VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1935. - KEASEY Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rasmus­ sen and family of California vis­ ited at the John Luther home Sat­ urday. Mr. Rasmussen is a bro­ ther of Mrs. Luther. They are spending their vacation visiting friends and relatives in Ore­ gon and Washington. L. O. Gillham is painting the Pleasant Vale school. Eliza Pettyjohn and Dever Men­ denhall, Jr., have been visiting at the J. O. DeVaney home for the last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. DeVaney made a trip to Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mead and family of Cedar Mills and Mr. C. G. Hochet and son of Port­ land were over to look at the mill which they just put up on Joe Lindsley’s places, Sunday. G. A. White’s sister and bro­ ther visited him Saturday. Natal ii Boib Seal is now logging near Pittsburg for Clark and Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Duke have rented the J. W. Neurer bung­ alow at Natal. Mr. Duke is em­ ployed by Mathews brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fressler and son Robert, all from Portland, were house guests for several days at Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer’s. Mrs. Otis Seal and little Bob­ by with relatives from St. Helens, picnicked all day Tuesday at Jantzen beach, Portland. The Reed Halding, Geo. De­ vine and Duke families attended the funeral services of a cousin, Omer Holmes, at Hudson Mon­ day afternoon. Trucks are hauling logs from the burn to Clark and Wilson’s loading place on Oak Ranch creek. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer en­ tertained Mr. and Mrs. Otis Seal and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fessler and Robert Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Worden and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Worden Saturday at luncheon. The large steam shovel used for construction work was brought down to Maple creek where they are making a rail­ road right of way Ira Peterson butchered a veal for market this week. Several local families enjoyed a picnic at Big Eddy park last Sunday. Mrs. Van Anderson, Mrs| At-1 kerson, Miss Grace Condit and Miss Millie McMullen have re-1 turned from their trip to the I San Diego fair. The community sultered as the mercury reached 100 degrees Monday, the warmest day since July 13. Cody motored to Deep River, Washington, Sunday to visit friends. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dewey last Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Talbott of Seattle. Mr. Talbott, who is a printer, called at the Eagle office while Johnson and J. T. Kirk were om­ here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Childs, itted last week from the list of Mary Ann, Jack, and Frances those who atteended the Town­ enjoyed a week end trip to Mr. send club picnic at Jantzen beach. Mrs. 0. W. Matthews of Los Childs' old home at Brownsville where they visited with his moth- Angeles arrived Thursday of last er and sister. Frances remained week for a two or three months ,visit at the home of her daugh­ for a longer visit. Mrs. H. M. Bigelow and baby ter, Mrs. J. H. Burnside. Word has been received from son, Ronald returned home last Fridty from a Portland hospital. A. C. Knauss that he and his Mrs. H. R. Scheuerman retur­ (family have moved from Hoquiam ned Tuesday from a visit of sev­ to Aberdeen, Washington. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. W. eral days at the home of her parents near Salem. Mrs. Scheuer­ Meyer an>d family and Mr. and man also attended the golden Mrs. Geo. Miller and daughter wedding celebration if her aunt are a cousin from California, and uncle. She was accompanied Mrs. Ida Robbins and children on the trip by her daughter Margaret, Phyllis and David, and an aunt, Mrs. McElroy. Opal. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Whitlock, Sara Froembling of Forest Grove was the guest of Glenita former Vernonia residents, now of St. Helens, spent their vacat­ Deamer last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle of ion in San Diego and Tia Juana, Black Rock are moving into one Mexico, and on their way back of the O.