VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON JADED WARDROBE IS COLOR AND LIFE EASILY SPRUCED UP IN “POSTER GIRL” There are endless possibilities of what one can do for a jaded ward robe, and we are always on the look out to discover thing* that can be added to an old dress to give It an­ other season’s wear. This year ft Is a change of Jacket. Patterned ones contrast with the plainness ..." the gowns. The idea of putting bright prints on top of dark dresses Is a welcome change from the all-print ensemble that begins to pall after so ninny months of wearing. A short Jacket makes a dinner dress out of one that would otherwise be extremely format When ft is a wrap that is to be removed It is swagger to the hips or fitted to the floor. Anything goes in the way of a design for these new wraps, the smallest of pin dots to large floral patterns that are vibrant with life and exotic colorings. If the dress is white or a pastel, a print with a dark back­ ground Is chosen for the sake of contrast V MAKES 10 CLASSES Arthritis—Sinus—Asthma Rheumatism, neuritis, swollen Joints, etc., are quickly relieved at home with new scl- sntific discovery. No medicine. Free Trial. KOL-A-RAY BIO Oregon Bide. - - Portland. Ore. NEUTRALIZE Excess Acids —by chewing one or more Milnesia Wafers You can obtain a full size 20c package of Milnesia Wafers containing twelve full adult doses by furnishing us with the name of your local druggist if he does not happen to carry Milnesia Wafers in stock, by enclosing 10c in coin or postage stamps. Address (ELECT PRODUCTS. INC. *402 23rd St, Lona Island City, N.Y. My N«s>< it......________ ____ ___ ....... Dml AMrstL..........__ ............. Town & State....................................................... ... My Druitut'i Nameit.................... ¡Irul Aa^rm.............. — Town & State----------------- -—...................... MILNESIA WAFERS Qf1 MILK OF MAGNESIA WAFERS By GRANDMOTHER CLARK HOTEL MULTNOMAH H’hen in Portland ... WNÜ—13 20—35 Protects Finish and Makes It Last Longer Every car, new or old. should be Simonized. In fact, it must be if the finish is to stay beautiful. So always in­ sist on Simoniz and Simoniz Kleener for your car. If the finish is dull, Simoniz Kleener quickly restores the lustre. Simoniz gives weather-proof protection to the finish, makes it last longer and keeps the colors from fading. White tussor fashions a number of summer sports suits. One com­ bines a white frock and long coat lined in deep blue to match the belt of the dress, the other a jacket and frock belted In red and green plaid wool ribbon. Button Trim Tiny buttons of crochet or pearl are part of the dainty detail of sheer lingerie blouses. Rows of them range down front frills or along the sides of cuffs. There are two diverse styles in lips. One is the vogue for dull lips and the other is the newer trend for the moist, sculptured kind. A new lipstick In an evening color gives lips a smooth, almost polished look under artificial lights. Copyright by Public Ledger, Inc. WNU Service. Youthful Wrap» Many Kinds of Sausages While the number of kinds of sausages In common use In the United States may not be more than 50, at a fair in Germany a few years ago there were 1,785 distinct varieties entered. Reduce your Ironing time one-third ... your labor .no-half I Iron any place with th* Coleman. It'» entirely »elf-heating. No cord» or wire». No weary, endleaa trip» between a hot stove and the Iron­ ing board. The Coleman makes and bums ita own gas. Lights instantly—no pre-heating. Ope.atinz cost only an hour. Perfect balance and right weight make ironing just an easy, guiding, gliding motion. See your local hardware or house- fumiahing dealor. If he doe* not handle, write ua. The Coleman Lamp 6* Stove Company Dept. WVS09, Wichita, Kan. ; Chicago. Ul; Loa Angele., Callt ; PhlUddphla, Fa : or Toronto, Ontario, Cauda (HOSi PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Removes Dandruff-Stope Hair Falling Imparts Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair 60c and $1.00 at Druggists. Hiscox ('hem. Wks,, Patchogue, N Y. FLORESTON SHAMPOO — Ideal for us*, in connection with Parker’s Hair Balsam.Makes th« hair soft and fluffy. 