Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 19, 1935, Page 3, Image 3

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The nice summer weather
brings thoughts of summer vacat­
ion. The students begin to look
forward to the good times they
can have during vacation.
Students can be seen sitting at
their desks looking out over the
lawn dreaming instead of study-
Speaking of summer vacation,
the following editorial gives a
description of a perfect one.
“Summer vacation will soon be
here—like a gleaming road of
ribbon with delectable wayside
attractions. Good HI’ summer va­
cation! Then it is that the whole
family will pack up, and in brand
new hiking suits, pile off to the
mountains. Every summer they
go to the mountains, and every
fall vow they won’t go. Yet when
warm weather comes around, they
forget all about the mosquitos,
and how crowded the cabin is,
and how the -Wtove refuses to
burn, and the big rattlesnake that
crept around the cabin door. In­
stead, Pa thinks of mountain
streams and fishing, tho he per­
fectly well knows he didn’t catch
but two last summer. Ma thinks
it will be such a rest, forgetting
that electric lights, telephones,
and the grocery man are not at
her service. The eldest daughter
is at present infatuated with her
hiking togs, but in a few weeks
she’ll wish they’d voted a nice
summer resort, where one dines,
“horse-backs,” teas, tennises a bit,
and then dances all night.
But why dampen their ardor?
Ma is already packing. Her ap-
timism is pathetic. After all that
seems to be general idea of va­
cation. We think they are kid­
ding themselves but perhaps they
do enjoy it. Vacations are like
stocks, you invest a lot but the re­
turns are slight. We’ve heard
of a new invention, the
application of which gives the
skin a good coating of tan. This
saves all the trouble of going te
the beach and blistering. Some­
one, we think it was John Stevens
McGroaty, said that to truly take
a vacation you must travel, keep
traveling, and not spend your
time all at one place. Don’t you
like that? It sort of appeals to
your wanderlust. Aftel all, it de­
pends largely upon how you hand­
le it. A real vacation has to be
tended just as a flower garden
or a baby. It must have all the
finesse of a well planned military
attack. A vacation is a work of
art.” From “Manual Arts Week­
ly,” Los Angeles, Qalifornia.
According to the Oregon Daily
Emerald, Glen Heiber and Neal
Bush will take the state bar ex­
amination this spring. They are
VHS graduates and are two of
the twenty six students who will
be taking the examination.
APRIL 19. 1935
Feature Editor
, Sports Editor
.... Joke Editor
Here and There Column
Charleen George
Elmo Aldridge
Toshi Kuge ....
Elmo Smith ....
Will* Crowder
Thelma Lincoln
Lolamae Smith
Freshmen Have Meeting
June Michener
Here and There
The freshman class had a meet­ Ah me, why is humanity so low?
ing in Mr. McCrae’s room Mon­ Don’t mean humility or humid-
day, during activity period to de­ I ity either. Friday came and about
cide upon a picnic or party.
! i half
___ the
__ ______
student ____
body with it.
It was decided that they would I that’s about all too.
have a picnic rather than a party.' Was there something said about
A committee was appointed by'a semi-formal prom? Does that
the presiding president: Mildred^ mean that men should go dressed
Woods, Katherine McKensie. La (¡ng overalls and long coats and
Von George. Gene Pickens was'women
and cut
women go barelegged
Dareieggea ana
appointed to find a suitable
| half their formal dress off—Bet­
j ter not do that.
A definite date was not decided i No wonder Miss Drake is so
cranky lately,—she's an old mar­
ried woman now.
Until comparativly recent
The teachers and students of ¡times Hazel Lloyd and Doris Lin-
VHS are extending congratula­ 1 gren used to be the last ones to
tions to Mrs. K. H. Cliff, form­ I school. Now it is Bobby King and
erly Miss Thelma Drake, who was ' Sonny Schalock.
| The football gentlemen certain-
married recently.
Mrs. Cliff has been the com­ ! ly wish they were playing golf
ercial teacher in the Vernonia i instead.
Garland Monger suddenly finds
high school during the past year
and made many friends, who wish himself out of a pencil so he
puts his loving arm around one
her happiness.
of the teachers and takes his away
Seniors Decide in Skip Day I I from him.
Milton Lamping walking past
A lie SC111UX
uviu *•
senior Viaco
class held
a a«»w.ww.a.
meeting e> the school. The lucky bum. He
Wednesday, during activity p^r- must be enjoying himself,
Dizzie Dean
Dean Skuzie
Skuzie r pitching
iod to decide upon a skip day.
’ ’ __
They decided to go to Cannon
fbe rooks. The school is fig-
Beach Friday, April 26, and stay'uring on furnishing batters with
over the week end. They also dis­ shovels, step ladders and bat ex­
cussed transportation problems. tensions to get within striking
Helen Messing and Lamar Sandy distance at the bat.
