Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 09, 1935, Image 1

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    VOLUME XIII $¡’.00 per year; 5c a copy.
Beer License
Application Is
Depository for City Funds
Is Designated In
Consideration of the applica­
tion of Julia Davis for a liquor
lcense occupied much of the time
of the city council Monday night.
Mrs. Davis produced a lease from
Zelma Bush of the property
known os Bush’s Cafe.
Councilman Hartwick offered
a motion that the application be
granted but the motion died for
lack or a second. Councilman
Kent moved for tabling the ap­
plication until the next regular
meeting and the motion was ad­
The council went on record as
approving a call for warrants aa
suggested by J. W. Brown, city
treasurer, and also approved Mr.
Brown’s selection of the First
National Bank, Hillsboro ' branch,
as the official depository for
city funds.
The application of Tom Car­
men for a liquor license was^not
presented, the explanation being
made that Mr. Carmen had de­
cided to wait until business con­
ditions improve.
Mrs. A. E. Jennings
Is Presented To
Doctor Townsend
Resemblance of Mrs. A. E.
Jennings, secretary of the Ver­
nonia Townsend club, to Dr.
Townsend won for her a special
presentation to him Friday night
on the speaker’s platform prior
to his address at Jantzen beach.
Dr. Townsend assured her that
she is the image of his mother.
Attending the picnic that day
from Vernonia were Judge W. A.
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown,
Louis Boeck, E. E. Malmsten,
Mrs. Eva West, Mrs. E. Fonda
and grandaughter Miss Jones, Cal
Plummer, Hy Van Blaricom, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Fanchier, Mrs.
Alma Sitts, C. M. Comstock of
Keasey, Mrs. W. O. Porterfield,
H. S. Strong and Mrs. Jennings.
Most of the group went in Thor
Gronbeck’s stage, which made a
special trip for the occasion.
Hundred Acre
Fire Reported
As Under Control
Fire started Wednesday near
the skidder at Whr- ey spur,
along Oak Ranch ere
in the
Clark and Wilson opeiations. It
spread over about 100 acres, In
slashings in an old burn, nd is
regarded as not ends ering
green timber. Yesterday »fter-
noon it was reported und
SERA Recreation
Project for August
Is Completed
Local People Try
To See Train Wreck
On Southern Pacific
Celebration for
Completion of
Airport Dated
Mary Russell was arrested Mon­
Vernonia’s SERA recreation day by Sheriff Oscar G. Weed
A number of local people drove
project for August was completed and Marshal Roy K. Nelson on to Cochran Wednesday to see
after running a few days the a charge of selling illegal liquor, I the wreck on the S. P. line two
14 and IS
first of the month in the club and was taken to St. Helens for I and a half miles west of that SEPTEMBER
rooms of the Vernonia Recreation trial. She pled gruilty in Jus- place. They were unaible to get
club. The reason for the short tice Fullerton’s court and was a close view because of guards
amount of time allotted for the sentenced to 90 days in jail. Be­ at the bridge head and along
Contest for Queen Will Be
project was that the SERA sup­ cause of the lack of quarters for | the right of way.
ervisor was only allowed to work women in the Columbia county
Walter Kent, Clark and Wil­
out a time sufficient to cover jail she is confined in the Mult- son bridge carpenter, who was
his personal budget. $96 has been I nomah county jail in Portland. ' able to get fairly near, declares
appropriatel for the promotion
that the timbers do not appear i
A big celebration in honor of
of recreation activities in Ver­ NEXT BAND CONCERT
to have rotted. A body was being
nonia, including the Vernonia
TO BE HELD AUG. 17 removed on a stretcher after completion of the Vernonia air­
recreation club, soft ball, indoor
The next concert by the Ver- being taken from the locomotive port project is scheduled for
baseball and other activities.
nonia Boys and Girls band will cab, into which a wlhole had Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 14
Howard R. Lee, who has been be held Saturday August 17. I been cut. About 100 feet of cords
and 15. Included in the program
active in recreation promotion
There are 15 enrolled in the of the 300 foot bridge still hung i will be an air circus, with a
and activities, organizing both beginners class, which meet* together, he said, but otherwisa
large number of planes partici­
the Vernonia Recreation club and 1 twice a week, Tuesdays and the entire bridge was a mass of i
pating. Tickets will be sold for
Thursdays, under the direction of 1 kindling at the bottom of the the celebration, with contestants
was the SERA supervisor for C. R. Watts.
| canyon.
for queen vying to sell them.
the August allotment.
Thus far Julia Wangler and Dor­
othy Gwinn have announced their
Pomona Grange
candidacy. Miss Gwinn is spon­
Resolves In Favor
sored by the Rainbow Girls. Each
ticket will entitle the person sel­
of Power District
ling it to 100 votes.
Airplane Visits
A people’s utility district com­
prising 8 or more counties for
A# Whitaker, former Vernon­
Two teams withdrew from the of the president of the league.
utilizing Bonneville power was
Mi«t Team Good Sports
ia resident and now a member
favored at a meeting of Po­ Vernonia Softball league last
The Mist team have proved of the state aeronautic board paid
mona grange at Fern Hill Aug­ week. Adams’, one of the strong­ themselves a bunch of good his old home town a visit in his
est teams and the Vernonia Auto
ust 3.
sports. ■ They have uncovered a Taylor cub Wednesday afternoon.
