VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON YOUR DUTY Be not diverted from your duty by any Idle reflections the silly world may make upon you, for their cen- sures are not in your power, end consequently should not be any part of your concern.—Epictetus. CTA R DUST MOVIE AND RADIO —............... By VIRGINIA VALE—.---------------------- — NO UPSETS HEY do say that “Ship­ mates Forever,” the latest Annapolis picture, is going to make all of us burst into tears because it’s so touching. Lewis Stone, Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell all gave excellent per­ formances; In fact it’s claimed that THREE STEPS the director, Frank Borzage, has made an actor out of Powell. The picture was shown the other afternoon in a projection room, for a few hard boiled —very hard boiled A cleansing dose today; a smaller —movie magnates. quantity tomorrow; less each time, until bowels need no help at all. At the end one of them gulped, NY mother knows the reason "Must have caught when her child stops playing, eats a cold somewhere : little, is hard to manage. Constipation. I seem to be snif- But what a pity so few know the sensible way to set things right! fling.” The ordinary laxatives, of even "You I haven't ordinary strength, destroy all hopes caught a cold, you of restoring regularity. fool,” retorted i an- , A liquid laxative is the answer, other. “You’re cry- mothers. The answer to all your Ing, but you won't worries over constipation. A liquid Dick Powell admit it 1” can be measured. The dose can be exactly suited to any age or need. Just reduce the dose each time, until Influenza, one of the greatest the bowels are movin; ■ing of their own menaces to picture-making, caught accord and need no help. 1 up with pretty Claire Trevor re­ This treatment will succeed with cently ; It was a serious enough any child and with any adult. Doctors use a liquid laxative. attack to worry every one who Hospitals use the liquid form. If it likes the blond star. —4c— is best for their use, it is best for home use. The liquid laxative they course every one in Holly- Of generally use is Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup wood who could get there went to Pepsin. Any druggist has it. New York for the Baer-I.ouis fight, partly because it was a big fight A Three Days’ Cough and partly because so many of them had known Max Bear when he was Is Your Danger Signal in California. Among those present were Richard Barthelemess (who No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest of course had another reason for cold or bronchial irritation, you can making the trip, as he was to get relief now with Creomulsion. broadcast with Rudy Vallee a few Serious trouble may be brewing and nights later), Ricardo Cortez, Ed­ you cannot afford to take a chance ward Robinson, George Raft, with anything less than Creomul­ sion, which goes right to the seat AVheeler and Woolsey, Lee Tracy, of the trouble to aid nature to Wallace Beery, George Brent, Ar­ soothe and heal the Inflamed mem­ line Judge (who’d come east to ar­ branes as the germ-laden phlegm range for her mother to get an in­ is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have heritance that was left to Arline), failed, don’t be discouraged, your Isabel Jewell, and so many other druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your movie people that it’s hopeless to money if you are not satisfied with try to name them all. results from the very first bottle. —4c— Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) The proper treatment for a bilious child A Meanwhile Marta Eggerth has settled down in Hollywood to make pictures for another company. Like Kiepura, she's an opera singer (he was a sensa­ tional success when he was with the Chicago Opera) and some do say that she and he are married and that it’s being kept dark so that publicity can be obtained by statements about their Let’s be frank. There’s only one way for great romance, while others claim that your body to rid itself of the waste mat­ they're romantic about each other, but ters that cause acidity, gas, headaches, not yet married. Take your choice. Constance Bennett, and are a child, drop in at her house; she’s left or­ ders that she’ll see all children who come to call. But—she doesn’t want to see grown-ups who just bring children along as an excuse to get in. About Claudette Colbert, whose newest picture is “She Married Her Boss”: It's said that she doesn’t make it any too easy for anyone else to have too good a role in one of her pictures. But there's a good answer to that. The heydey of a screen star is very short. If she’s starred in a picture she has to make It her pic­ ture—for the pub­ lic will go to it, primarily, to see her. She can’t ai­ ford to let some- one el s e walk away with It. For Instance, t h e r e's the case of Jack Benny, the radio fa­ Miss Colbert. vorite, in “Broad­ way Melody of 1936.” Benny was one of the picture's big names, but he let little Sid Silvers write