Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 09, 1935, Image 8

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“Hot Dogs” Find Favor
in European Countries
One of the country’s oldest Indus­
tries is that of supplying the four
and a half million hot dogs which
Americans eat every year. Accord­
ing to the Review of Reviews, each
citizen eats about 12 pounds of saus­
age products a year, of which nearly
four pounds are frankfurters. The
total production of "franks” in the
United States amounts to about 400,-
000,000 pounds annually.
Some of the foreign countries are
now taking them up, notably Japan,
France and Russia. In Russia hot­
dog sandwiches go under the name
of gorlachle sobachi. Hot dog seems
to be the most popular name in the
United States, although they have
such aliases as frankfurters, franks,
red hots, half-smokes, barkies,
Coney Islands, wieners, wienies, or
Vienna sausages. Contrary to pop­
ular notion, their contents are not
one of life’s great mysteries. They
are made of about equal parts of
fresh beef and pork, ground fine,
with spices added.
The hot dog's popularity dates
from about 1900, when a New York
caterer, Harry Stevens, found out
that they remain hot, due to their
skins, on cold days at the ball games.
The late Tad Dorgan called them
hot dogs In his cartoons, and from
that time, about 1907, they have
risen steadily in demand.
Versatility Here,
and Also Comfort
Pattern 1240
Rash on Baby
Caused Constant
Relieved by Cuticura
No one has ever designed any­
thing to equal the chic and comfort
of the “Wraparound" for efficient
performance of household duties.
And in our crowded lives today. Effi­
ciency plays an Important part. Per­
haps that's why a house frock that
could "go to market" to prove Its
versatility has been conceived. Don’t
those big square buttons conform
beautifully with the unique cut of
the front?—and joys of joys, the
wrap Is deep enough to keep from
popping out at the wrong time. Con­
fidentially, freedom isn't the only
virtue of those sleeves—they’re so
easy to make.
Pattern 2240 Is available In sizes
Soap 25c. Ointment 25c and 50c.
Talcum 25c. Sold everywhere. Pro­ 14, 16, 18, 20, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
prietors: Potter Drug & Chemical and 44. Size 16 takes 4 yards 36
Inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step
Corp., Malden, Mass.”—Adv.
sewing instructions Included.
Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in
coins or stamps (coins preferred)
for this pattern. Write plainly name,
Remove« Dandruff-Stope Hair Falling |
address and style number. BE SURE
Imparts Color »»««1
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair I TO STATE SIZE.
60c and fl .00 at Droggieta.
m«v>i Ch«*. Wk«., I’«tcho*u«.N T.J
Address orders to Sewing Circle
FLORESTON SHAMPOO - Ideal for use in Pattern Department 243 West Seven­
■onneetion with Parker’■ Hair Balaam. Make* th*
bair *oft and fluff r. 60 eent* by mail or at drug­ teenth street, New York.
“About three months after my ba­
was born, eczema broke out all
over her body. It came out in a rash
end was very red. It caused con­
stant irritation and loss of sleep so
that I had to put gloves on her
hands to prevent scratching.
could not bathe her.
"For nearly two years this erup­
tion lasted. Then I read about Cuti­
cura Soap and Ointment, and sent
for a free sample. I bought more,
and after using two boxes of Oint­
ment with the Soap she was re­
lieved completely of the Itching.”
(Signed) Mrs. Raymond Parks, 1469
Massachusetts Ave., North Adams,
loss of INVENTED
a tooth to
" that of a WORRY
mistress, there’s no
pang that Is not bearable. The ap­
prehension Is much more cruel than
the certainty; and we make up our
minds to the misfortune when 'tls
irremediable, part with the tor­
mentor, and mumble our crust on
t’other side of the jaws.”
In that bit of philosophy from
Thackeray is one of the strongest
Indictments ever written on the
subject of worry; and its foolish­
ness and uselessness.
True, eating on the other side of
the jaw is not nearly so bad as
the anticipation of It, as worrying
about having to do it! Out of fear
of violence from my readers I shall
not mention the fact that the neces­
sity to eat In even a little corner
of the jaw could not possibly be so
destructive of health and nerves as
worrying about It.
Oh, no, I
wouldn’t mention that. My readers
know It It’s Thackeray’s point that
It isn’t even so unpleasant as
thinking about It In advance—that
Is new 1
Can we Improve on Thackeray?
No, but we can add this thought,
that while It's silly enough to lose
sleep worrying about a tooth that's
got to come out anyway, It’s abso­
lutely Insane to worry about losing
a tooth that after all may never
have to come out!
