VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Remember a picture made years lothes may yet turn him into a haber for one broadcast, but the Fog execu. Shirley tiles wouldn't let her go on the air! ago, called “Four Devils”? It was \asher, if he's not careful Temple could hare received 110,00(1 © Western Newspaper Union. about four young acrobats, ano Janet Gaynor was the star. Mary Dun­ MOVIE can, who had a —Use one LEVEL teaspoonful brlel career in pic­ — By VIRGINIA VALE. tures and then mar­ to a cup of flour for most recipes. HE Helen Vinson-Fred let it be made public) and it’s ried into high- Perry marriage didn’t sur­ reported that her bridegroom very high—society, Scientifically made by baking was the vampire, powder SPECIALISTS to produce best results. prise anyone, of course; it had will act in pictures. in clothes that been launched with rumors and nearly killed her denials for too long. But, as al­ Bing Crosby’s pretty home has beauty. It's to be ways happens when people grown too small for himself, his done again, with and his three Louise Rainer in Janet’s role and marry, friends are saying, wife, boys. So he’s soM Gloria Swanson as the vamp. Mean “Why did she marry him?” and it to Al Jolson, who while, what’s happened to Janet’s “Do you think it will last?” presented It to his 25 ounces for 25c career? Meanwhile Helen is looking motherin law, a n -n OUT OF J >3 HER !1 Michael Bartlett gate a party aftei his recent broadcast, a party that will go down in the annals of radio and mode folk as one of the nicest ever held. Of course you remember Michael Bartlett; he’s the chap wbo was so good In Grace Moore's “’Love Me Forever” that the picture had to be cut so that he wouldn't steal it Not that he wanted to steal It: he Just couldn’t help himself. He’ll be making more pictures soon. In the usual course of events ills party would have been a mad scramble of Broadwayites and news paper men. many of whom would drink too much, few of whom would know who was giving the party, or care. Bartlett asked his family and his friends from his home town h Massachusetts Telegrams of con gratulatlon poured In in huge batches, of course—the ones h« read aloud were not from head liners, but from home town folks whom his favorite guests would know. The lights went out. and a big cake, lighted with candles was brought In—and It developed that rhe day was his sister's wedding an nlversary. and that she, not he. was rhe guest of honor. They expect big things of Mich ael Bartlett In Hollywood and <>i the air—and don't you think that h< leserves them? Incidentally, some one asked Bart left If he found Grace Moore Im possibly hard to work witth Ac cording to rumor, she's extremely temperamental. “Not at all.’’ he replied. “No one could be nicer.’* ""........ ... “IT SEEMS strange that I coffee could hurt me! I thought it waa bad only for children!’* “Oh, no! Many adults, too, find that the caffein in coffee can upaet nerve«,cauae indigestion or prevent aound aleep!” --- | THERE’S BEEN A REMARKABLE CHANIÖM ’ IM NOU, DEAR..YOU’RE i GETTING MORE FUN X OUT OF THIS THAN EDITH IS THAT'S BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE WWOLO SELF A6AIN... SINCE I SWITCHED TO POSTUM Ï--------------- \\ • If you suspect that coffee disagrees with you ... try Postum for 30 days. Postum contains no caffein. It is simply whole wheat and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. It’s easy to make ... and costs less than half a cent a cup. It’s delicious, too. . . and may prove a real help. A product of General Foods. FREE! Let us send you your first week’s supply of Postum free ! Simply mail the coupon. G eneral F oods , Battle Creek, Mich. w n . u - ioub Please send me, without cost or obligation, a week’s supply of Postum. Street 30 DAYS LATER. • City ------------------Stato Fill in completely—print name and address. If you live in Canada address: General Foods. Ltd., Cobourg, Ont. (This offer expires July 1, 1936)