50 cents by mail or at drug­ gists. Hiscox Chemical Works. Patchogue, N.Y. i Tl*«,,- who know the high * quality and better value to be had in the double-tested—double-action K C Baking Powder. It produces delicious bakings of fine texture and large volume. raC HyE Manufactured by Bakins Pawdar SpeclalUt* wha maka nathlng but Baking Pawdar —undar supervlalan al Expart Chemist* af Natianal Reputation. Alway* uni­ fann—dependable. That insure* Succe»*ful Baking*. For a Change Again fancy turns to printed satin. Chiffon gowns are lavishly pleated. Quilted taffeta coats are smart for summer. Dotted Swiss accessories Is fashion's latest whim. The flair for violet and Iliac tones is widespread. Compose tailleurs (skirt and jacket contrast) lead in the mode. Ruffles and more ruffles ani­ mate youthful summer evening frocks. Summer Sport* Suit* [yiNUTE MAKE-UPS “Hug-me-tlght” capes are youth­ ful little evening wraps of the dol­ man type. They are usually made of taffeta crushed in bunchy full­ ness about the neck and shoulders and reach Just to the waist In length. You can vary a simple shirtwaist frock of white or pastel silk by a change, of color every day or so in silk necktie and scarf sash to match. SIMONIZ fa. d Metal trims appear on some of the new gloves shown In Paris. Shorter gowns are appearing for evening wear. New belts are of straw, brass, raffia and cord. Lots of nice blouses are piled high on shop counters. Watch your neckline. Have the kind of a cut that suits your fea­ tures. Ribbons, clips and diamante buckle are spoken of by M. Worth as very smart for evening. “A new fabric with beaded de­ signs woven into the material” is a new Idea sponsored by the House of Worth To encourage naturally curly hair to do its best try spraying It light­ ly with a little tonic or thin lotion before taking your bath. Only the very young person should wear black, gray, certain shades of green and purple. These colors are anything but flattering to a woman who has started to fade. White stripes In the hair nowa­ days are becoming more and more popular. If you want to make a quilt with lots of color and lite, the “Poster Girl’’ will be your selection. The quilt shown above is made from block number 95-A. which is one of the six different girls in which this assortment comes. Make the quilt either by using all the blocks of one design or assorted. The blocks are stamped on white 18-lnch squares, and the applique material Is stamped with the necessary designs and cut­ ting lines. Twelve 18-lnch blocks are generally used for one quilt. With twelve 18-lnch blocks, 4-inch strips between blocks and a 9-lncb border all around, allowing % inch for seams, the finished quilt will meas­ ure about 77 by 98 Inches. Four yards of 30-lncb material is sufficient for border and strips. Send 15 cents to our quilt depart­ ment for one block No. 95-A like the above. Make this up. You will like the beauty of design and can then decide what designs you want A picture of the six designs will be mailed with your order, from which to select. Price per set of six stamped blocks with applique patches 75c postpaid. Address—HOME CRAFT CO.— DEPT. D.—Nineteenth & St. Louis avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Enclose a stamped addressed en­ velope for reply when writing for any information. STYLE NOTES It coala no moro to atop at — WHIMS OF FASHION Women who want the best, demand the Economical and Efficient Here's a very smart country-club- bish outfit for sports on hot sum­ mer days. It Is of white acetate fabric and is fastened In front with brown wooden buttons. There are two patch pockets which adorn the Jacket tailored top. The brown dotted scarf and the brimmed sports hat give a swagger touch to the cos tume. Sports and Evening Wear for the Summer Holiday To sail away for a summer holi­ day is a glorious adventure at any score, but to sail away with the right clothes Is very near perfec­ tion, an easy thing to achieve If one simple rule Is followed. Take only two types of clothes, sports and evening. Sports clothes are the backbone of the proper cruise outfit. Clothes to walk the deck In, to play games in, to lunch in. play bridge in. Evening clothes added to the sports things complete the cruise wardrobe list. Everyone dresses for dinner on shipboard, so take five or six evening frocks, two wraps, stockings, slippers and bags. Eve­ ning dresses are floor length, often without trains; sometimes high in back and low In front with cov­ ered shoulders or puffed sleeves. l\V B aking P owder Same Price Today as 44 Years Ago 25 ounces for 25c You can also buy 10 ounce can for 10a IS ounce can for 1$O FULL PACK - NO SLACK FtLUNO Bundrad* at Thenaand* af Warn an Have Received THE COOK’S BOOK You caa get a copy of this bosutifully illustrated book - full of practical* tested recipes that will please you. Mail the certificate from a can of K C Baking Powder with your name and address and your copy will be sent postage paid. A4dr«M JAQUM MFC. CO., D«pt* C. B., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS NAME - anncRM MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE .BEEN USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT