACK SPRATT ary since then. But—she looked HOW EATS FAT badly in her last picture and didn't AND ANYTHING ELSE IN SIGHT« I give too good a performance. NO STOMACH SOUR CAN KNOCK HIM FLAT... —k— FOR TUMS HAVE SOLVED HIS PLIGHT! "Captain Blood” is one of the pic­ tures you’ll want to see; it’s dra­ WHO ELSE WANTS TO matic, thrilling all the way through, FORGET SOUR STOMACH? and brings to the screen a young 'T'HE way to cat favorite foods and avoid A heartburn, sour stomach, gas and other man who’s sure to be a star—Errol symptoms of acid indigestion is no secret now. Flynn. Off the screen Mr. Flynn Millions carry Turns. Nothing to mix up. No drenching your stomach with harsh alkalies, has the quiet, reticent manner of which doctors say may increase the tendency to­ He’s very good ward acid indigestion. Just enough of the ant­ Ronald Colman. acid in Turns is released to neutralize the stom­ looking, very Intelligent, and most ach. The rest passes on inert. Cannot over-alka­ lize the stomach or blood. You never know when, likable. so . arry a roll always. 10c at all druggists. — k— From Impresario Steve Trumbull, radio vet famed for his yacht-rac­ TUMS ARE ing through very stormy waters TVM« ANTACID ... and for his immortal broadcast of NOT A LAXATIVE the feverish Dillinger hunt in In­ diana (while the late Public Enemy No. 1 was reposing a state or two away), comes this correction for the item in which It was stated here that the Buck Rogers show has been taken off the air: r\O you suffer burning, scanty or "After stopping for our sponsor, Lz too frequent urination,- backache, headache, dizziness, loss of energy, the Buck Rogers show was imme­ leg pains, swellings and puffiness diately taken up by another. The under the eyes? Are you tired, nerv­ show is presented on CBS twice ous—feel all unstrung and don't from New York—once at 6:00 p. m. know what is wrong? EST (reaching the Middle West Then give some thought to your kidneys. Be sure they function proper­ at 5:00 p. m.) and then re-broad- ly for functional kidney disorder per­ cast to reach the mountain states mits excess waste to stay in the blood, at 5:00 p. m. their time and the and to poison and upset the whole Pacific Coast at 6:00 p. m. coast system. time. Thanks for setting your pub­ Use Doan's Pills. Doan’s are for the lic right on this.” kidneys only. They are recommended — k— the world over. You can get the gen­ Hezikiah Puts the Bankers Thrill That C nies With Right Up a Creek, Yassah! Doing Task With Pritle Hezikiah Brown, colored, lost a foreclosure action to a Topeka bank. The judgment gave the bank title to 19 of the 20 acres In Heziklah's plat adjoining Shunganunga creek. Kansas law permits u defendant to retain one acre of Ills own choosing © Western Newspaper Union. as ills homestead, the only string being it must all be in one piece. Hezikiah chose a 15-foot strip Meteor’s Speed Measured Russian observers have ascer­ starting at the creek bank and run tained that meteors slow down nlng around the outer edge of the their velocity as they approach the property back to the creek. To earth, there being a 37 per cent reach their land, the bankers must decrease in speed as they travel row a boat across or wade up the from the height of 55 to 35 miles. Shunganunga. The observations were made pho­ None Would Approach tographically from two stations in Of all tlie numerous kinds of amu­ order to ascertain altitude. The ve­ locity was ascertained by photo­ lets, talismans and other objects tliât graphing the moving tail of the me­ have been used throughout the ages teor through the rapidly revolving to ward off evil spirits, the most sen­ blades of a fan that cut off the sible one was employed in the pro­ picture a certain number of times tection of Danish children many a second. The interrupted segments years ago. It was garlic—eaten of the tail give the velocity in­ three times a day—solely for this dex. purpose.—Collier’s. There is satisfaction in doing a piece of work well. And If we have imagination we can derive additional pleasure from the thought that the finished product which comes from our hands bring Joy and comfort to the consumer. Indeed, whatever we do should be done better liecause we think of the use to which it will be put. breakup that r m i Perhaps the surest way to prevent a cold from "catching and yeuin getting Is, g hold" nyiu ana 3 worse warsc is, at once, to Gear»« Inter­ nally. Do Itthepleasant tee- CAMPI F CUP w*y* Flush the system with a hot cup ol Garfield GARFIELD TEA Tea—the mild, eaiy-to-take CO., Dept. 94 Brooklyn. N.Y. liquid laxative. At drug-store« FREE I 4 U the bank W I'M MORE WORRIED | ' WON'T LEND ABOUT you, DEAR/ f< US ANOTHER DR. RIPLEY IS DIME/. WE f COMING TO SEE CAN'T HOLD I 'THE BABY. ..LETS, OU“ MUCH I . ASK HIM ABOUT 1 LONGER. IT'S I (you. i GOT. ME J ? WHAT DOES f SHE THINK WORRIED.’ W THAT DOCTOR M CAN DO... LEND | fYOU SOME MONEY OR Buy OUT THE STORE ? i i i ! 1__________ -so your head ACHES AND YOU CAN'T SLEEP — ( SOUNDS LIKE COFFEE-NERVES? WHY NOT GLUT COFFEE AND I| SWITCH TO 1 POSTUM ‘ OH, ALL RIGHT/ I CAN'T FEEL ANY WORSE fS THAN I: DO JI NOW / JsTCURSES.’ /POSTUM f ALWAYS r WRECKS MY V PLANS/ T TUA Rid Yourself of Kidney Poisons uine, time-tested Doan's at any drug store. D oans P ills J - and you ’ re l -NEW CAR FOR \ YOUR BIRTHDAY, ) DARLING/ WE f CAN AFFORD IT, I TOO,T. BUSINESS IS GETTING BETTER . v, EVERY DAY / J C hildren should never drink coffee, and...the caffein in coffee disagrees with many grown-ups, too. If you are bothered by headaches or indigestion, or can’t sleep soundly... try Postum for 30 daysl it contains no caffein. It is simply whole wheat and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. Easy to make, costs less than one-half cent a cup. It’s delicious, too... and may prove a real help. A product of General Foods. FREE —Let us send you your first week’s supply of Postum free ! Simply mail thecoupon. Q umo r com . G inikal F oods , Battle Creek. Mich. W.N.U1-3I-I4 Send me, without obligation, a week's supply of Pottum. ODDS AND ENDS . . . During 1935 Name Guy Lombardo picked and played on the air ten songs which became hits ... Eddie Cantor’s broadcasting hour I is changed, so that he no longer has ' Major Bowes as competition ... Tuen GETTING SWEETER EVERY DAY, I JOHN.„SINCE YOU SWITCHED S TO POSTUM ! r ARTHUR . ■ .... ■■ Street — City__________________________ _State----------- —. Fill in complete/)', print name and addraee. If you live in Canada, address .-General Foods, Ltd., Cobourg, Ont. (Offer expiree Dec. 31,1936.)