VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Black, Wine Red, Blue Are Favorite Colors for Town Once again black Is a favorite town color for fall, with dark blue, wine red and mustard green like wise shown. Brown and beige ap pear more frequently In sports frocks. There are a number of black crepe frocks designed with slender waists and big sleeves just short ot full length, which are finished with striking accents. One has a cluster of mother-of-pearl leaves at the base of the draped neckline, anoth er Is trimmed with white silk braid frogs. Here’s Chic Frock That Will Slenderize Figure PATTERN 9,11« I’M SOLD It always works Just do what hospitals do, and the doctors insist on. Use a good liquid laxative, and aid Nature to restore clocklike regularity without strain or ill effect. A liquid can always be taken in gradually reduced doses. Reduced dosage is the real secret of relief from constipation. Ask a doctor about this. Ask your druggist how very popular Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin has become. It gives the right kind of help, and right amount of nelp. Taking a little less each time, gives the bowels a chance to act of their own accord, until they are moving regularly and thoroughly without any help at all. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin con­ tains senna and cascara—both natural laxatives that form no habit. The ac­ tion is gentle, but sure. It will relieve any sluggishness or bilious condition due to constipation without upset. HERE S RELIEF I l**AiSore,Irritated Skin F Wherever it is—however broken the •^wsurface-freely apply soothing • Resinol WORK..“FUN AAAIU” With U 19 U I M WW ■ I■ Constipation Cleared Up rpHE end of everyday found her tired J- out, nervous, often with headaches. But now, thanks to Nature’s Remedy, work is fun again—she feels like going to a movie or dance any night. Mil- lions have switched to this natural all- vegetable laxative. Contains no miner­ al or phenol derivatives. Instead a balanced combination of laxative elements, provided by nature, that work natu­ rally, pleasantly. Try an NR tonight. When you see how much bet­ ter you feel you'll know why a vegetable correc­ tive is best. Only 25c, at all druggists. 4 TO NICHT TOMORROW AlftIGMT r D C F, This week—at your druggist's—Beau- r fl E. CL. tifui 5Color 1935-1936 Calendar Ther­ mometer with the purchase of a 25c box of NR or a 10c roll of Turn« (For Acid Indigestion.) Still Coughing? No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulslon. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul- slon, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem­ branes cs the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your druggist Is authorized to guarantee Creomulslon and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulslon right now. t/.dvj If you've large proportions to cope with, yet aspire to a slender figure, you’ll love this house frock which breaks lines In just the right places. Four easy pieces are its sum total of chic, one back, one front, and one for each sleeve. Don’t you love the diagonal rows of buttons at the shoulder, just where they're needed for inexpensive decoration? Pointed belt-ends nip in your waist, and a wide, square neck makes this frock a jiffy, over-the-header. You’ve all the novelty cottons to choose from, so hurry, send for your pattern to­ day I Pattern 0546 may be ordered only in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 32, 34, 36. 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46. Size 16 requires 3% yards 36 Inch fabric. Complete diagrammed sew chart included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE. Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pattern Dept., 232 West Eight­ eenth St., New York, N. Y. Of INTEREST TO THE HOUSEWIFE Woolen socks will not shrink if washed carefully in tepid water and white soap suds. Rinse in clear, lukewarm water, wring out, and hang in the air to dry quickly. • * • Have you tried serving baked cranberry apples with a roast pork dinner? Fill the cavity left In ap pie after core has been removed with cranberry sauce and bake. • • • Meringue is Improved by a dash of salt and a little grated lemon peel. • • • Sometimes roast beet gravy Is light colored. If you wish It to be a rich golden brown, put sugar In frying pan until it has browned, then dissolve it in water and add to gravy. • • • Casserole dishes made of meat, vegetables or fish can be cooked In the morning and reheated just be fore they are to be served. * • • A squeaking In hardwood floors Is caused by floors not being properly nailed or when subflooring Is omitted or laid parallel to flooring strips. An experienced floor-layer will re­ move the squeak. » • • It is much quicker when frying doughnuts, to cut dough In diamond shapes instead of using a doughnut cutler. They taste Just as good when cut In this way. • * • It is time to change the water In goldfish bowl when water is so warm flsn come to the top of bowl for air. Goldfish like to be kept cool. * • • Always test cake before removing from the oven, even though it may already have baked the length of time stated in the recipe. e ♦ ♦ Keep onions under cold water when peeling to prevent the tears coming. , • e e It you enjoy painting try your skill on one of the unpainted dress­ ing tables. They are most useful and ornamental. © Associated Newspapers.