VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON ENERGY Fabric Honors Go to New Woolens The longer 1 live, the more 1 am certain that the great difference be­ tween men, between the feeble and the powerful, the great and the Insig­ nificant, Is energy—Invincible deter ml nation. A purpose once fixed, then death or victory. That quality which will do anything that can be done lu the world.—Buxton. By CIIERIE NICHOLAS Don’t Guess But Know Whether the “Pain” Remedy You Use is SAFE? Don’t Entrust Your Own or Your Family’s Well - Being to Unknown Preparations Bayer Aspirin Eczema in Big, Watery Bumps Relieved After Using Cuticura "My eczema began with an itching on my hands, arms and feet, and when I scratched, big, watery bumps cauie. They burned and itched so that I scratched and irritated the affected parts. My hands and arms were disfigured and It worried me so I could not sleep. “I had this eczema for five years' before I started to use Cuticura Soup and Ointment. After using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment the eczema was relieved." (Signed) Miss Geneva E. Reid. S5O Central Ave., Hamilton, Ohio, Feb. 21, 19.35. Soap 25c, Ointment 25c and 50c, Talcum 25c. Sold everywhere. One sample each free. Address: “Cuti­ cura Laboratories, Dept. It, Malden, Mass.”—Adv. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Remove. Dandruff-Stop« Hair Falling Imparts Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair tioc and 11.00 at Draffgiats. Htarox Chen». Wks., Patehogne,N Y. i FLORESTON SHAMPOO — Ideal for use in Conner, ion with Parker. Balsam. Mnkim 1 he hair eott and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at drug- (tala. Uiaooz Chemical Works. 1‘alchotrue. N . Y. YOUR DUTY Velvet frogging and piping off the new “band-master” dress for street wear. Short and three-quarter length light fur capes have replaced the useful jacquette. Vlonnet shows the most delight­ ful black wool cape with velvet lining to match the frock. Things look black for winter ns that eternal leader dominates the vanguard of the style army. Loulseboulanger shows a new evening silhouette with the skirt foundation slit to the knee. Many of the new tunic blouses and smart fall frocks feature a new Idea In trimming—the Jeweled neck­ line. Velvet Is obviously a material of richness and elegance and always comes In with a great fanfare In the fall. The beltless evening gown with Its princess sllluuette is popular with the college girl of slender fig­ ure this fall. “Changeable velvets, cellophane velvets, luciole muslins, velvet dot­ ted tulles, supple satins with changeable bands.”—says Worth. Be not diverted from your duty by any Idle reflections the silly world may make upon you, for their cen­ sures are not In your power, and consequently should not be any part of your concern.—Epictetus. IT’S NOT IN MANY CEREALS More Daring Your Color Combinations the Better • Nothing anyone eats is more impor­ There’s a color revolution afoot. The old order changeth, and it changeth pretty fast. Traditions are Just something to throw out the window and the more daring your color combinations the better, jfist now. There are those, for Instance, who would shudder at the use of bright blue with wine. But that’s one of the prize color mergers of the season. There are those who cling to the antiquated idea that you must com bine only two colors in a costume. And that’s another theory that goes bang in the ash can. person to ask whether the preparation you or your family T HE are taking for the relief of headaches is SAFE to use regularly is your family doctor. Ask him particularly about Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN. He will tell you that before the discovery of Bayer Aspirin most "pain” remedies were advised against by physicians as bad for the stomach and, often, for the heart. Which is food for thought if you seek quick, safe relief. Scientists rate Bayer Aspirin among the fastest methods yet dis­ covered for the relief of headaches and the pains of rheumatism, neu­ ritis and neuralgia. And the experi­ ence of millions of users has proved it safe for the average person to use regularly. In your own interest re­ member this. You can get Genuine Bayer Aspirin at any drug store — simply by asking for it by its full name, BAYER ASPIRIN. Make it a point to do this — and see that you yet what you want. FASHION NOTES of the glory In the fabric M OST realm Is going to the new woolens this season. Whether you work or play, whether you travel or saunter about town, whether you are campus-bound or enroute to the office, whether you are counted among the spectator sports group in the grandstand or whether you tea at five or dance at the midnight “prom,” if you would register among the best dressed, fashion decrees that your costume be of some one or other of the handsome new wools that are showing this season. Time was "way back when” that the merits of woolens were reck­ oned in terms of sturdy utilization qualities that insured comfort when the temperature went low as well as sterling wearability throughout the practical hours. But now all is changed In that you may have your woolen weaves as fastidious, ns elo­ quent of chic and charm as you please. Wherefore, the new wool fabrics have become the idol of fashion. The current collections Intrigue with their wide versatility, their breath-taking novelty, the colorings which are rich and beautiful beyond wildest flights of fancy, together with weaves and textures the