j SOCIETY NEWS - CLUBS - FRATERNAL LEGIONNAIRES HONOR MRS. DUNLAP To honor Mrs. Margaret Dun­ lap on her eighty-sixth birthday a group from. Vernonia post of the American Legion and the Legion auxiliary called on her Sunday evening. They presented her with flowers and a birthday cake, and brought ice cream to serve for refreshments. Those who called were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerns, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Powell, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGraw, Mrs. W. R. Ham­ mack, Mrs. E. S. Thompson, Mrs. Mary Butler, Tom Carrigan, Helen Cnandler and Mary Lee Me Graw. VIVIAN DOUGLASS AND W. C. ECKMAN MARRIED FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1935. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, PAGE FOUR The club meeting was omitted few friends in for ice cream, this week because of grand chap­ strawberries and cake. Those pre­ ter sessions in Portland. sent were Mr. and Mrs. O. D- Me Cabe, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. AMY HUGHES GETS Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Will­ SUMMER POSITION ard, pthel Spencer and Joy Will­ Amy Hughes, instructor in ard. music and English in the Ver­ Support the boys and girls nonia high school, has an inter­ esting position for the summer at band by attending the concert the Crater Lake Hotel, where i in the grade school auditorium in company with several other tonight._____________________ Adv.. young women from the Univer­ sity of Oregon she will furnish musical entertainment and pro­ grams for the pleasure of guests at the resort. Miss Hughes left Monday for Eugene where she will stay one week before con­ tinuing on to Crater Lake. the last Wednesday in this month, according to a decision made at the regular monthly meeting of the society in the Evangelical church Wednesday afternoon. The luncheon date was set ahead one week in order not to conflict with the fourth of July holiday. Plans were made for a brief reception for the new pastor and his family to take place between the Sunday school hour and church service next Sunday morn­ REBEKAHS COMPLIMENT ing. Mrs. Sidney Malmsten will be in charge. MRS. BIGELOW Mrs. A. J.* Hughes reviewed a i At a meeting of the Mountain chapter on the Filipinos in Am­ FRANCES VIKE AND Heart Rebekah social club for erica fram the mission study EVERETT LORD MARRY which Mrs. Alfred Webb was book. hostess Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. O. Vike announce II. M. Bigelow was complimented MRS. KERNS ENTERTAINS the marraige of their daughter Frances to Everett Lord of Ver­ with a shower of gifts. G. E. CLUB Plans for a bazaar next fall nonia May 8 at Everett, Wash­ were begun. Refreshments were Mrs. Harry Kerns was hostess ington. The couple spent their honey­ served. to the G. E. Club at her home Members and guests present Thursday evening, June 6. moon at the beach and arrived back in Vernonia Monday night. included1 Mrs. E. R. Treharne, Mrs. Virgil Powell held high Mrs. Frank Lines, Mrs. George score. Mrs. Jack Nance was a Baslington, Mrs. Ora Glassner. MR. AND MRS. THOMPSON Mrs. Robert Spencer, Mrs. Ed. guest of the club. Others present CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY were Mrs. W. J. Armitage, Mrs. Poetter, Mrs. Clyde McDonald, Mrs. Elody McDonald, Mrs. Geo. Lloyd Baker, Mrs. W. M. Hen­ Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson Johnson, Mrs. Grace Sunell, Mrs. derson, Mrs. W. J. Brown and celebrated their wedding anniver- Adolph Nelson, Mrs. C. C. H. E. McGraw. sary Saturday night, having a Brown. Mrs. Charles Bigelow, Mrs. H. M. Bigelow, Ethel Spen­ GIRLS PLAN TO ATTEND cer and Dorothy Webb. RAINBOW ASSEMBLY June 8, at eight o’clock. The marriage service was read by the Rev. Mr. Edgar in the presence of relatives and a few friends. Miss Zelda Hayes was the bride’s maid of honor and Carl Dobler was best man. Mr. and Mr». Eby took a wed­ ding trip to Seaside for the week endl They are making their home in the house on North st. formerly occupied by Dr. Hughes. I lee Cream Freezers 2 qt. size 