Harold Purney rubbing his eyes
were appointed on a general com­
mittee to make plans for the skip and yawning. (Must of had a bad
The two “Reds” (Estey and
President Laird then appoint­
ed Charleen George, Stanley Ove- Murphy) parked in one seat and
son, and June Michener on a com­ bursting with laughter. (Some­
mittee to make plans for the thing funny happen, girls?)
class day program to be given! Mis# Hughes perched on top of
a seat to get a better view of
the last week of school.
Due to the nice weather the the surrounding territory.
Dick Lewis laughing at the
seniors decided that they would
have a weiner roast at Arcadia book he was reading,
Park that evening.
Miss Crary discussed the prob­ stars like Dizzy Dean Skuzie on
lems of the Senior play “Yellow their team they would have had
Shadow,” which is to be present­ ther senior game cinched.
ed May 3.
McCrae both pitched their best to
Mr. Mills took the physics class
to Keasey last Thursday to that
they pupils might get a chance to
see how electricity is generated.
Mr. Comstock, the manager of
the power plant took the class
through the entire plant. He also
answered all questions that the
pupils had concerning electricity.
After going through the power
house the class visited the power
Grandfather Comstock perform­
ed an interesting experiment for
the class during the visit.
Senior List
(Continued From Last Week)
Roy Barnes— “I don’t say
much, but who knows what I
Roy attended West Linn high,
during his freshman year. Ho
entered Vernonia high in his
Sophomore year and has spent
the rest of his high school at
VHS. He is majoring in English
and History.
During his sophomore and jun-
ior year Roy turned out for foot-
ball and basketball.
Roy is very quiet and seldom
voces his opinions at school.
Lorraine Lines— “Her ways
are ways of pleasantness. » 1
Lorraine graduated from the
Pleasant Hill grade school and has
attended Vernonia high all four
She is majoring in English and
foreign languages.
Loraine is quiet, but always
has a smile ready for everyone.
Violet Ennis— “From the.
crown of her head to the soul
of her feet, she is all mirth.”
Violet graduated from the Wil-
ark grade school. She attended
VHS the first half of her fresh-
Monday afternoon the students
of Vernonia high school were en­
tertained for forty-five minutes
by Mr. James Hartly, harmonica
Mr. Hartly is hired and sent
out by the Honor Harmonica Co.
He was accompanied to Vernonia
by Mr. E. H. Condit, County
school superintendant.
Hr. Hartly has played before
3,000 schools in the United States.
He is instructor of a teacher’s
harmonica band in St. Helens.
His playing was enjoyed very man year. Then she attended St.
much by the students.
Helens high during the last half
of her freshman year and the
PLAY TO BE GIVEN MAY 3 first half of her sophomore year.
Then she reentered VHS and has
The senior play, “Yellow Sha- spent the rest of her high school
dow,” is to be presented Friday days here.
evening, May 3.
She is majoring in English and
It is a mystery play and the Commercial subjects.
cast of ten characters promise an
Violet took an active part in
excellent entertainment.
the carnivals and was attendant
The characters have been work­ to the May Queen in ’34. She
ing hard and intend to present also served on several important
one of the best plays ever put committees and was class report­
on by the students of Vernonia er for the Timberline one year.
Violet is dependable and very
good natured. Her laughter can
Fred Henderson dropped out of be heard ringing through the
school Monday and started to
(Continued on Page 3)
Every Saturday Night
Excellent Music
Log Cabins For Rent.
Lunches—Cold Beverages.
Italian or Chicken dinners by Appointment
Private Parties Catered to.
Phone 886
hold the fighting rookies to a
10.-7 win for the juniors.
The sophomore team is the
only undefeated one in the league
thus far, but they still have to
face the strong senior nine.
Adams aided by excellent field­
ing pitched his sophomore boys
to a narrow 2-1 victory over the
slugging juniors this week.
The seniors held the rooks in
the cellar position by swamping
them 5-1. McEntire was in the
pitcher’s box for the winners.
In a loose game packed with
hits, errors and runs, Counts and
Touring Sedan Newest in Ford Line
Portland—Banks Stage Line
Leaves from Vernonia Hotel for Portland via
Buxton and Banks, 8:00 a. m., daily.
Sundays and Holidays, 8 a. m., and 4:45 p. m.
design adds to its graceful propor­
tions, and leaves the interior fre«
the Fordor touring sedan shown for passengers when traveling. The
above. A commodious built-in trunk Fordor tonring sedan is richly up­
which is an inherent part of the car holstered and fitted with de luxe
and most luxurious of
the Ford V-8 cars for 1935 is
Leave Portland from Central Stage depot at
5:00 p. m. daily, except Sundays and Holidays.
Sundays and Holidays, 10:30 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
FARE: $1.30 °NAEY
0 rt ° r T
appointments. The car is roomier
than any previous Ford sedan, seat­
ing six persons comfortably. The
new- touring sedans are available
in both Fordor and Tudor model*.