PAGE TEN (Continued from Page 1) THREE CONTESTS MARK CLIMAX OF SPORTS WEEK the Union, a Union pickup team will play a team composed of women, Saturday at 3 o’clock. Otto said that it would be easier to beat the Skinny’s team than a Examiner To Be Here R. J. Dooley, examiner of op­ erators and chauffeurs, will be at the city halll in Vernonia today from 10 a. m. to 5. p. m. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank our friends their kindness during our cent bereavment and for beautiful floral offerings and pressions of sympathy. Otis Hyland NOTICE OF FRIDAY, AUGUST 16. 1935. VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON SHERIFF’S for re­ the ex­ SALE On the 26th day of August, 1935, at the hour of 10:00 o’­ clock A. M. at the West front door of the Court House in the City of St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property, located within Colum bia County, Oregon, to-wit; All f this notice. Dated July 19, 1935. Natal hall Saturday Aug. G. C. Mellinger, administrator of the estate of Michael Lynch, 17. Music by Poney Orches- Deceased. Lester Sheeley Attorney for Administrator dication July 19, 1935. —and they’ll be big days, too, because we’ve added even ¡cation August 16, 1935. greater bargains to the already great savings customers JOY THEATRE Double Feature Natal to Give DANCE 5RFEUJRY ST Hurry! Hurry! Only a few more days of Safeways Gigantic Money Saving Harvest Jubilee Sale! REOPENING OF Arcadia Park AUGUST 17 Dance Saturday Night REFRESHMENTS AND COLD DRINKS have been enjoying all week. Everybody is reaping a real harvest of values at our Harvest Jubilee Sale. There are only a few more days. Why not make the most of them! PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. SUGAR Evaporated Milk Pure Cane Mt. Vernon .............. $5.09 100 lb. bag Safeway Hard Wheat $1.65 West or (¡¡1 A Q 49 lb. bag. .. ......... Pride of the Candlelight HORSE RACES Starting Monday, September 2 !Ar*y 18C 3 lbs 50c Nobhill Lb. 23c 3 lbs. 65c Edwards Dependable Lb. 25c 2 lbs. 49c MATCHES Highway Brand ... 19c 6 box carton ..... CHEESE FULL CREAM Tillamook Brand Lb............................... EXHIBITS SALAD OIL Ro<£eo Horse Show Starting Monday. September 2 Gilmore Circus Parses Of Giant Animals — A Mile of Laughs Special on Children’s Day, August 31 Fireworks Display Free at Night DOG SHOW In a Special Building, September 4. 5, 6 Bands and Free Attractions New Rides and Shows on the Midway 15c 19c Lb............................. Agricultural livestock — Produce — Fruit Van Camps’ 4 11-oz. cans ..... 1 • C 19c SOAP— White King 10 bars .................. assorted flavors 3 pkgs....................... 29c Gai.98c 10c SALMON— No. 1 tall cans 2 for .............. ~...... 19c Canning Supplies— Kerr or Ball Per doz.— Mason Jars Pints 79c ...... ........................ 73c Kerr or Quarts Ball Mason Dozen ........................... Jar Rubbers 3 ir. your container 27 c 17/* FLA VO JELL COFFEE— Pari Mutuel 3 Tall cans ............ PORK AND BEANS FLOUR 49 lb. bag................ «Jll.xJ BBRECON SIATE TO MON., AUG. 16 to 19. doz ....................... cap* 19c 10c DRY BEANS— Small White Idaho 3 lbs............................... 15c Fresh Vegetables POTATOES, New crop, Yakima Gems U. S. No. 2’s 50 lb bag........................ggc WATERMELON, lb............................... 2c FRESH MEATS— BABY BEEF ROASTS, lb ......................... ] tjc LEAN BOILING BEEF, lb........................ gi/2 New Flower, Art and Textile Displays FRESH HAMBURGER, 2 lbs ................... 33c ADMISSION 25c—CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE BOLOGNA OR LIVER SAUSAGE, lb...... J9C FRESH MAYONNAISE, Pt. 23c, Qt. 45f