Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 16, 1935, Image 1

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VOLUME XIII 12.00 per year; 5c a copy.
. .......................... .................................................................. .............
Sixty-Two Women
Three Teachers
Biggest Fair
Attend Outing of
Are Picked for I
Ever Is Hope
County Homemakers
Grade Positions Sixty-two home-makers of Col­
Of Sec. Dowler
School Term to Begin Sept.
2nd According to
Three new teachers were el­
ected at the meeting of the dir­
ectors of school district 47 Sat­
urday night. They are Margaret
Bennett of Vernonia, fourth
grade, Julia Keasey of Roseburg,
opportunity room, and Ruth Grif­
fin of Portland, Vernonia.
Supt. I. N. Mc'Collom announ­
ced the resignation of Mary Er­
ickson, fourth grade teacher in
the Washington school for sev­
eral years.
The Snyder Roofing Co. of
Portland was authorized to re­
pair the roof of the Washington
grade school building at a cost
of $148. During the past year
trouble had been experienced
with leaking at some of the
seams, and it was deemed neces­
sary to put a new coat of com­
position wherever similar troub­
le might develop this year.
The fall term begins Monday,
September 2, in both the grade
and high schools. It is not con­
templated that there will be act­
ual instruction in the grade school
until Tuesday.
George Epiperly exhibited to
friends in town this week a cane
entwined with vine maple which
is a perfect imitation of a snake
coiled around it. Mr. Epperly
cut in the eyes *at the hea*d,
where there was a bulging in
the maple and the faint traces
of a mouth, and he put spots on
the maple to heighten the resem­
Otherwise the imita­
tion is natural. J. T. Scott took
pictures of it for Ripley’s “Be­
lieve it or not” column.
Feathers . . .
and.. .Talons
Norris Soden showing his new
owl to passers by . . . Mrs. A. B.
Counts greeting friends on Bridge
street . . . Roy Raymond driving
Doc’s stage . . . Folks “hearing”
that the mill is to be moved to
Columbia City (Who started that
one?) . . . Clark and Wilson men
getting off early in the afternoon
on annunt of the humidity . . .
Geo. Epperly showing the snake
on his walking stick . . . Fair
candidates for queen rustling tic­
ket sales.
New Book Cases
Are Built for
Public Library
Air Circus Is
Topic Tuesday
At C.C. Meeting
Two new book cases built for
umbia county registered at the
the Vernonia Public library by
three days outing of the state
Jack McGowan have been placed
college extension units at Camp Many Improvements Made at under the large windows in the TWENTY FIVE PLANES
Nehalem, Pittsburg, last week
Grounds During This Year
library room where they will
end. Attending from Vernonia
be used for childrens books, ac-
were Mrs. A. W. Sauer, Mrs.
To judge by the way the ex- cording to the Report of Edna Sunday to Be Devoted to
Dave Marshall, Mrs. Ora Glass- hibits are coming in this year’s I Owens, librarian, at the regular
Stunt Flying By
ner, Mrs. E. R. Treharne and Columbia county fair will be the | meeting of the board at the
Mrs. George Ohler. Visitors for biggest ever held, declares Ben ' regular monthly meeting of the
one day were Mrs. Judd Green­ Dowler, secretary of the fair I board at the Vernonia Hotel
Plans for Vernonia’s first an­
man, Mrs. E. S. Thompson, board, who was in Vernonia I Tuesday night.
Mrs. Geo. McKay, Mrs. W. T. Tuesday night. There is a new
Mr. McGowan, who donated nual airport circus September 14
Graves and mother, Mrs. Craw­ race track, new grandstand and his work, completed the cases ! and 15 were discussed at the
other improvements that have several weeks ago, but they were I chamber of commerce meeting at
There was instruction in bas­ been put in this year.
not put into use until this week. I the Masonic Temple Tuesday
ket weaving, pewter work, swim­
attractive new cases as well i noon.
The fair opens Thursday, Aug-
K. A. McNeill, chairman of
ming and first aid under Mrs. ust 22 and closes Sunday, the : as the old ones will be treated to
Maude J. Purvine, county home 24th. Thursday will be 4-H club j fresh coats of ivory paint as I the airport committee,- announc­
demonstration agent, and staff. day and St. Helens day, Friday i soon as the board secures suf­ ed that he had been assured that
no less than 25 planes would
Mrs. Sarah V. Case, former dem-i Rainier day and Vernonia day, ficient funds.
onstration agent in this county, , and Saturday Clatskanie day.
Frank Hartwick and Laverne be here for the event. Saturday
was also among the instructors.
Adam’s also donated time and afternoon would be largely oc­
Judging both for open classes service in bringing the lumber cupied with arrival of the planes,
Ordinary household cares were
thrust aside for a good time, say and 4-H club work will be done and in delivering the finished which he said would not come in
gradually one by one but in
Thursday. At 1 p. m. there will cases.
those who attended.
be a 4-H club parade and pro­
bunches that would make the
landings very interesting. On
grant and at 2 o’clock the regu­
Job Help Asked
Sunday there would be stunt fly­
lar afternon program of racing,
Of Employers by
ing, with various spectacular
etc. Preparations for the club
feats such as paper chases, etc.
