PAGE SIX SOCIETY NEWS ■ CLUBS - FRATERNAL REBEKAH LODGE CELEBRATES FOUNDING fore the Vernonia Stud" club, which met at the home of Mrs. Harry G. Sandon Thursday after­ noon, September 26. Historical, social, economic and literary aspects of the country, as well as the geographic were touched upon by the speakers. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs. Judd Green­ man. Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge celebrated the 87th anniversary of the founding of the Rebekah organization at its regular meet­ ing Thursday evening, Septem­ ber 26. An initiation service and a banquet were other feat­ ures of the evening’s activities. The anniversary program in­ cluded a reading by Erma John­ PYTHIAN SISTERS son and a number of informal RESUME MEETINGS talks by local and visiting mem­ bers. Vernonia Temple, Pythian sis- The candidates for initiation ters, held its first regular meet- were Ella Cline, Margaret Nelson, 1 ing for the fall and winter sea- Reba Adams, and Leona New. son, Wednesday evening, Septem­ The banquet was served by the ber 25, at which time committees losing side in a work contest were appointed for the year’s act- which closed last 'Spring. Thirty- I tivities. two members and two visitors CHRISTIAN BIBLE SCHOOL were present. Last Sunday was promotion MRS. BEN BRICKEL day. An enjoyable program was presented by the kindergarten ENTERTAINS CLUB class, the Builders class, the Wil- i Mrs. Ben Brickel entertained ling Workers, and tKe Sons and the Queen of Hearts Bridge 1 Daughters. The last two classes received promotion club at her home Thursday after­ mentioned certificates, as they were promo- noon of last week. i ted from the graded work into Mrs. Roland D. Eby and Mrs. the senior group. Loel Roberts are new members of Sunday, Oct. 13, is Rally Day, the club. Others present were Mrs. Frank Hartwick, Mrs. Wil- and the Womens Missionary soc­ liam Briot, Mrs. Lowell Hieber, iety will present a missionary Mrs. William Heath, and Mrs. program. We wish to remind the teachers Jack Nance. Mrs. Eby and Mrs. Roberts received prizes for first that Monday, Oct. 6, is Work­ and seconnd high scores respect­ ers Conference. ively. SWITZERLAND IS STUDY CLUB THEME Switzerland was the subject of the travelog presented by Mrs. E. J. Douglass, Mrs. Paul Gor- don, and Mrs. E. S. Thompson be- LODGES A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs­ day nights, 7:30 p. m. Visitors most cordially welcome. Glen F. Hawkins, W. M. I. D. Macpherson, Sec. Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, 0. E. S. Regular commu­ nication first and third Wed­ nesdays of each month, at Ma­ sonic Temple. All visiting sis­ ters and broth­ ers welcome. Mrs. Oscar George, W. M. Leona McGraw, Sec. Riverview Mrs. Hannah Smith of Port­ land came Sunday for a two weeks stay at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Virgil Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith and son Jerry of Forest Grove spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Edith Varley. Mrs. Edith Woods and child- ren and Mrs. Dan May were in Portland Saturday for med- ical attention. Mrs. Frances Piercy and baby spent Saturday and Sunday in Cornelius with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall of Waldport are spending the we “k among friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kerby Rose and family of Warren spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rose. Mrs. Laura Smith of Wareka. Okla., and Mrs. Ruth Roland of Heisson, Wash., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leiferman and family of Portland have moved into the home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. L. Bow­ ers. Mr. and Mrs. Spurge Golden and baby moved Sunday into the home of W. O. Porterfield on the $1.75 Per Sack Cereals ROLLED OATS PANCAKE FLOUR ROLLED WHEAT FARENA WHEAT HEARTS WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR GRAHAM FLOUR VERNONIA Trading Co. 4, 1935. Fall Radio SERVICE SPECIAL A YEAR OPERATING POWER X«’’.A bi Now is the time to get that old radio re­ ceiver checked over, tested and cleaned out and tuned up for the fall ball games and winter programs. We now have a special rate for 30 days—which includes the following: 1NSPECT CHASIS TEST TUBES SILVER ANNIVERSARY CHECK SPEAKER PACIFIC Inspect and lubri­ cate tuning conden­ ser drive INTERNATIONA! 5A Inspect and lubri­ cate condenser HORSE SHOW RODEO PORTLAND,OREGON October 5 to 12 19 Shows in Ono—11 acres under one roof. Exhibits of pure-bred Livestock, Dog*, Poultry, Pet Stock,Wild Life, Land Products, Manufactured Products, 4-H Club and Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Work; Combination Horse Show and Indoor Rodeo. LARGE PREMIUM LISTS REDUCED FARES-ALL LINES] Keep the PEP in Your Motor Kitchen Queen FLOUR highway. Mrs. Riley Hall had as her guest Monday Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall of Weiser, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall of Waldport, Mrs. Bene Cline and father, Mr. How­ ell. Mr. and Mrs. Shortv Monaco returned from Eastern Oregon where they spent several days among friends. Mr. and Mrs. Red Lindberg and son Fred and Bud Lindberg of Clatskanie spent Sunday among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Elder were visiting friends in St. Helens Saturday. Oral, Elza and Mrs. Vera White visited their sister Mrs. Robert Hilliker at Forest Grove Saturday where she is confined in the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Robbins and Juanita Parker enjoyed the birth­ day dinner given at the home of Mrs. Ervin Robbins Tuesday in honor of her husband. Mrs. D. R. Fowler is spending the week among relatives at Trenholm. Betty May Arnold has been very sick this week but is some­ what better at this time. Walter Barnett of St. Helens spent Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Claude Gibson. Mrs. Allie Dickson left Sun- day for her home at Juneau, Alaska, after spending the sum­ mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Simmons of the O.-A. hill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilliker are parents of a baby born Tues­ day, September 24, weighing seven and a half pounds. The ioy has been named Robert Larry. OCTOBER FRIDAY, VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, Test all by-pass and filter conden- sers -LONG DISTANCE«- FARM RADIO Zenith has effected a special arrangement with the manufac­ turers of the Winchargcr, so that every owner of a Zenith Farm Radio can reduce his operating power cost to 50 cents a year for 10 hours radio enjoyment every day. This means no more dry A, B or C batteries to buy. No more dead storage bat­ teries to take out and recharge. Zenith Farm Radio, Model No. 6-V-27, illustrated above, is a 6-tube receiver—tunes American stations, police calls, amateur, aviation con­ versations, ships at sea and Foreign Stations. lias Black IMagnavision dial employing Split-Second Tun­ ing that enables logging and relo­ cating foreign stations accurately. Operates from a 6- volt storage battery —kept charged by the Wincharger— Zenith Frepovoer. $7295 With A Carbon and Valve Job 7 Test all Resistors 8 Check Set Tuning of 9 Check Dial align­ ment 10 Retune set if nes sesary All for- $2.00 PHILCO Radio Tubes 5J><* each NEW THOR WASHERS- with pump— $59.50 Your engine gets that lazy, sluggish feeling, loses its pep, is hard to start, uses lots of gas. YES! WE HAVE THE MEDICINE. We clean the carbon, reseat the valves, properly tune the engine, etc. We do the job Complete line of Electric and Gasoline Washers THORS and MAYTAGS E Z TERMS right, the way you want it done. Ask For Our Prices Vernonia Auto Co The Best Equipped Shop in Columbia Co. Geo. G. PATERSON FURNITURE AND RADIO STORE Vernonia, Oregon Phone 801