-A. houses this week. stopped in Los Angeles and The Doyles lived at Camp Mc­ brought Mrs. Anna Wager back with them to visit her brother, Gregor for several years. John Krinick, here. Mrs. Paul Dodge and daughter Clarence Whitlock is back at Bessie of Portland visited several the home of Mrs. John Krinick days last week with Mr. and Mrs. after spending the summer in H. C. Ridenour. They were ac­ Chehalis with his grandmother. companied by Mr. Fred Dodge. “Red” Sesseman sustained a Mrs. E. R. Estey and Doris bruised shoulder when the road- Rae and their guest of the past ister which he was driving upset week, Maxine Imbodin of Port- opposite the Lee Osborn place land are spending the week at Saturday night. The others in Seaside. the car, Kenneth Bollinger and Mrs. John Ross and children Geo. Laird, were unhurt. are spending two weeks in Cor­ The E. S. Thompson and E. vallis visiting with relatives, L. Frazee families motored to Through a typograpical error Cannon Beach and Seaside Sun­ the names of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. day by way of the Wolf Creek PAGE FIVE Alden Lee is the name of the highway. While at Seaside they met L. L. Lewis, Lloyd Baker, I seven and one quarter pound boy Art Wridge and Clarence Coyle, | born to Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Counts all former Vernonians. Mr. Baker j (Florence Austin) Tuesday morn­ is conducting a beer parlor in ing. Seaside. Bernice Rose is recovering nice­ Nina McDonald was slightly, ly at the Portland general hos­ bruised Thursday night of last pital following an emergency op­ week when a bicycle she was eration for appendicitis under­ riding collided with a car on gone last Friday. Mrs. E. E. Bridge street, The bicycle was Garner remained at her bedside until Monday. badly smashed. Mrs. M. L. Peters of Portland, Pheobe Greenman is attending a sister of Mrs. J. W. Brown, the summer term of the Univer- and grandchildren Sue and Bar­ sity of Washington, having been bara Ann Callender of Astoria awarded a scholarship by the visited Monday at the home of state welfare board for outstand­ Mr. and Mrs. Brown. ing welfare work last winter. R. S. Whitfield has moved in- Sidney Malmsten, who is ser­ to the Percy Miller house on iously ill at the Vancouver Bar­ First Avenue. racks hospital, is considerably im­ Mr. and Hrs. R. M. Aldrich and proved and able to be up a part Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reed and their of each day, according to Mrs. families motored to Seaside Sun­ Malmsten who returned to her day over the Wolf creek high­ home Wednesday of last week for a short rest following a long way from Elsie. Miss Zoe Miller has secured a vigil at his bedside, but his con­ position as teacher of the Del- dition s not yet without danger. ena school near Clatskanie for Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ferrier and Mrs. A. J. Ferrier of Portland the coming fall and winter. Mrs. Elmer Wulf and baby of brought Mrs. Malmsten home. Forest Grove spent the week end Leonard Malmsten who is work­ at the home of her parents, Mr. ing in Longview spent the week and Mrs. S. A. Morton, end with his family here. Mrs. H. E. McGraw and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schlegel and ter Mary Lee returned home £on Robert of Banks stopped at Saturday after spending a few the H. E. McGraw home Tuesday days in Portland. on their way back to Banks fol­ Mrs. F. D. Macpherson, Mrs. E. lowing an outing at the beaches. E. Ferris and Zoe Miller were Portland visitors Wednesday. Hale Greenman and Holly Hol­ comb, who are working in Long­ view, spent the week end here. TWENTY FOURTH ANNUAL Columbia County FAIR August 22-25 FREE ADMISSION Concessions Dancing Rodeo Baseball Wrestling Play Festival Pig’n Ford Races, Hames» Race, Dog and Boy Race, Ladies* and Men’s Horse Races, Bicycle Races, Ladies’ Harvest Hat Race. —SEASON TICKET 50c CAR PARKING 25c PER DAY— See the Following Mer­ chants for Free Parking Stickers : Bowen’s Inc., Houlton Hanniff’s Hardware, Houlton Lower Columbia Dairy Associa­ tion Feed Store, Houlton Copeland Lumber Yard, Houlton Pacific Furniture, Houlton Italian Importing Co., Houlton Gentry’s Groceries, St. Helens Singleton’s Market, St. Helens St. Helens Hardware, St. Helens Lund Bros., Warren Kilian’s, Houlton Phone 191 Vernonia Eagle Classified Ads get results. Ask the people who use them.