Relief Committee parade and exhibits are being
The ceremonies in conection wjth
made by Mrs. Maude J. Purvine
dedication of the airgort are to
Loel Roberts, local relief agent, and George A. Nelson, who are
be brief, he stated.
received the following message expecting all 4-H club mem­
I Large crowds are expected
from Caley A. Stanwood, county bers in the county to participate.
manager, at St. Helens yester­
During the evenings there will Wa. Vernonia Resident For from Portland, Hillsboro, Forest
Thirteen Years
Grove and other outside places,
be wrestling matches, described
“In order to assist all relief on another page.
Mr. McNeill said. “There is no
F. R. Hyland, 79, of Treharne, reason why we can’t put 1500
clients in Columbia county to
died at his home Aug. 10 after people in there, many of whom
obtain seasonal employment, the SODEN ACQUIRES BODY
county relief committee wishes to
a lingering illness. He had made I have never been to Vernonia be-
Vernonia his home for the past'fore,' he declared.
solicit inquires from any indi-
vidual or group wishing labor,
KNOWN IN THIS REGION. 13 years, moving here from Ida. - The aviators putting on the cir­
He was born in Plainfield, Ill., | cus are to get 10 per cent of
Men will be assigned to these
jobs and removed from relief
N. S. Soden, who has a fine' Oct. 12, 1855 and spent his boy-! the gross receipts, Mr. McNeil!
rolls until such time as the em- collection of stuffed animals and hood on his father’s farm. He! . explained. It is not expected that
ployment is completed. Cooper- birds was presented yesterday came to Oregon in ’76 and spent I there will be any profit, he ad-
ation is asked from all employ- with the body of an owl with one year working in the Willam­ i ded, since most of the gate mon­
ers in helping to provide em­ silky feathers, cinnamon and dark ette Valley, thence moving to ey will be spent for prizes and
ployment to those now on relief. gray, with light spotted breast. Colorado, where he married Miss expense.
Labor requirements should be Local woodsmen familiar with the Olive Sloan, Oct. 11, 1881 in
There will be a pilot’s ban­
filed with the relief offices in species of owl dommonly found Elkhorn, Colorado. To this union quet and pilots’ ball at Arcadia
Vernonia, Clatskanie, Rainier and here were unable to identify the ' was born two sons, Otis and' park Saturday night, according
Curtis. Mr. Hyland was a de-1 to the plans of the committee.
St. Helens.”
voted father and husband and
Flood Legislation Started
I had a host of friends. He was
Lester Sheeley, secretary of
farmer all his life. He lost his
, a iai
the chamber, announced that he
___ , Aug. 11, 1934.
I wife,
had received from Senator Stei-
Surviving are two sons,
Hyland of Seattle, Wash., and'wer word that the supplemen-
one sister, Miss Elizabeth jly. I tary bill introduced by him to
i land, of Plainfield, Ill.
1 authorize a preliminary survey of
| the Nehalem watershed with a
Three contests with visiting Skinny’s. The latter had been |
J new to the control of floods
teams Sunday climaxed the week greatly strengthened by the add-! Julia Wangler Is
; had passed the senate and is now
for the Vernonia softball andjition of Dave Howard and Joe
Leader in Contest
in a committee of the house.
baseball program.
i Magoff, former Adams players.
For Airport Queen The senator was not certain the
The event was opened by the ! Bill Lumm pitched, fanning many
that the bill would pass the house
of Safeway’ o s crack .„„cis.
hitters. . Some
baseball game between Glenwood I o*
and Vernonia with the Hawks | of the Skinny’s standbys, such I Julia Wangler leads in the race in this session because of, the
losing 6 to 2 when Buster By-1 as Welch and Tisdale, helped I i for queen of the Vernonia air possibility of closing at an early
ers, rejected Vernonia player^ hand Safeway their first defeat circus Sept. 14 and 15, accord­ date, Mr. Sheeley stated, and he
of the season. In spite of the ing to the last reports received had written to the Oregon rep­
fanned out seven opponents.
The first softball tilt between, keen competition good sports- by E. S. Thompson, committee resentatives asking them to use
the Vernonia all-stars and the manship was in evidence.
member in charge. She has 2,000 their influence in speeding act-
Clatskanie first team ended 7 to j ’ The
__ _ game
___ ____
__ ’s _____
team! votes, while Dorothy Gwinn has' ion on the measure.
4 when the visitors failed to I to a tie with Nehalem market, if 11,000 and Edna Owens 1,000. A
overcome a five point lead gained the default of the Mist-Skinny's new contestant is Cecilia Mar- TOWNSEND CLUB TO MEET
___ __ jg _______
Jchel of Timber, and it is possible
by Vernonia in the fourth inning. I game
allowed __
to stand. _
Clatskanie lost the second soft-; Union To Play Women’. Team that at lcast one other local j
ball game 6 to 3.
.__________________ x
girl will enter the race.
The Vernonia Townsend club
a result , of a ......
bet lost by
, ticket
.. . . sold . by a contest- j will meet at 7 p. m. Thursday,
One of the surprises of the < As „
' | Each
week was the defeat handed Otto Mauer when Skinny s beat ant or her sponsors entitles them August 22 in the Evangelical
Safeway, the league leaders, by
j church.
(Continued on Page 10)
100 votes.
F. R. Hyland, 72
Dies August 10
In Treharne
Three Contests Mark
Climax oj Sports Week