likes of which were not dreamed of In days of yore. The woman who knows her wool­ ens will choose according to time, place and occasion. For sports and for practical daytime clothes, rab­ bit woolens are outstanding. They are shown in cunning novelty checks and stripes and bold plaids which particularly stress the new wines, chic violet tones, dark browns and deep rich greens. Ntibby mixture tweeds and herringbones are also favorites in sports woolens. Popu­ lar also are homespuns, surface cordings, diagonal or vertical rib­ bings and endless weaves that are nubbed. slubbed, flecked and highly metalized. fascinating and mysteri­ ous beyond anything previously achieved in the annals of the wool en Industry. Wool crepes, printed challis and cashmeres are especially lovely styled in soft types that are suit­ able to near under fur coats. There Is much excitement, too, in regard to the new sheer woolens. Quite the newest trend In fash toning the smartest woolen suits Is to bind the edges with supple fur after the manner shown to the left In the group pictured. Here we see a young fashionable clad in a jacket frock of sheer black woolen. It has the new short peplum. The edges of the jacket and the modlshly flared skirt are banded with black Persian lamb. The crushed ascot scarf is of bright green moire. Speaking of sheer black, at this moment It is the rage for daytime dresses, with clever buttonlngs, shirrings, pleat­ ings and metal gadgets to give the individual touch. Campus-bound, the chic girl cen tered In the trio is wearing a smart two-piece frock of lightweight wool en styled to look young. Gray Per sian lamb decorates the collar and the patch pockets of the tailored Jacket that fastens down the front with self-fabric covered buttons. Smartly simple In line, the three- piece frock for the junior, shown to the right, is practically a "must” in the school wardrobe. The cardigan jacket and the tailored skirt are made of a sheer soft rabbit woolen fabric. The tuck-in blouse is of soft wool jersey in the natural tan color, worn with a Peter Pan collar out side the cardigan. STRESSING PLAID tant than Vitamin B-the vitamin for keeping fit. Yet it isn’t in many cereals, when cereals are supposed to be our best source of this food element. Many are nervous, poor in appetite, system out of order, because their daily diets lack enough of the precious Vita­ min B for keeping fit. Few things keep them back like a lack of this protective food element. So give everyone Quaker Oats every morning. Because in addition to its gen­ erous supply of Vitamin B for keeping fit, it furnishes food-energy, muscle and body-building ingredients. For about J2C per dish. Start serving it tomorrow for a 2-weeks test. Quaker Oats has a wholesome, nut­ like, luscious appeal to the appetite. Flavory, surpassingly good. All grocers supply it. IN VITAMIN B FOR KEEPING FIT. . . lc worth of Quaker Oats By CHERIE NICHOLAS equals 3 cakes of Fresh Yeast Quaker and Mother’s Oats are the same FREE! New Book Tells How Trappers Get EXTRA MONEY for RAW FURS r MAIL 1 New Tips to Trappers book tel la bow you may share in $4,750.00 In awards including FREE Ply­ mouth automobilesrorcareful pelt Sears 7th National i Fur Show. Also how Sears act' as your agent, getting you highest value we believe obtainable for your furs. Your copy is FREE. Mail coupon below. c 0UP0) < NOW ■Ü. À Mail to point below nearest to you: SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. Chicago—Philadelphia—Memphis Dallas—Kansas City—Seattle Please mail me. without cost or obligation, fur snip­ ping tags and latest edition of “Tips toTrapperg." © Western Newspaper Union. TROUSERED STYLE FOR WOMEN GAINS Name.................................. ........................... .. The trousers-for-women Idea is strong in the new fall fashions, and girls who heretofore have restrict­ ed their mannish costuming to the beach or the back yard, may now come right out in the open and wear trousers to dinner and dance. There seems no doubt that some of the leading designers are all for the trousered mode. Some gowns have the trousers be­ neath a skirt, slit to the waist Some feature divided skirts con cealingly draped. And some come right out with undisguised trousers in forma) aft­ ernoon and dinner clothes. The most daring variation of the theme presented thus far is the slashed evening skirt which reveals matching shorts. Rural Route.................................. Box No. .•••••«. Postofflce............... The world of fashion Is growing Increasingly plaid-conscious. Never has eye seen plaids so gorgeous, so bold in color and in such fascinat­ ing wool weaves as are now enllv I ening the style panorama. The tunic of soft spongy woolen here pictured is In the smart new gray. The same gray Is In the plaid contrast Ing the vivid reds, greens, yellows and white. Note the ascot tie, which Is a very special style fea ture of the majority of sports cos tumes. Two-Piece Dresses Two piece styles are exceptional­ ly good for tills fall, es|iecially In thin, light weight wool or crepe. State. ..•••••• Street Address.............................................................. 9IWM HELP KIDNEYS \WHEN kidneys function badly and “ you suffer backache, dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urina­ tion, getting up at night, swollen feet and ankles,- feel upset and miserable .. . use Doan’s Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom­ mended by users the country over. Ask your neighbor!