—WNU Service. Silk Crepe Dress STYLE NOTES Coin buttons are smart. Fashion accents pleats, fringe and sparkle. Pink satin Is a favorite for evening wear. Small hats stress height and military tassel trims. Long panels float from shoal- ders ot formal gowns. Handsome fur Is lavished on daytime velvet suits. Sweaters are worn with all- around pleated skirts. By CRANDMOTHER CLARK SORROW The path of sorrow, and that path alone, leads to th» land where sor­ row is unknown; no traveler ever reached that blessed abode who found not thorns and briers In his road.— Cowper. Be sure of Success And bake that Holiday Cake with the famous This Is the dainty pillow that you have wished for but, being expensive, possibly did not buy. Here is your chance to sew up this one and the cost will be very little. This can also be made Into a pajama bag. This package contains silk and rayon cuttings In white and peach sufficient to make the dainty petals; also full directions for sewing petals and pillow. The work Is simple and ycu will be more than pleased with the beautiful results. Package No. 46 sent postpaid tor 40 cents. Instructions only, 10 cents. Address Home Craft Co., Dept. A, Nineteenth and St. Louis Ave., St Louis, Mo. Inclose a stamped ad­ dressed envelope for reply when writ Ing for any Information. THROUGH A Womans Eyes By JEAN NEWTON —————————————————— ON THE USES OF A TRUTH SERUM under the anesthetic A WOMAN which we call “twilight sleep” Coleman 'THIS is the little Coleman 1 Lantern with the Mgr brilliance. It lights instantly and is always ready for any lighting job. in any weather. Just the light you need for every outdoor use . . . on the farm, for hunting, fishing, outdoor sports. Has genuine Pyrex bulge-type globe, porcelain ven­ tilator top, nickle-plated fount, built-in pump. Like Coleman Lamps, it makes and burns its own gas from regular gasoline. It's a big vulue, with years of dependable lighting service, for only >8.99. had just given birth to a baby. The doctor wanted to weigh the babj and asked for the scales. Nobody knew where they were. Suddenly the mother, still "asleep,” spoke up SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER —or write for FREE Folder. and said, "They are In the kitchen THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO. on the nail behind the picture!” For Dept. WU150, Wichita. Kansj Los Angeles, Calif. 1 (5150) some time afterwards she continued Chicago. 111.; Philadelphia, Pa. “asleep” and remembered nothing of the incident. All of which gave the doctor nn ■ P ■ > WJ C Let U» Send Y m Idea with which he began experi­ Just send us your add resa menting. The result was the dis and you will get by return mai Ion approval (in plain covery that under the drug scopo­ wrapper) this 11 package of lir Van V lock's great lamine people must tell the truth. three-fold Absorption It seems It puts to sleep certain sec­ Treatment which i a help- Ingthousands who suffer tions of the brain, including that the pain and noreneea of itching, bleeding, pro­ “high resistance zone” w'ith which truding Piles. No knife, no pain, no doctor s bills. we tell untruths, hut leaves wide If satisfied with benefits received, then send us fl. If not, keep your money. open the paths leading to the area W® trust you for fair treatment. Write today. where memories are stored away. OR, VAN VLECK COMPANY, riusi Jaokson, Mloh. Therefore under its Influence people unconsciously tell the truth—they cannot tell anything else—and sei ence has found a “truth serum." NEWS FLASH The most Important Implications Stomach, Rectal and of the discovery are, of course, its Colon Ailments cured possibilities in the detection of without a hospital criminals. But most women will surgical operation. share our Impulse to speculate on DR. DEAN CLINIC how far-reaching would be Its use CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET nearer home. Do it now— Do not wait Think what it would mean to a East Burncide and Grand Avenue girl to be able to put her suitors to PORTLAND. ORE. Pbont Eait 391» sleep with tne truth serum. She would soon know just what It is they like about her—their true opinion of her mother—and any reservations they may have on the rights of husbands. Think, later, of the advantage of a wife who can give her husband a whiff of the truth serum before he goes to sleep. dixe to coLcli, The effect on the poker of the na­ tion might be surprising. And the social possibilities of the Relieve the dry ne.» and truth serum are positively enor­ irritation by applying mous. Imagine being able to use It Mentholatum night on your friends. How much time and morning. we should save in finding out th«’ real ones. To me this Is one of the most promising of modern scientific dis . C