his own lines, and Sid walked off with the scenes they did together! —k— SING SOMETHING SIMPLE MAN’S INHUMANITY A bandmaster in New York finally has broken down and written a march song, the words of which consist of a series of “la-la-la.” His purpose,-it seems, was to make the words easy enough to remember, so that a large audience could be in­ duced to sing the song. The Strug gle that audiences usually have with the second verse of “The Star-Span­ gled Banner” suggests that he may have found the solution to one of the two problems in community singing. The other problem is to keep the audience on the tune. Americans who wouldn’t wear a silk hat themselves think the men they have exalted politically ought to wear one on state occasions. Week’s Supply of Postum Free Itead the offer made by the Postum Company in another part of this pa­ per. They will send a full week’s sup­ ply of health giving Postum free to anyone who writes for it.—Adv. Billion Rust Los* An annual loss of more than ?1,000,000,000 is caused by rust. The Choice of Millions KC BAKING POWDER Double Tested — Double Action Manufactured by baking powder Specialists who make nothing but baking powder — under supervision of expert chemists. Same Price Today as 45 Tears Ago 25 ounces for 2$o You can also buy 11 A r IU11 10 ounc. can for 10« IS ounce can for iso Highest Quality—Always Dependable MILLIONS OF ROUNDS HAVE BEEN BY OUR GOVERNMENT ODDS AND ENDS . . . Norma Shearer is still looking for some one to play “Romeo" to her “Juliet” . . . If ho’d ever have suspected that Yet Boswell, of the famous Boswell sisters; would keep her marriage secret even from the family for a year? . . . Now it's Mary Pickford who's trying to sign up the quintuplets for pictures , . . Robert Montgomery put on quite a bit of weight while he was on that Euro­ pean vacation . . . Lily Pons, the opera star, is taking her movie work very seriously ... A radio sponsor offered the Crown Prince of Spain a fortune to go on the air, and was turned down. © Western Newspaper Union. Quick, Complete Pleasant ELIMINATION bloated feelings and a dozen other dis­ comforts—your intestines must function. To make them move quickly, pleas­ antly, completely, without griping. Thousands of physicians recommend Milnesia Wafers. (Dentists recommend Milnesia wafers as an efficient remedy (or mouth acidity). These mint flavored candy-like wafers are pure milk of magnesia. Each wafer is approximately equal to a full adult dose of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed thoroughly in accordance with the direc­ tions on the bottle or tin, then swallowed, they correct acidity, bad breath, flatu­ lence, at their source and at the same time enable quick, complete, pleas­ ant elimination. Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20 and 48 wafers, at 35c and 60c respec­ tively, or in convenient tins containing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately an adult dose of milk of magnesia. All good drug stores carry them. Start using these delicious, effective wafers today. Professional samples sent free to reg­ istered physicians or dentists if request is made on professional letter head. SELECT PRODUCTS, Incorporated <402 23rd St, Long Island City. N. Y. —K— Have you old-timers wondered what had happened to May Allison? Prettier than ever, she arrived in New York for the brig prize fight, with her husband, a Cleveland mil­ lionaire. If you go to Hollywood, and like Ih 4|<| < OLDS Put Mentholatum in the nostril* to relieve irritation and promote dear breathing. MENTHOLATUM Gives COMFORT Daily OLD KING COLE IS A MERRY OLD SOUL NOW THAT HE EATS ROAST BEEF . . HE HAS HIS TUMS IF HEARTBURN COMES . . . THEY OIVE HIM QUICK BEUST I LEARN HOWTO EAT FAVORITE FOODS Without Heartburn . • • Gas. •. Sour Stomach WAKE the test that has switched millions to AVI Turns. Munch 3 or 4 of them after eating a meal of your favorite foods or when too much smoking, hasty eating, last night's party or some other cause has brought on acid indiges­ tion, sour stomach, gas. belching or heartburn. See how food "taboos” vanish. You are not taking any harsh alkalies which physicians say may increase the tendency toward acid indi­ gestion. Instead a wonderful antacid that works in an unusual way, by dissolving only enough to correct stomach acid . . . just like candy. Only 10c a roll. At all drug stores. Tl I KAO ro*THE HURRAH, HURRAY I SAY YOU SAY _ CDF Fe Thin wppk—at yourdrugglRfs—BrâtZ r fl t te ttfulSColor 1935- 193« Calendar Ther­ mometer with the purchase of a 10c roil of Tuma or a 25c box of R» (The All Vegetable IAxa’I vp > WNU—13 42—35 MOLFR barber college Vfcfe 11 This International System » the Scientific way Some pay.3 227 S W Third Av«., Portland, Oro. O n CE you taste Grape-Nuts Flakes, you’ll cheer too! The flavor is something grand — and it’s nourishing One dishful, with milk or cream, contains more varied nourishment than many a hearty meal. Try it—your gro­ cer has it! Product of General Foods. USED