VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Carlo”—it’s Colman at his best . . Frances Dee und Joel McCrae are still celebrating the birth of their second son . .. It costs a girl from one to two hundred dollars a month to be beauti­ ful, if she’s a movie star—the beauty parlors get most of it. Oldest Fortification in the Western Hemisphere Cuba’s Castillo de la Fuerza (the Castle of the Armed Forces) is be­ lieved to be the oldest fortification in the Western hemisphere. It Btands at the foot of O’Reilly street In the oldest part of Havana. It was begun In 1538, thereby antedating Morro castle by about 50 years. The history of La Fuerza goes back to the time of Hernando de Soto. It was there that Dona Isabel de Bobadilla, De Soto’s wife, threw herself into the sea upon learning of her husband’s death and his burial In the Mississippi river. GAS, GAS ALL THE TIME, CAN’T EAT OR SLEEP “The ¿as on my stomach was ao bad I could not eat or sleep. Even my heart hurt. A friend sug­ gested Adlerika. The first dose I took brought me relief. Now I eat as I wish, sleep fine and never felt better.”—Mrs. Jas. Filler. Adlerika acts an BOTH upper and lower bowels while ordinary laxatives act on the lower bowel only. Adlerika gives your system a thorough cleansing, bringing out old, poisonous matter that you would not believe was in your sys­ tem and that has been causing gas pains, sour stomach, nervousness and headaches for months. Dr. H. L. Shoub, New York, reports: ■‘In addition to intestinal cleansing, Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria and colon bacilli.” Give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just one spoonful relieves GAS and chronic constipation. Sold by all druggists and drug departments. WNU—13 49—35 Quick, Complete Pleasant ELIMINATION Let's be frank. There’s only one way tor your body to rid itself of the waste mat­ ters that cause acidity, gas, headaches, bloated feelings and a dozen other dis­ comforts—your intestines must function. To make them move quickly, pleas­ antly, completely, without griping. Thousands of physicians recommend Miinesia Wafers. (Dentists recommend Milnesia wafers as an efficient remedy for mouth acidity). These mint flavored candy-like wafers are pure milk of magnesia. Each wafer is approximately equal to a full adult dose of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed thoroughly in accordance with the direc­ tions on the bottle or tin, then swallowed, they correct acidity, bad breath, flatu­ lence, at their source and at the same time enable quick, complete, pleas­ ant elimination. Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20 and 48 wafers, at 35c and 60c respec­ tively, or in convenient tins containing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately an adult dose of milk of magnesia. All good drug stores carry them. Start using these delicious, effective wafers today. Professional samples sent free to reg­ istered physicians or dentists if request is made on professional letter head. SELECT PRODUCTS, Incorporated 4402 23rd SU Lons Island City. N. Y. MILNESIA WAFERS 0^*1 MILK OF MAGNESIA WAFERS Fishermen Stranded for Five Days on Sea Bottom Thousands of fishermen returning to Caspian ports recently told an as­ tonishing story of having been ma­ rooned on the bottom of the sea for five days. They reported that at the busiest period of the flshtbg season the sea Itself retired from under the fleet. The sea receded along 150 miles of the northern shoreline, leaving the boats stuck several kilometers from solid earth. Airplanes dropped food to the stranded men until the tide flowed back and allowed them to re­ float their ships. © Western Newspaper Union. HE Clark Gable divorce announcement wasn’t exact­ ly news; it had been brewing for a long, long time, with the company that employs Gable trying to stave off a separation —they feared that you and I and all the rest ot his public wouldn’t flock to the theaters to see the stalwart star if his wife left him. The an­ swer to that Is that “Mutiny on the Bounty,” his cur­ rent release, has been drawing big­ ger crowds than ever, especially In New York, where the society folk with whom he now associates there have flocked to the theater in crowds, clad in ermine, sable, mink, or top hats, white ties and tails. Naturally, there has been a lot of comment on who the next Mrs. Gable will be—everybody seems sure that there will be a third Mrs. Gable as soon as the divorce goes through. Hollywood’s candidates are Loretta Young and Elizabeth Allen. People who were on location with Clark and Loretta when the “Call of the Wild” was made say there’s no question that she is the new love. She says nothing. Elizabeth Allen, rather startled, points out the fact that she already has a husband. In New York they're saying that he’ll follow the example of Gary Cooper and Richard Barthelmess and marry a society girl. His first wife, they say, taught him to act. His second, as the first Mrs. Gable re­ vealed in an Interview startling for its frankness, was married because she had money, which would fur­ ther his career. Now that he's a success, says New York, he'll pick a wife who can advance him socially. One of the nominations is Mary Taylor, who forsook society, more or less, to pose for fashion photo­ graphs a year or so ago. She Is the niece of Countess de Frasso (once Gary Cooper's heartbeat, and a frequent visitor at Pickfair be­ fore she acquired a home of her own in Hollywood). Miss Taylor is pretty If you like the sulky type; you’ll see her In the next Hecht and MacArthur pic­ ture, "Soak the Rich”—her first venture Into big-time pictures. As for what Gable himself has to say: Loretta Young is a very good friend, nothing more, he announced on his return to Hollywood. Miss Allen? A very good friend. Miss Taylor? She, also, is a very good friend. —«— They do tell me that all this talk about a romance between Jean Har­ low and William Powell is a fact, and not Just one of those rumors that are cooked up to get movie stars' names Into the pa­ pers. On the other hand, they tell me also that Mr. Pow ell Is all thrilled over Rosalind Rus­ sell. the girl who Jean Harlow stepped into “Ren­ dezvous” when Myrna Loy stepped out. —k— Bing Crosby thinks he has the winner of the next Kentucky Derby, and lie's pretty pleased about 1L In fact, lie's pretty pleased with his whole racing stable. Wonder If he's ever heard of the movie star who was urged by his company to lake up racing? The executives figured that the star would sink so T much money In horses and their up­ The Lightest Wood keep that he’d have to go right on The lightest wood obtainable Is working In pictures till his box of white balsa, native to South Amer fice appeal was worn out. lea, Central America and West In dies. There Is the female tree ODDS AND ENDS . . . Directoi only. The male tree, also the red Henry King is all set to film the quin balsa, is twice as heavy. White balsa Is less than half as heavy as tuplets for “The Country Doctor".. Don't miss Ronald Colman in “The cork, the lightest weight of any Man If'ho Broke the Bank at Monte known wood. c. GEIGER. ríate#- of San Francisco, danger m “There ts no da when boug ndard brands of facturer s or g the manu „ Buy BAKING SODA in the ORIGINAL Container ARM & HAMMER BAKING SODA is produced by an organization which has specialized in the preparation of depend­ able Soda for eighty-nine years. ARM & HAMMER BAKING SODA is prepared with scientific accuracy. It is packaged by sanitary modern equipment under conditions which make contamination impossible. ARM & HAMMER BAKING SODA is approved by the American Medical Association (Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry) which states •—“Arm & Hammer Baking Soda is pure Bicarbonate of Soda.” ARM & HAMMER BAKING SODA meets all the require­ ments of the United States Pharmacopoeia, and is classified as an official U. S. P. Remedy. Its purity is safeguarded by frequent analyses. • • • __ • The endorsement of our Baking Soda by the highest scientific authorities is a positive assurance that it is pure and dependable. USE ARM & HAMMER BAKING SODA WITH ENTIRE CONFIDENCE Buy all household and medicinal products in the original container Avoid all re-packaged merchandise. CHURCH & DWIGHT CO., Inc. 10 Cedar Street • • • New York, N. Y. Business established in 1846