Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 30, 1935, Image 1

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    VOLUME XIII $!\00 per vear; 5c a copy
Both Schools
To Open on
September 3
Grade School Session
Last All Day
Tuesday, September 3 will be
the opening date for both the
grade and high schools. Because
of the holiday falling on Mon­
day there will be no school in
either building until Tuesday.
The grade school staff will
consist of Ivan N. McCollom, sup­
erintendent; Mabel Anderson, pri­
mary ungraded; Ethel Peterson,
first grade; Lenore Kizer, second
grade; Ruth Holaday, third garde;
Margaret Bennett, fourth grade;
Enoch Dumas, fifth and sixth
grades; Howard Reeher, sixth anu
seventh grades, Marjorie Nelson
eighth grade and auditorium;
Charlotte Hilts, geography ana
civics; Grace White, art, home
economics and girls’ gymnasium;
Paul Gordon, industrial arts,
health and bg>ysT gymnasium;
Julia Keasey, opportunity room;
Ruth Griffin, library and music.
Mr. McCollom will teach classes
in arithmetic.
The high school faculty will
consist of Harold McEntire, prin­
Wallace McCrae,
Crary, Amy Hughes, Leslie Sku-
zie, E. R. Mills, and Freda Beck.
Since textbooks are furnished
by the district, there will be
school all day on Tuesday in the
grade school.
Anyone having accommoklat-
ions for grade school teachers is
requested to get in touch with
Mr. McCollom.
Airport gets $4,617
Allotment of $4617 of WPA
funds to complete the Vernonia
airport was announced Monday
by E. J. Griffin, administrator for
Oregon. The sponsor's contribu­
tion is $135.
Council Okebs
Beer License
Wm. Fits Henry of Portland Asks
For Permit
Approval of the application of
William Fitz Henry of Portland
for a license to sell beer in the
building formerly occupied by
Bush’s cafe was voted at a special
meeting of the city council Tues­
day afternoon. In attendance were
Councilmen Adams, Kent and
Stacy, also Mayor Owens and
Recorder Hieber. There was some
discussion about requiring larger
windows in the building, but no
action was taken in this particu­
Mr. Henry had made an agree­
ment with Mrs. Zelma Bush, pro­
prietor of the building, for a five
year lease and improvements to
be started as soon as the state
liquor control commission acts up­
on the application.
Mecklem Arrested
in Forest Grove
After Bus Fracas
(Hillsboro Argus)
L. G. Mecklem, driver of a bus
operating between Vernonia and
Forest Grove, was arrested on a
drunken drivink charge Sunday
afternoon after he had been re­
putedly knocked unconscious by
two bus passengers. Reports to
the district attorney’s office indi­
cated that a passenger refused to
ride on the bus and started walk­
ing back toward Forest Grove from
the intersection of the Gales
Creek and Thatcher roads. Meck­
lem attempted to get the man to
return to the bus. When the
driver came back he was met by
two other passengers and a fight
Mecklem was 'bound over to the
grand jury Wednesday following
a preliminary hearing before Don­
ald T. Templeton, county judge.
Bail was set at $250.
According to reports received
here Mecklem was left uncon­
scious beside the road while one
of the passengers drove the bus
to Timber. From there it was re­
turned to Forest Grove.
Band Members
Are Guests of
County •f Fair
Boy» and Girl»
High Praise
Members of the Boys and
Girls band were guests of the
county fair board Saturday, Ver­
nonia day, and entertained record
breaking crowds at the fair dur­
ing the day and evening, playing
under the direction of their lead­
er and instructor, C. R. Watts.
Upon their arrival at the
grounds at 11 o’clock they play­
ed a group of numbers, following
which they were given free tick­
ets to all the rides, and were
tendered a banquet by the fair
The band led a parade of
prize winning stock at one o’clock
and gave a short concert in front
of the grand stand. During the
afternoon program they were
seated in the speakers stand
opposite the packed grand stand
and helped entertain the crowd
between races along with the
Cotton Blossom singers, the Col­
orado Wranglers and other pro­
fessional talent.
