Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 18, 1935, Page 9, Image 9

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Wednesday 7:30 Adult Group daughter went to the stock show I Miss Amy Hughes and Miss Freda
prayer meeting and Bible study. I in Portland last week and also Beck of the teaching stoff vis-
-----------------------------------visited at the home of Mrs. ¡ted Lincoln high school in Port-
Estey’s sister, Mrs. Tom Batch iand last Friday.
Preaching next Sunday morning. *n Camas,
i C. W. Linebaugh, postal in-
--------------------------------------------------- and evening by Frank Davis........| Visitors at the home of Mr. | spector, audited the accounts of
Bill Hayward of Forest Grove \
and Mrs. Roy Calhoun Friday, the local post office Tuesday and
visited his sister, Mrs. O. D. Wil-1
were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bram- Wednesday.
lard, last week.
blett, Mr. and Mrs. E. Snyder
Otto, Elon and Charles Malm
and Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Cook. sten were Portland visitors Tues­
Mrs. Tom Magoff, Mrs. N.
Marcus Brown, who recently re­
Chambers and son Walter made
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cobat en- day.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Arps of
a trip to Portland Saturday to turned from St. Helens, is work­ tertained for a group of friends
bring Mr. Chambers home from ing part time for the Nehalem Saturday night after the dance, Seattle were week end visitors at
Valley Motor Freight.
the hispital.
Nearly twenty men were tak- the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Oscar Sorlee has been assist­ en in the Loggers Union Thurs­ K. A. McNeill. Mr. annd Mrs. Mc-
Violet Hudson was an all night
Neill accompanied them as far
guest of Lucile Wood Sunday ing in the janitor work at the day evening.
as Portland on the return trip.
grade school since Monday.
Mrs. Anna Couch and Jack
A. W. Martin, of the Portland
Thompson of Portland spent
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Carlson
office of the bureau of aero­
made a business trip to St. Hel- born Oct. 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mel­
nautics, and R. S. Huson, con­
Wallace Bergerson at Mrs. Cass vin Chapman.
ens Thursdaw and Friday.
struction engineer at the Ver­
Bergerson’s. The baby has been
Fred Wallis was a Monday nonia airport, hunted in this lo­
Mr. and Mrs. Dan May made■
named Charles Wallace.
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Co-« cality Saturday and Sunday.
a trip to Portland Monday for;
John Davis of St. Helens made bat.
medical care.
Hale Graves left Wednesday
The Stitchwell club met Wed­ night for San Diego to join the
Mrs. Carl Dillon of Forest a business trip to Vernonia Tues-
Grove is staying with Mrs. Edith day.
nesday at the home of Mrs. Ha­ navy.
Varley. She came last Saturday, j L. H. Dewey and son Donald zel Cook in Riverview. Honor
Bob Parkhill went to Port-
see guest was Mrs. Jack Clarkson. land Wednesday to be with his
Mrs. A. F. Kostur and boys. went to
w Portland
* „■»uu Sunday to
w ae-
went to the stock show Friday. I Mrs. Dewey annd Lynnea Joy. Others present were Mrs. Ever­ father, who is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Wood and Both mother and daughter
_ __
are ett Snyder, Mrs. Geo. Cobat, Mrs.
Neal Bush was in Hillsboro
daughter Lucile made a busin- doing fine, Mr. Dewey' reports, S. Cook, Mrs. H. C. Ridenour, Thursday on business.
ess trip to Portland Saturday., Mrs. A. J. Hughes and Miss Mrs. John Ross, Mrs. Roy Co­
Mr. and Sfy-s. Earl Washburn
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Steele anl Amy Hughes were Portland vis- bat, Mrs. Roy Colhoun, Mrs. Mel­ attended the California-Oregon
vin Chapman.
children moved into Mrs. George (¡tors Saturday.
game in Portland Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Cook were
Parker s house.
I Mrs. p q Mellinger, who was
Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk, Jr.,
Bud Lindberg went to Mist to. for severa] dayg ,agt w(jek jg dinner guests Saturday of Mr. were Portlond visitors Saturday.
stay with his uncle, L. Peter-jmuch better and ablg tQ bg about and Mrs. Ike Chapman.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Wang-
Mrs. A. J. Chapman and father
, .. ,
tt „
i Mrs. W. J. Armitage went to G. H. Davie were in Forest Grove ler of Burns visited Mrs. Wang-
Mrs. Lee Bowers left for Hies-
ler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
.. ...
Portland Wednesday afternoon several days this week.
son, Washington, Friday to vis-
. ,
Mills, and Mr. Wangler’s sis­
• .
t , ,1.
r. i
I to attend a social function.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Cook ter, Julia Wangler, Tuesday Wed­
it her sister, Ruth Rowland.
Mrs. Carl Fowler from Ash-
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl vis- entertained Friday evening for nesday and Thursday of this
land, Oregon, is visiting her rel-1
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. McAl- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cobat and week. Mr. Wangler, former man­
ister and family in Portland dur- Mr. and Mr^. Otto Mauer.
atives in Vernonia.
ager of the local Safeway store,
F. Reliar of Marcóla, Mrs. Geo. is on a short vacation from his
Joan Lindberg is back to go ing the week end.
