VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON ARGENTINA GROWING The Argentina national statistical bureau has published a report esti­ mating Argentina’s population on December 31, 1932, at 11.846,655, an increase of 50 per cent since the 1914 census. The population of Buenos Aires Is 2,214,702, an Increase of 40% per cent smoothed carefully across the cheeks. HINT TO EDITORS It's twice as effective when put on If a great man cannot write an Interesting magazine article why not correctly. Copyright by Public Ledger, Inc. employ a nobody who can? WNU Service. Smart Wardrobe in One Pattern Pattern tl»7 Her Prerogative Dobleyew—You seem rather cer­ tain Miss Goldilox will return your love. Ecks—I think It likely. She does most of her shopping on approval with the privilege of returning the goods if unsuitable.—Detroit News. Morning... Jest the Same “What heavenly jazz, Bill; let’s dance 1” “That wasn’t jazz. The waiter just dropped our dinner.”—Answers Magazine. Headaches F or YEARS I’ve suffered sick headaches in the morn­ ing. I didn’t realize until the doctor told me how many women are bothered with too much acid, and he recommended Milnesia Wafers. Since I’ve been using Milnesia I’ve felt like a new person. Haven’t had a cold either, because when you get rid of the acids you don’t get colds. • • • MILNESIA Wafers neu­ tralize the excess acids that cause indigestion, heart­ bum and sick headaches. Each wafer is a full adult dose, children—one-quarter to one-half. Pleasant to take. Recommended by thou­ sands of physicians. Buy a package today—at all good druggists. THE COLEMAN LAMP 6- STOVE CO. is benched SAY, DIZZY, COULO YOU PITCH A GAME EVERY DAY? SURE WHY WHEN I WAS IN THE ARMY I DID EVEN BETTER THAN THAT ONE OAY . . Sou can make yourself a mighty smart summer wardrobe right from this one pattern. Simplicity’s the thing—shirtmaker frocks are "the top"—and here’s a beautifully fitting model that may take many varia­ WAFERS tions. Made in a tie silk or print it milk OF MAGNESIA WAFERS Is perfect under coats now and on into summer—make It again as In the other sketch—with square neck­ PARKER’S line and loose sleeves, tn a solid HAIR BALSAM color. Then start all over and use a Removes Dandruff-Stope Hair Fallin« striped or checked silk or printed Imparts Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair lawn. The material Influences the 60c and $1.00 at Druggists. ______ HIscox Chem, Wks., Patchogue.N.Y. frock to a great extent—and this is FLORISTON SHAMPOO - Ideal for use in connection with Parker's Hair Balsam.Makes the a perfect one for developing the love­ hair soft and fluffy. 50 cents by mail or at drug- ly new fabrics. pisU. Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N. Y. Pattern 2197 Is available In sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30. 32, 34, 36, 38, WNÜ-13 24—35 40 and 42. Sizes 16 takes 3% yards 39 Inch fabric. Illustrated Step-by- step sewing Instructions Included. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for When in the Northwest this pattern. Write plainly name, address, and style number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. Address orders to the Sewing Cir­ cle Pattern Department, 243 West Seventeenth Street, New York City. MILNESIA 0"‘l HEATHMAN HOTELS v . — Iron the easy way In one-third less time with the Coleman. Iron in comfort any place. It’s entirely self-heating. No cords or wires. No weary, endless trips between a ho.-tjove and ironing board. Makes its own gas. Burns 9679 air. Lights instantly — no pre-heating. Oi»rating cost only y-if an hour. See your local dealer or write /or FREE Folder. So few of us seem to realize that cream rouge must never, never be put on a dry face. Some kind of foundation cream or liquid should always be used first, and never al­ lowed to dry completely before the cream rouge is patted on and Distinct Benefit Un the hub of Portland Oieflon* •hoppinfl and theatrical center... these two splendid hostelnes of­ fer you every comfort and luxury Because a minister takes an inter­ est in politics might Inspire a politi­ cian to take an interest in religion. No doubt it would do him good. OH NO, YOU'RE NOT! YOU'RE GOING INTO THE GUARDHOUSE. ANO YOU'LL STAY THERE TILL ITS TIME FOR YOU TO PITCH FOR US TO-MORROW ! START MOVIN , DIZZY, AN DON'T DRAG YOUR FEET HEY, DIZZY. WHERE VOU GOING WITH YOUR GLOVE AND BALL-SHOES ? INTO TOWN TO PICK UP TEN BUCKS PITCH­ ING A DOUBLE­ HEADER FOR A SEMI-PRO TEAM I JUST OROPPEO AROUND TO TELL YOU YOU'RE EVEN DIZZIER THAN I THOUGHT YOU WAS WHEN I NAMEO YOU OIZZY. TRYIN' TO PITCH THREE GAMES BUT, , SARG, .... I IN TWO PAYS ! iCOULD HAVE DONE IT- EASY. l'V£ BEEN DOING IT EVERY WEEK, ONLY I YOU OIDN’rr' KNOW IT CEE. OIZZY, PITCH- ING THREE GAMES IN TWO OAYS MUST HAVE TAKEN A LOT OUT OF YOU I NOT OUT OF OLO DIZ. CAUSE I HAO THE STRENGTH AND ENERGY BACK IT UP at extremely moderate cost BEST IN THE WEST Portlands newest and finest ho­ tels. .. .located in the hub of the shoppinfl and recreational district .. .are the unquestioned, choice of experienced travelers. HARRY E. HEATHMAN MAHAatH HELP KIDNEYS VY/HEN kidneys function badly and W you suffer beckache, diztinesi, burning, scanty or too frequent urina­ tion, getting up at night, swollen feet and ankles; feel upset and miserable ... use Doan's Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom­ mended by users the country over. Ask your neighbor! DOANS PILLS PORTLAND .OREGON ' ■ Arthritis—Sinus—Asthma Rheumatism, neuritis, swollen joints, etc., are quickly relieved at home with new sci­ entific discovery. No medicine. Free Trial. BOVA-BAY 310 Orecon Bldr. • • Portland. Ore. !... Get Valuable Prizes Free! Join Dizzy Dean Winners—carry Dizzy’s Lucky Piece! Send the top from one full size Grape-Nuts package, with your name and address, to Grape-Nuts, Battle Creek, Mich., for membership pin and copy of club manual, containing list of 37 nifty free prizes. And to have loads of mergy, start eating Grape-Nuta rifht away. It has a winning flavor all it» own—crisp, nut- ! >11 like, delicious. Economical toserve.too.for two tablespoons, with whole miik or cream, provide more varied nourishment than many a hearty meal. (Offer expires Dec. 31, 1935.) I