A second banquet was given
to the band group by the fair
hoard at 5:30, at which time,
Earl Dowler, secretary, and others
omplimented them highly on
their fine work and splendid be­
havior. The board also gave the
Vernonia boys and girls band
and the Clatskanie drum and
bugle corps credit for attracting
the largest attendance in the his
lory of the fair.
The band members were taken
for a short trip into St. Helens
where they played in the streets.
They also played passing through
Another concert was given in
(Continued on page 8.)
Combining of Road
J. Brown Wins
Juiia Wangler
Projects Possible
Says Wm. Pringle
Still Leads in
For Exhibits
Race for Queen I A proposition to combine into
¡a half million dollar project the
I two major road projects of the
Dorothy Gwin is Close Second, county is under consiration, ac- FIRST AWARD OF KIND
cording to County Commissioner
Helen Messing is Third
iWm. Pringle, Sr. According to
Julia Wangler, candidate for this Plan- recommended by the
queen of the airport dedication, Portland i office of the WPA, Beaver Creek Dairy Club
county labor would
Ranks High At
still leads the field, according to Multnomah
report of E. S. Thompson, com­ be used on the Apiary and Scap-
mittee in charge. Her lead, how- P008® j roads, leaving Columbia
ever, has been cut down some­
J. W. Brown of Vernonia won
what as Dorothy Gwin is < on[„, The two proposed roads extend two grand championships for
500 votes behind. The standing from the Nehalem valley, one| chickens at the Columbia county
is: Julia Wangler, 5,000; Doro­ to connect with the Chapman- fair last week, also nine firsts,
thy Gwin, 4,500; Helen Messing, i>cappoose^road, , and the other
tb® Rainier-Apiary.
If Colum- eight seconds and one third. This
3,000; Edna Owens, 2,000. No ' the
report has been received from b>a county labor should be used is the first time in the history of
Cecelia Marchel of Timber, but for these Pr0J®cta tl,iere, woaId ' the fair that two grand champ-
! ionships, on a male and a female
she is Known to have sold a b® non® «yailable for local needs, j have gone to one person. He ex-
iMr- Pr>n«le sa>s-
number of tickets.
i hibited Rhode Island Reds.
Purchasers are urged to get
I Harry Emmons wolP one first,
their tickets as soon as possible, i
| on a Buff Orphington; William
so that the amount available fori
TOTAL IS MILLION ' Reed three firsts and two seconds,
putting on the air circus will be!
on Buff Minorcas; Dudley Spof­
definitely known ahead of time.
ford, one second and one third on
About 2,000 feet of the 3,100 i
White Leghorns.
foot runway is ready for the land-!
The Beaver Creek Dairy club,
ing and taking off of planes. Use was sued for about $890,000 re-,
cently by the Oregon-American' consisting of Jack McDonald,
of the county 30 h. p. Cletrac
1OI. Lumber Co. on charges of Schmidlin, Betty Craw-
and grader has been secured for
ed that
ence nnd carelessness in orig- ford, Barbara Crawford, George
finishing. It is estimated
1 ^ R
¡nation and spread of the big for-1 Schmidlin, Billy Crawford, Henry
when the airport is ___ ...._
' est fire in this and adjoining Schmidlin and Ralph McDonald
ulanes will 'be able to land or
I counties in 1933, is made defend-¡won a cash prize for third place
take off at 90 miles an hour.
I ant in two more suits involving in the livestock judging contest.
| the same charge, filed in circuit | Betty Crawford won a second
I court Friday. The Hammond-Til-i place in the senior division of
WINNING CHICKENS FOR 1 lamook Lumber Co. is plaintiff in ' 4-H calf club entries, and Ralph
DISPLAY AT HILLSBORO I one action asKing
asking for
iw $200,860. McDonald fourth place.