And that’s the heaviest burden of
most of our worries, Isn’t it—the
misfortunes that never do occur!
That’s what worry Is for. Isn’t it?—
that’s what the devil Invented It
for—to give us bald heads and acid
stomachs and lined faces and jumpy
nerves over something that never
does happen!
© Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
In Peasant Linen
Baby, Per Pound!
Rid Yourself of
Kidney Poisons
Use Doan's Pills. Doan's are for the
kidneys only. They are recommended
the world over. You can get the gen­
uine, time-tested Doan’s at any drug
Read the Grape Nuts ad In another
column of this paper and learn how
to join the Dizzy Dean Winners and
win valuable free prizes.—Adv.
Seme price today
tu 44 yearsago
If you want to feature prominent
cheekbones in the Garbo fashion,
use a lighter shade of powder on
your cheekbones, a light eye shad­
ow directly under the eye and close
to the lower eyelashes. This Is
more effective for evening make-up
than for daytime.
XS • ■«••••
Manufactured by Baking
Powder Specialist* who m ak a
nothing but Baking Pawdar.
Copyright by Public Ledger. Inc.
WNU Service.
Freshening Hat*
An excellent way to freshen up
a felt hat, when It has become
dusty and limp. Is to give it a good
brushing with a stiff brush to re­
move all top dust. Then, with an­
other stiff brush dipped In a good
cleansing fluid, go all over the hat,
including the band, until all Is quite
damp. Stuff the crown with paper,
pressing any necessary creases In
place, and set brim down on a flat
surface until dry.
Puff Sle«v«*
The popular puff sleeves are most
difficult to Iron unless stretched
out plain and free from their puffs.
One housewife has solved this prob­
lem by fastening the elastic with a
tiny safety pin. She then removes
the elastic before laundering the
dress and has a plain straight
sleeve to deal with.
When in the Northwest
Un the hub of Portland. Oregon's
shoppinfl and theatrical center..,
these two splendid hostelries of­
fer you every comfort and luxury
at extremely moderate cost
Portlands newest and finest ho­
tels. .. .located in the hub of the
shoppinfl and recreational district
.. .are the unquestioned, choice of
experienced travelers.
A mother in Brusa, Turkey, has
filed a claim In court, demanding the
return of her baby, which had been
sold by the father. The couple sep­
arated several months ago. the fa
tiler taking charge of their six
month-old offspring. The mother
went to work In a neighboring vil­
O you suffer burning, scanty or lage, and Immediately after her de­
too frequent urination/ backache, parture the father sold the babe—
at so much a pound—receiving about
headache, dizziness, swollen feet and
anklet? Ar« you tired, nervout—feel $1 for It. When the mother returned
all unstrung and don't know what is to Brusa she offered to buy back
the little one at a much higher price
than the buyer had paid. The buyer
Then give some thought to your
refused, and the mother promptly
kidneys. Be sure they function proper­
and to poison and upset the whole
Clip* in New Guise
ly, for functional kidney disorder per­
mits excess waste to stay in the blood,
— By V.V.
Use only one
level teaspoonful
gists. Hiacox Chemical Work*. Patchogue, N. Y.
inute make - ups
Lucien Lelong shows a white
peasant linen blouse having a
shirred jabot edged with blue and
Natural Di*ta*te
The amazing progress of basebail red peasant embroidery with his
in Russia has encountered an unex­ tailored suit of heavy white silk
pected obstacle. The boys balk at shantung linen. The collar Is blue
calling the robber "Comrade Um­ velvet and the buttons and buckle
are of a gold colored metal.
pire.’’—Atlanta Constitution.
Clips are out in new guises.
Some are made of smoothly pol­
ished brown wood cut on planes as
mathematical as a pyramid and set
with colored glass stones.
Beauty Hint
Keep your skin scrupulously
clean during the hot weather. Pores
are apt to clog from the frequent
applications of powder, and rough­
ened, coarse skin will result.
Life Insurance”
for Your Car’s Beauty!
There's only one way to
make your car stay beautiful
for life—and that is to Simonia
the finish. If it ia dull, first
use the wonderful Simonis
Kleener to restore the lustre.
It quickly brings back all the
beauty your car had when
new. Simonia, too, is easy to
apply and it protects the fin-
ish, makes it last longer,
and keeps the colors from
fading. So, the sooner you
Simonin your car, the better.
Always Insist on Simonia and
Simonis Kleener
You can "Simonin" a car only
with Simonin and Simonin
Kleener. For your protection, the
famous trademark "Simonin" ia
placed on every can.