Mrs. J. W. Brown went to Reliar of Clatskanie and Walt­ duties as manager of the firm’s
to school from St. Helens. She
is staying with Mrs. Jack Christ­ Portland Wednesday to be with er Reblar of Marcóla visited at store at Burns.
her sister who is ill. She expect­ the Blaine Cobat home Friday.
Mrs. Archie Samuels burned
Mrs. Dan May and daughter ed to be away for several days.
M rs. F. Piercy were dinner guests
A baby girl, named Blanche her hand severely Mondoy while
of Mrs. W. N. Wood Tuesday.
Fay, was born to Mr. and Mrs. making grape jell.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Cook had
Mrs. Charlie Christiansen made I Philip Millis last Friday, Mother
a trip to St. Helens on business and baby are getting along as dinner guests Tuesday Mr.
Feed and Hay
and Mrs. Leroy Cook.
Mrs. Maude Purvine will dem­
George Parker and son Har-
Sidnney Malmsten, who is sta-
old made a trip to Forest Grove i tioned at the Boyington CCC onstrate and talk on “Care of
Flour and Cereals
to get Winkie Parker to go hunt­ camp, was home for the week the Feet” in the domestic science
room of the high school Tues-
Tom Hall was home for a visit
Mrs. Dave Marshall spent the day Oct. 22 at 2 o’clock. It is
Friday and left Sunday.
week end in Portland.
Building Material
Peter Bergerson, who under­
Mr. and Mrs. John Elder were
Amy Hughes was unable to
in Portland over the week end. ! conduct her classes at the high went an operation for a catar­
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Buckner, | school Tuesday and part of Wed- act on his eye at the Portland
Farm Implements
Everett and Howard Rundell vis­ I nesday because of a severe cold Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat hos­
ited relatives in Portland Fri­ I Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Roberson pital Saturday morning is get­
Dupont Powdeç
I of Longview visited in Vernonia ting along nicely. He expects to
be able to leave the hospital ear­
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hudson, ■ Thursday of last week.
Mrs. C. Culp, Mr. Hambly and . Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman ly next week.
J. W. Brown, Alfred Bays and
Miss Audrey Shultz were Sunday attended the horse show in Port­
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. land Saturday evening and were Charles Bergerson are attendingn
delighted with the musical drill court in St. Helens this week.
Harold McEntire, principal of
Elmer Blackburn of St. Hel-¡ I presented by the Canadian Moun­
the high school, Miss Nan Crary,
ens visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack ted Police.
Christiansen Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobat,
Mrs. O. D. Willard made a Blaine and Ralph Cobat and Har­
business trip to Hillsboro and old Raymond were in Portland
Forest Grove Monday.
for several days last week.
Mrs. Dave Marshall and Mrs.
I Laura Sauer were in St. Helens
Wednesday to attend a county
committee meeting.
Bolt Action .22 calibre Re-
ill QPT
Mrs. F. Kellar of Marcolo is
peater 18 sight combination— «PAI
here to take care of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Blaine Cobat.
410 Shot Gun Bolt Action Repeater
Dr. H. M. Bigelow and Dr. R.
Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minister
9:45 a. m. Church School Mrs. D. Eby left Tuesday for eastern
Oregon on a hunting trip. They
E. E. Garfier superintendent.
11:00 a. m. Morning Worship plan to be gone several days.
.22 Cal. Single Shot, boit action .. $6.00
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Laxton of
with the sermon subject: “Going
Farther with Christ in the Life Portland were Sunday visitors of
.22 Winchester Repeater ................. $10.95
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Calhoun.
of the ^Church”
Mrs. Dave Marshall spent sev­
6:30 p. m. E. L. C. E. topic :
Save money on guns—Any make—Orders
“The Effect of Alcohol on Body eral days in Portland last week.
and Mind.”
filled at Mail order prices.
7:30 p. m. Evening Service whom she found quite ill and
also Mrs. L. H. Dewey and her
subject: “Sincerity.”
—It Pays to See Hoffman About It—
Tuesday 2 p. m. The Martha new daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Cobat are
Circle of the W. M. S. meets
parents of a 6 pound daughter
at Grandma Rogers’
Tuesday 7:30 Young People’s born Oct 11. They have named
prayer meeting and discussion the child Janet Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Estey and
hour, discussing “Stubbornness.”
Trading Co.
Friday & Saturday
Eat Nehalem Valley
Beef and help the lo­
cal farmers.
Beef Roast
Beef Boiling Ribs
Sirloin Steak
Lb....................... ...........
2 Lbs.
Beef Liver
2 lbs.................
3 bunches ......
3 bunches ......
head .............. .
3 bunches
M. J. B. Jr.
Carnation Oats 23c
Large pkg ..................
2 lb pkg......................
No. 2 cans 2 for ....
Bulk Currants
Tomato Soup
10*4 oz tins, 2 for
Toilet Tissue
Good Health
3 rolls ........................
Hoffman Hardware Co
Plume 721
We Deliver—FREE!