I damages, bringing the total claims I The Beaver Creek Calf club
J. w. Brown left Wednesday j against the Detroit Trust Co. aslwas represented one hundred per-
evening for Hillsboro to exhibit an outgrowth of the blaze to more(Cent at the fajr and received a
____ r
...... ............................
his prize winning Rhode Island ¡than $1,000,000 The present act- special
of ice cream ..............
to all
Reds at the county fair there j tions plead loss of timber and | members who took part in the
this week end. After that he will property and charge the same ]jne marching and drills on the
exhibit them at the state fair in, acts of negligence as in the Ore-j opening day. About 130 4-H club
gon American suit.
members participated.
The inlaid spinning wheel made
by Emil F. Messing attracted
( considerable attention. It was not
I in a competitive class.
Sojtball League Ends
With Two Teams Tied
The Vernonia Softball league with Vernonia nine runs and the
Glenwood defe'ated Vernonia
series was finished Friday when | opponents eight. The second game 7 to 3 on the local field Sund
the Nehalem Market received a| was extended to nine innings m.The outcome was undecided until
serious setback at the hands of, order to give Clatskanie a chance |the lasl of the eighthi when a
the Odd Fellows. The Odd Fellows I to overcome a three point lead 3 to 3 tie wag broken b the
....•— runs
----- < brought
------- .. in
• _ «...
. _
by two
caught the strong team off their > but they failed to score and Ver- winning
nonia won again 8 to 5.
' I hits, and error and a walk. Swede
guard and won the game.
makes four times Art Steele’s1
Because of the fact that the: team has been beaten by the local , ! Nelson pitched five innings for
Glenwood and Davis of Gaston
ruling in regard to switching of team.
the other four. Bob Cline pitched
pleyers had been violated sever-)
Thirteen players and four of-! a good game for Vernonia.
al times, the Mist-Skinny’s game; ficials made the trip. The team i
was awarded to Skinny’s as a i was organized on the field by| Attendance was disappointing.
fair game, This action by the. Curly Buffmire, who used all the
president caused Skinny’s to tie players that turned up.
Logging Ban Is
with the Safeway team for first j All-stars for Sunday were Tom-1
Lifted and Men
place. No provision had been: my Bateman, pitcher; Bert Tis-i
made for a play off, so the two dale, catcher; Cal Quinlin, How-|
Return to Work
teams will continue to share hon­ ard Thornbrue, George Welch, )
ors for the first place.
Jack Childs, Don Peterson, Floyd
The ban on logging, declared
The last game of the season Simon, Otto Mauer, Bunk Hay- Monday by State" Forester Lynn
occured Monday when Clark and don, Osborn, Joe Magoff, and Cronemiller on account of the
Wilson formed a team and won Don Holtham.
excessively low humidity, was lif­
their first game from the Odd
ted yesterday morning. Clark and
Fellows pick-up team.
w L Pct. Wilson resumed immediately with
Soft ball games will be defin­ Safeway ....
8 1 889 as many men as it was possible
.. notice,
itely finished unless games are Skinny’s ....
8 1 889" to summon on short
played Sunday. The days are Nehalem ....
6 3 666 the Interstate and other compan­
becoming too short for night Union .........
6 3 666 ies operating at Glenwood are
olaying until the indoor league Millers ......
5 4 555 scheduled to start today.
----------------- -----------------
is formed.
. 4 5 444
I. O. O. F.
. 4 5 444' Miss Flora May Perkins of
The Vernonia all-stars swamp­ C. E...............
2 7 222 Sioux City, Iowa, came Friday
ed the Clatskanie picked team on Mist ..... ...... .
. 8 7 222 for a ten days visit at the home
their own field in both games, Adams ....... .
Sunday. The first game ended! V. Auto Co.
. • 0 000 of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Douglass.