VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Scenes and Persons in the Current News Guaranteed! The government is behind every deposit you have— ut> to $5,000. That is the finest guarantee in the world— as certain as the very existence of our govern­ ment! Make your deposits with confidence— they are guaranteed, by Federal Deposit Insurance. “THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK J. A. Thornburgh, President. Mazda Lamps Electrical Appliances 1—Camel caravan carrying Italian field artillery in the Ethiopian invasion. 2—Scene in Havana, Cuba, at the unveiling of a statue of Generalissimo Maximo Gomez, hero of the war of liberation against Spain. 3—Wil­ liam B. Bell of New York, chairman of the new finance committee for the Republican national campaign. OFFICE HOURS SATURDAY 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Five Women Who Are Rulers of an Ohio Town Oregon Gas and Electric Company •22 BRIDGE ST. The government of the town of Linndale, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, is practically a matriarchy. Not satisfied with the male administration, the women of Linndale decided to “clean house" and succeeded in elect Ing a slate of their own choosing which included the mayor, treasurer, clerk and two of the six councilmen. The women are shown here as they attended their first meeting. Left to right, seated: Mary Roginsky, treasurer, Ann C. Lakowitz, mayor, and Helen Lashutka, clerk. Standing: Mrs. Ozema Williams and Mrs. Ethel Sotos councilmen. Safe Because Uncle Sam Protects Them Deer on a United States government preserve, near Lake McDonald, Glacier National park, Montana, in a picturesone Netting. TELEPHONE 691