FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, Vernonia Eagle | Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Ten Years Ago « « < * Vernonia Eagle, Oct. 2, 1925 What Other Editors ... Think • • • • GALES CREEK ROAD IN NEED NJF ATTENTION With prospects of activity on the Wilson river road a.d Wolf creek to which the Gales creek road will be tributary for some time to come, it becomes nec­ essary to point to the condition of the latter road. The heavy trav­ el to which Gales creek road has been subjected, and which prom­ ises to continue to even a great­ er extent, has proven that atten­ tion will have to be given to this road if it is to be kept in satis­ factory condition for travel. Contrary to the general im­ pression, Gales Creek road is not a secondary highway. It is a county road and therefore is the responsibility of the county court rather than the state high­ way commission. The county court is aware of the present condition of the road and is trying to anticipate the situation by inclusion of the Gales Creek road in its plans for the use of federal farm-to-mar- ket funds. If this type of assist­ ance in maintenance of the road is too long delayed local respon­ sibility for the road will have to be assumed and it is one of the most important arteries leading into Forest Grove. —Forest Grove News-Times Mrs. E. E. Graham won the Overland sedan offered by the Eagle as first prize in the reecent ciiculation campaign. The new Johnston-McGraw shingle mill sawed its first shing­ les this week. Vandals did a large amount of damage Friday night in the Rose theatre, used by the Christ­ ian church. The ladies of the church worked hard to buy the piano which the cusses tried to destroy. The Miller Mercantile Co., which operates a store here, has bought out the Kingsley store. Director Brothers, who pur­ chased the Haltom store recently, have bought the A. W. Peterson stock. Natal this community last week. Mrs. Dave McMullen went to Portland last week to visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartsook. Goldie Wright had as guests her father and brother from San Diego, California, for a few days at Seals’s Camp. Mr. and Mrs. George Hali- man and two children and Floyd Deeds from Portland were Sun­ day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Seal and little Robert spent the week end at their home at St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Holmes from Riverview were callers at the Clyde Johnson home Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were in Vernonia shopping Friday af­ ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborn retur­ ned from a ten day hunting trip in Eastern Oregon on Monday of this week. Bob Seal injured his hip work­ ing in the woods recently. He is somewhat better at this time. Mrs. R. Daggett and children are spending a few weeks at Hood River with relatives and Mrs. Van Anderson is visiting with her folks at Boring for a few weeks. KEASEY John Luther returned home from the veteran’s hospital Sat­ urday. Orris, Anna and Verle De- Vaney and Walt Webster visited at the J. O. DeVaney home Sun­ day. Mrs. Elsie McDonald returned home Sunday. Darrell DeVaney is visiting in Portland for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Michelson of Portland visited at the J. A. Armstrong home Sunday. DR. R. I. HALL Physician and Surgeon Joy Theatre Bldg. Phone, Office 72, Res. 73 Office Hours 7 to 12 1 to 5 Special Attention to Obstetrics Richard Daggett and Van An­ derson went to work for Bob Seal, hauling logs from St. Hel­ ens mountain to the Clark and Wilsou track at Pittsburg. Louis Carmichael has returned home from the hospital in Port­ land and is gaining rapidly. The Natal Grange will install a sanitary drinking fountain in the entrance of the hall. Ira Peterson was elected to do the installing. John McMullen spent Sunday at Natal with the Dave McMullen family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Goodwin from Cornnelius were calling in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the budget committee of the City of Vernonia, Columbia county, Oregon, a municipal corpor­ ation, has filed in the office of the levying board, to wit: the City Council of said city, its detailed estimate of the total amount of receipts, and also the total amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation and expended by said municipal corporation for all purposes for the fiscal year of 1936, which estimates are as fol­ lows: BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR THE YEAR 1936 CITY OF VERNONIA Vernonia Bakery BREAD . . . for 2 good Reasons— IT’S MADE AT HOME IT’S BETTER Vernonia Bakery Portland—Banks Stage Line TELEPHONE 131 Leaves from Vernonia Hotel for Portland via Buxton and Banks. 2 trips daily 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. Leaves Portland from Central Stage Depot— Park and Taylor Daily Except Sundays and Holidays. 