A new park board was appoint-1 Cio, merged to form a strong good pitcher in Paul Adams who, Ho flew over the city, dipped
ed as follows: Walter Carl, Win-1challenging team to be piloted seems to be able to put them down low over the airport to in-
ema grange,. 3 ; year term; Noble by Happy Thompson. This team out as well as anybody in the spect it, and then doubled back
Dunlap, Natal grange, 2 year | will play out the Vernonia Auto league. C. O. Hayden is the man- to the Riverview section, where
term; C. E. Zimmer, Beaver | Co. side of the schedule with ager of the team, and Earl
- . be landed on _.. the
J. J Schmidlin field
¡the understanding that the games
Homes grange, 1 year term.
I to visit with K. A. McNeill, of
Knowles captain.
A movement was launched to ; will be defaulted before they are
the chamber
chamber ° of
Loel Roberts of the Nehalem the
f commerce air­
invite the state i grange to meet ¡played. The reason for the mer- crew is always able to snag the port committee, Early in the
" _ I _
in Columbia county in ZZZ~.
1937. The
ger was 1 that there were not ball if it comes within fifty feet!evenin» Mr- Whitaker gave local
1 enough
committee on 1 the
— matter
-------- con-
---- --------
_ . players for the Auto Co. of him in the field. The Nehalem people an exhibition of stunt
_______ —
— —» J
— X 7 » ——
A ¿4
-T z>l F
siste of Earl Dowler, J. F. Beck- a teams
and T LaVerne
team and the Mist team are flying over Bridge street.
er and Warren Young.
_ _ —______ ____ A
«—A 4 L* A 4 A A
The membership drive for Po- necessary to put the team across, among the only few teams in the
mona members resulted in a tie1 By turning his players over to league who have taken some Show For Picnic
between Deer Island and Clat- j “Happy” he could continue to very rotten breaks and never
Benefit Receives
skanie granges, each having 100, play without the responsibility, complained.
Good Support
John Collins took over tne
per cent. Each was given a
Last Sunday a number of teams pitcher’s box for Skinny's team
prize of $10.00.
played all afternoon, with a and seems to be doing well at
i The show at the Joy Theatre
large crowd of fans. The games it. Evidently he learned how
¡Wednesday night to help finance
were promoted by Ed. Bafford, to do it by seeing it done in
the Columbia County Odd Fellews
umpire in chief, of the V. S. L. the movies.
I association picnic at Arcadia
¡series. A gala day for softball
Ben Dowler, the clown nt . Park August 18 was very well
is planned for next Sunday, when the league gives the fans laughsi attended and results were graU
it is expected that the Clatskan- whenever the Union plays. In ¡tying, says Wm. Briot, of the
ia Soft-ball league under the spite of his funmaking Ben is1 i committee
------- •-
in charge.
, leadership of Art Steele will vis- a good player.
pictures there were
Vernonia with two teams. A
Glen Hawkins joined Happy’s
Tom Crawford boasting of how committee met Tuesday night to team and was not able to do , numbers by local musicians and
, a vaudeville stunt by members
he won the fat men’s race at select the players for the two
of the Vernonia Odd Fellows
(Continued on Page 7)
the picnic Sunday . . . Mrs. Dave teams to play them.
I lodge.
McDonald and Mrs. Holtham, in'
Former Resident Visits
games will start at one
the middle of Third street
Ben Duggins, a former Ver-, I
when one of the regular
ing upward, wondering just
will be played off. The nonia resident, Mrs. Duggins, a Amity is Winner
where the Whitaker airplane was
will continue until thg son Ben and daughter Joyce ar» I
In Final League
going to land . . . The whole
Clatskanie team arrives when here for a week's visit at the
Game of Season
population getting a thrill from
home of Mr. Duggins’ sister,
they will go on the field.
the stunting over Bridge street
Mrs. R. L. Spencer.
. . . Tim, on top of a step ladder, I The Mist team won their game
Amity won the final league
Mr. Duggins, who now lives
putting in a new lamp on the ¡with Skinny’s by default, thus Bakersfield, Cal., moved 1 from game from Vernonia 11 to 3
Rock creek bridge . . . Happy making their standing 500 or Vernonia in 1910, when the Sunday at Amity. Nelson pitched
Thompson rustling up candidates average for the league. The rea- community was a small village. for two innings and Day for
for queen . . . Doc Cliff um- son for the default was the He is employed by the Standard the rest of the game.
piring the Skinny’s-Mist game,' use of a player for another team, OH Co-
j Starring for Vernonia was
tipping his hat to a group of | However it was decided that in
Another California visitor at Ole Tlehenor, who got two hits
girls who had razzed him, and the future players that are free the home of Mr. and Mra. Spen- and a walk out of four timoa
asking if the decision suited because of broken teams will be eer is Mrs. A. R. Kincade, of up. Stump, eenterfielder, play-
allowed to play with the consent Pixley.
| ed a nice game.
Softball Schedule Is
Rearranged This Week
Feathers . . .