PAGE FOUR FAMILY REUNION HELD AT BIG EDDY A family reunion was held at Big Eddy park Sunday. Those present were Mrs. Mary Peter­ son, Mrs. Nettie Peterson and son Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap and son Floyd Deeds, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson and sons Norman and Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. John Belieu and sons Robert and Wesley of Sheridan, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Short and son Marvin of Los Angeles, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson and son Virgil and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ander­ son and son Bruce, of Gresh­ am, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wilson of Warrenton. From Portland were Mr. and Mrs. Max Tay­ lor and daughter Patricia, Ray Lindsay, Ernest Lindsay, Charles Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holliman and children. The fam­ ilies enjoyed a picnic dinner. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON^ _ Mrs. Harald Ridenour has re­ ’’ m. Evening service ( day. Let’s not fall below the two meets at 6:30. Evening service Problems. p. hundred mark now after staying covered from her illness of the 8:00 at 8. “Some Quali-| above it all summer. You are urged to be present.. sermon subject: past three weeks. C. R. Pritchard, ¡ties of Jesus.” The Bereans again won the Pastor Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Young attendance banner and the Wil­ peoples prayer meeting and dis- ling Workers won the Bible read­ EVANGELICAL CHURCH I cussion hour. er’s banner. Harvey R. Scheuerman, Minite» Wednesday 2:00 p ..m The Mr. Wells and Mr. Lange, the 9:45 a. m. Church school, Mrs. Polly Anna Missionary circle superintendent and secretary, E. E. Garner superintendent. meets. were unable to be present as Wednesday 8:00 p. m. Adulti 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship they had to work. subject: “The Immortality of In­ prayer and Bible study meeting. fluence.’’ 7:00 p. m. E. L. C. E. Topic: CHRISTIAN BIBLE SCHOOL Ask Your Grocer for . . . “Anient Wisdom for Present-Day Attendance slightly lower Sun- I Vernonia Bakery BREAD DRY CLEANING and PRESSING WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Complete Laundry Service EXPERT WORK . . . for 2 good Reasons— IT’S MADE AT HOME IT’S BETTER Vernonia Laundry and Dry Cleaners Vernonia Bakery Phone 711 FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE MEETS AT MRS. CRUME’S The Riverview Friendship cir­ cle and friends had a very en­ joyable time at the home of Mrs. H. Crume on August 8 when they met to give Mrs. P. Millis a shower. After an afternoon of visiting a 'luncheon of lemon pie and tea was served. Those present were Mrs. Ida Henry, Mrs. G. Leverich and in­ fant son, Mrs. H. Condit, Mrs. Fonda, Mrs. J. Biggs, Mrs. H. M/ers, Mrs. Levi White, Mrs. F. Piercy and baby daughter, Mrs. D. May, Mrs. C. Anderson, Miss Edith Anderson, Miss Goldie Crume, Mrs. S. Malmsten, Mrs. A. L. Bassett, Mrs. Happy Thomp­ son. Mrs. T. F. Epping, Mrs. J. Brady, Mrs. Fulton from Color­ ado, who is visiting Mrs. Henry, and Mrs. H. Crume. Those who sent presents but were unable to attend were Mrs. W. Fitzgerald, Mrs. A. Kostur, Mrs F. Crawford, Mrs. W. Graves and Mrs. P. Browning. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1935. NEW THOR WASHERS $59-50 t YOU DON'T HAVE TO "BREAK IN" THE FORD V-8 Electric Mangle 1 (J Qt to attach «PlXJJO New Shipment of MATTRESSES SIMON’S Deeprest— Spring filled and cotton mattresses $6.95 up 5 Piece Breakfast Set— Table and 4 chairs— $11.90 Complete Line Wood Ranges— of New $49.50 up Beautiful Indian Blankets— $2.98 End Tables $1.95 SUNELLS ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE PARTY Complete Line of Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sunell entertained at a bridge party I iday evening. Those present Mere Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nel­ son. Mr. and Mrs. G. Crawford, Mrs. L. M. Cook, Mrs. William B» rg of Astoria and Edgar Craw- foid. First prize was won by Mrs. Cook. Mohawk Rugs— $32.50 up COMPLETE LINE OF NEW ELECTRIC RADIOS AND BATTERY SETS MRS. ADOLPH NELSON. ENTERTAINS Mrs. Adolph Nelson entertained at a bridge luncheon Wednesday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Harry Pierce. Mrs. E. Sun­ ell, Mrs. Lee Johnson, Mrs. Clyde McDonald. Mrs. L. M. Cook and Miss Margaret Nelson. Mrs. Melis and Mrs. Crawford won prizes. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lord's Day, August 18. Bible school at 9:45. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Sermon “The Holy Spirit and the Christian.-’ This is a highly interesting topic but one about whch most people are woefully ignorant. Most people know quite a bit about Jesus Christ, but few are intimate with the Holy Spirit. Radicalism has driven some away from the Bible teaching about the Holy Spirit. Let’s get back to sane scriptural grounds. Senion and Intermediate C. E. You can drive it 50 miles an hour the day you buy it T he F ord V-8 is ready for normal driving when you buy it. There is no tedipus period of breaking-in for 500 or 1000 miles. You can drive it up to 50 miles an hour the first day. And after the first hundred miles you can drive it as fast as you desire. That ..mins greater motoring enjoyment for every motorist. It is especially important to motorists who are thinking about a new car for a vacation trip — to physicians, salesmen and all those who use a car for business. In­ stead of dragging along at slow speeds for days, you can make good time from the start. The reason for this is as important as the result. The Ford V-8 needs no breaking-in because of unusual accuracy in the manufac­ ture of moving parts and the smoothness of bearing surfaces. Clearances are correct when you buy the ear. It is not necessary to depend on a long wearing-in period to eliminate tight­ ness and insure smooth running. Longer life, greater economy anil better performance are bound to result from such precision methods. The Ford V-8 gives you fine-car construction. along with fine-car performance, comfort, safety and beauty. FORD V8 Sporting Goods Department • SPECIAL .22 Cal. New Marlin Automatic Rifles- $14*95 PATERSON Furniture Store Phone 801 929 Bridge St. :-: Vernonia