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. Sundays and Holidays only. Leaves Portland 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. ASK FOR PORTLAND BANKS STAGE LINE $1.30 »AEY $2.10 Friday & Saturday Meats Eat Nehalem Valley Beef and help the lo­ cal farmers. Beef Roast TOTAL GENERAL FUND Sirloin Steak 18c Lb.................................. Beef Liver 15c __________ ____ Lh. 17c 33c 2 Lbs. 1QC CELERY Jumbo size, bunch.... Cooking Apples 65c ........................... Box Cabbage 2c Lb................. Turnips 5c Lb......... ..... RYTAK PkK................................. PEAS Utana No. 2 cans 2 for .... 23c Pearces 27c No. 1 tall cans 3 for $17,397.00 COCOA Rockwoods Superintendent’s Salary ..................................... $ 1080.00 Collector’s Salary ................................................ 540.00 Supplies and Maintenance ................................ 3620.00 2 lbs ........................... 18c APRICOTS 38c No. 334 tins, 2 for $ 5,240.00 SYRUP Log Cabin SERVICE WaterBond Sinking Fund ................................ $ Water Bond Interest ......................................... General Bond Sinking Fund ........................... General Bond Interest ....................................... 9c .Lb............................ ..... VEGETABLES WATER OPERATING FUND TOTAL WATER FUND EXPENSE 15c Beef Boiling Ribs Lb. Recorder’s Office ................................................. 75.00 Treasurer’s Office .............................................. 15.00 Legal Service ....................................................... 100.00 Street Lighting and Power ................................ 960.00 Street Light Maintenance .................................. 200.00 Fuel and City Hall expenses .............................. 195.00 City Hall Lights and Supplies ....................... 50.00 City Dump Expenses ......................................... 75.00 City Jail Expenses .............................................. 25.00 City Park Expenses ............................................ 25.00 Library Books and Supplies .............................. 125.00 Fire Department ................................................ 500.00 State Accident Commission .............................. 250.00 Bank Building Tax and expenses .................. 200.00 Payment on Airport ................... -....................... 112.00 Cemetery Fund ..................................................... 200.00 Officers’ Bonds ..................................................... 51.00 Street and Sidewalk Maintenance .................. 100.00 Legal Publications ................................................ 150.00 Elections ............ _.................................................... 50.Ô0 Accounting .............................................................. 75.00 Sewer Maintenance .............................................. 200.00 Emergency Fund ..... 1000.00 Loss on Delinquent Taxes, General fund .. . 5000.00 Loss on Delinquent Taxes, Sinking fund .... 5000.00 Payments on Outstanding warrants and Interest ......................................................... 300.00 DEBT FUND For HAMBURGER Recorder’s Salary ................................................ $ 540.00 Treasurer’s Salary .............................................. . 192.00 Marshal and Street Supt.’s Salary .................. 1080.00 Deputy Marshal’s Salary ..................................... 60.00 Librarian’s Salary ........ ?...................................... 192.00 City Attorney’s Salary ....................................... 300.00 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICE Ask Your Grocer for . . . SPECIALS Lb. ____________ ____ NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING Mrs. D. F. DeCew of Portland and Glen Hieber of Klamath Falls visited this week at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hieber. Mrs. DeCew, with her baby, Mark Gordon, came last week. Glen attended the state bar convention and stopped off here. FARE: PAGE THREE VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON 1935. % gal can .................. 1500.00 1950.00 600.00 90.00 82c Schillings Coffee Drip or Perculator lb................................... 33c TOTAL AMOUNT OF BUDGET ESTIMATE .... $26,777.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS DRY CLEANING and PRESSING WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Complete Laundry Service EXPERT WORK Vernonia Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 711 Fines and Licenses .............................................. $ 1000.00 Water Rentals ........................................................ 8000.00 Delinquent Tax General Fund ....................... 2500.00 Delinquent Tax Sinking Fund ......................... 5000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS ........................... $16,500.00 TOTAL TO BE RAISED BY DIRECT TAX .................. $10,277.00 And notice is hereby given that the said City Council of said city, sitting as a levying board, will hold a meeting in the city I hall in the City of Vernonia. Columbia county, Oregon, on Thurs­ day evening, October 17, 1935 at the hour of 7:30 o’clock, p. m. at which time and place all persons who shall be subject to such tax levy, when the same shall be made, may appear and be heard in favor or against said tax levy, or any part thereof. Dated this 27th day of September, 1935. ATTEST: C. F. HIEBER Recorder BEN S. OWENS Mayor Nehalem Market & Grocery Incorporated Phone 721 We Deliver—FREE!