95c I The marriage of Vivian L. Douglass, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. E. J. Douglass of Vernon­ ia, and Wayne C. Eckman, son of Mr. and’ Mrs. J. G. Eckman of McMinnville, was solemnized in the presence of thirty rela­ tives and friends in the study of the first Presbyterian church at Portland, Tuesday June 11, at one o’clock, the Rev Hudson Ballard, pastor, officiating. Zonweiss Douglass, sister of the bride was maid of honor, and DEBORAH CIRCLE Rainbow girls from Nehalem the groom’s nephew, Don Eckman Assembly who will attend the was best man. The bride was GIVES TEA | Grand Assembly in Tillamook lovely in a blue suit with white The silver tea given by the i June 28, 29 and 30 are Alice and accessories *and wore white gar­ Deborah circle of the E. M. S. Patricia Baker, Mary Ann Childs denias. Nadine Aldrich according to The bridal party stoodl before at the Judd Greenman home last and the fire place which was banked Friday afternoon was very suc­ designations made at a regular assembly meeting Monday night. with ferns and roses. The decor­ cessful in spite of the fact that Plans were also made for a ations were arranged by sorority threatening weather prevented carrying out the gardten party picnic early in July. The next sters of the bride. Both Mr. and Mrs. Eckman are which was planned. Tea was ser- regular meeting will be on June graduates of Linfield college. Mrs. ved in the dining room and 24. Eckman is a member of Zeta Chi fruit punch on the porch. Mrs. E. M. Bollinger was NEHALEM CLUB sorority and Mr. Eckman is affil­ awarded an orchid and white TO MEET iated with Phi Epsilon. The young couple left for San- quilt. Francisco immediately after the E. M. S. TO HOLD The Nehalem club will meet in ' < rernony on the S. S. Dorothy ; BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON the Masonic Temple next Wednes­ Alexander. They were accompan day evening June 19, at 6 o’clock ied to the dock by the entire The nnnual birthday luncheon for a pot-luck supper preceeding wedding party which gave them of the Evangelical Missionary soc­ the regular meeting of Nehalem a seranade and a jolly farewell. iété will be held on June 26 Chanter. Order of Eastern Star. They will make their home in Gonzales, California. HOFFMAN HOWE. CO. FOR BARGAINS—SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT DRY CLEANING and PRESSING WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Complete Laundry Service EXPERT WORK Vernonia Laundry and Dry Cleaners NOBES-EBY WEDDING IS SOLEMNIZED M iss Hazel Nobes of Portland and Dr. Roland D. Eby of Ver­ nonia were married at a quiet ceremony at the home of the tirjde’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. ] A. Nobes on Saturday evening. I Come in ami let us show you our new equipment. We have everything that is necessary to LODGES A. F. of L. LOGGERS Local No. 18742 meets second and fourth Thursdays in the month at Grange hall, 8 p. m Visiting members cordially invit ed to attend. Fred Lumm, president. A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication First Thursday of each called month. Special meetings on all other Thu rs- day nights. 7:30 p. m. Visitor« most cordially welcome. Glen F. Hawkins, W. M. F. D. Macpherson, See. Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu­ nication first «nd third Wed­ nesdays of each month, at Ma­ le Temple. All visiting sis­ ters and broth­ ers welcome. Mrs. Oscar George, W. M. Leona McGraw. Sec. analyze and locate your motor troubles. Vernonia Auto Co. TWO EDS New 1935 Electric Refrigerator ^«5.oo Portland-Banks Stage Line to §199.oo Leaves from Vernonia Hotel for Portland via Buxton and Banks, 8:00 a. m., daily. Sundays and Holidays, 8 a. m., and 4:45 p. m. NEW - GAS REFRIGERATORS — for unwired homes — SGI.50 Installed Leave Portland from Central Stage depot at 5:00 p. m. daily, except Sundays and Holidays. Sundays and Holidays, 10:30 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Paterson Furniture Store TELEPHONE 131 ASK FOR PORTLAND BANKS FARE: $1.30 ™EY STAGE LINE $2.10 rt ° r T EVERYTHING for the Hom«-—on Easy Terms