VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON S’MATTER POP By C. M. PAYNE \VNU Service. SUCH IS LIFE By Charles Sugliroe Eye to Color An attractive young movie ac tress was driving her new car when something went wrong with the en glne. The traffic light changed from green to red and back to green and still she could not get the car to budge. The traffic cop came up. “What's the matter. Miss!” be inquired. "Ain't we got colors yon like!” Facing Competition “Are you going to speak over the radio!” "I am,” answered Senator Sor­ ghum. “1 am aware of art com­ petition. But 1 am still confident that my Ideas on the welfare of the nation are as important as toothpaste or shaving cream.” A New Name Now Mrs. Cassidy—My bosband calls a spade a spade. Mrs. Garner—So did mine—until ne took one and started to spade op the garden and it broke In two. —Pathfinder Magazine, I Take Another Look Speed Essential Suspect—Well, boy, what are you looking at me like that for! Zealous Boy Scout (on guard at a reservoir)—Please, sir, we’re look­ ing for a foreign gentleman with 50 tons of chemicals concealed on bls person.—Pearson’s Weekly. Mother—It says here In the pa­ per that they have found a sheep In the Himalaya mountains that can run 40 miles an hour. Father—Well, It would take ■ lamb like that to keep up with Mary uowadays. Unreasonable Idolatry I^m Higgins—What's Ixtvlnla up to now. Ma! 1 just seen her spread­ ing mud all over her face. Mrs. Higgins—Why that’s beauty clay she's puttin’ on to make ber look pretty. "Are you an Idol of the masses!” “1 hope not," answered Senator Sorghum. “An Idol Is supposed to be a piece of statuary that can't say an Intelligent word In bls own defense.”